
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

14.2.1 Restricting operations on units

Before you can restrict operations on units from the Web GUI (Job Portal), first, you must change the following two settings in the environment settings file (ajs3web.conf) on the Web Console server:

Enable the operation restriction function

Enable the operation restriction function, which is disabled by default. If the operation restriction function is enabled on a Web Console server, the function is available on all manager hosts to which the Web Console server connects. Immediately after this function is enabled, the default setting (permit only viewing) is applied to all users.

Specify a user who can set operational restrictions

Specify a JP1 user who can change the operation restriction settings of individual JP1 users for each manager host to which a connection is to be established. This JP1 user is referred to as a user who sets permissions.

The Management menu appears at the top of the Web GUI (Job Portal) screen only if the logged-in user is a user who sets permissions. To specify the operation restriction settings for each JP1 user, from the Management menu, open the Apply Operating Permission Settings dialog box, and then apply the operating permission configuration file. Note that you must apply the operating permission configuration file to each manager host to which a connection is to be established.

Cautionary note

Immediately after you enable the operation restriction function of the Web GUI (Job Portal) on a Web Console server, all JP1 users can perform only viewing operations on all manager hosts to which the Web Console server can connect. If you enable the operation restriction function, make sure that no users use the Web GUI (Job Portal) to operate any units until you finish applying the operating permission configuration file.

For details about the environment settings file (ajs3web.conf) in Windows, see 3.4.3 Details on the settings in the environment-settings file (ajs3web.conf) in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide. For details about the environment settings file (ajs3web.conf) in Linux, see 13.3.3 Details on settings in the environment-settings file (ajs3web.conf) in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.

For details about the operating permission configuration file, see 15.4.2 Customizing the operation restriction settings for each user.

When a user whose operations are restricted logs in to the Web GUI (Job Portal), the buttons, menus, and other items that correspond to the restricted operations are disabled. When a user for which user-specific operational restrictions are not set logs in, the default settings (permit only viewing) are applied to that user.

The following table lists the operations that can be restricted by using the operating permission configuration file, and shows the GUI items corresponding to those operations.

Table 14‒1: Operations that can be restricted by using the operating permission configuration file and the GUI items corresponding to those operations


Operation that can be restricted


Corresponding GUI items

Locations of the GUI items


Register for Execution

Registers a unit for execution.

Entry button

  • List screen

  • Monthly Schedule screen


Cancel Registration

Cancels the execution registration of a unit.

Leave button

  • List screen

  • Monthly Schedule screen


Adding an execution schedule

Schedules a unit to run at a specified time.

Add button

Monthly Schedule screen


Change plan (change time)

Temporarily changes the start time of a unit that has been registered for execution.

Change Time menu displayed by clicking the Change Plan button#

  • Monthly Schedule screen

  • Monitor dialog box and Monitor screen


Change plan (execute immediately)

Temporarily changes the execution schedule of a unit that has been registered for execution so that the unit is executed immediately.

Execute Immediately menu displayed by clicking the Change Plan button#

  • Monthly Schedule screen

  • Monitor dialog box and Monitor screen


Change plan (execution prohibited)

Temporarily changes the execution schedule of a unit that has been registered for execution so that execution of the unit is canceled.

Execution Prohibited menu displayed by clicking the Change Plan button#

  • Monthly Schedule screen

  • Monitor dialog box and Monitor screen


Change plan (prohibit execution of retention generations)

You can stop execution of the execution generations that are in Wait for start cond. status.

Prohibit Execution of Retention Generations menu displayed by clicking the Change Plan button#

Execution Generation dialog box


Change plan (release change)

Restores the execution schedule of a unit whose execution schedule was temporarily changed.

Release Change menu displayed by clicking the Change Plan button#

  • Monthly Schedule screen

  • Monitor dialog box and Monitor screen


Change delay monitor

Temporarily changes the delay monitoring settings of a unit that has been registered for execution.

Change Delay Monitor button

Monthly Schedule screen



Reruns a unit that has already been run.

Rerun button

Monitor dialog box and Monitor screen



Interrupts the execution of a unit.

Interrupt button

Monitor dialog box and Monitor screen



Kills the execution of a unit.

Kill button

Monitor dialog box and Monitor screen


Change job status

Changes the job status.

Change Status button

Monitor dialog box and Monitor screen


Edit definition

Lets you edit the detailed definition of a job (PC job or Unix job only).

Edit mode button

Define Details dialog box



Sets the hold attribute of the unit.

Hold-On button

  • Dashboard screen

  • Monthly Schedule screen

  • Monitor dialog box and Monitor screen


Hold Release

Cancels the hold attribute of the unit.

Hold-Off button

  • Dashboard screen

  • Monthly Schedule screen

  • Monitor dialog box and Monitor screen


Change Exec Order Method

Temporarily changes the execution order control method for the root jobnet.

Change to Synchro button

Change to Asynchro button

Connection Information dialog box


Change Wait Status

Temporarily changes the wait status of a unit with wait conditions (whether a unit with wait conditions is still waiting for the end of the waiting-target unit).

Wait Enabled button

Wait Disabled button

Wait Conditions Statuses dialog box


The Change Plan button is disabled if all of the following operations are restricted:

  • Change plan (change time)

  • Change plan (execute immediately)

  • Change plan (execution prohibited)

  • Change plan (prohibit execution of retention generations)

  • Change plan (release change)