
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

12.13.2 Set Properties of Custom Job dialog box

The Set Properties of Custom Job dialog box defines information about a custom job to be registered.

For details about the types of custom jobs (standard custom job, custom PC job, and custom Unix job), see 3. Adding Custom Jobs in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide.

The following figure shows the Set Properties of Custom Job dialog box.

Figure 12‒231: Set Properties of Custom Job dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.


Specify a custom job name. Use a character string of up to 8 bytes. The default is a blank.

You cannot specify the following characters:

  • Single-byte space

  • " (double quotation mark)

  • *

  • /

  • : (colon)

  • <

  • >

  • ?

  • \

  • |

  • MS-DOS device names (NUL, CON, AUX, CLOCK$, COM1 to COM9, LPT1 to LPT9, PRN)

  • Character strings that begin with MS-DOS-device-name. (period).

  • Control characters such as linefeed characters and tabs

    The system will be unable to register the custom job if the name contains a control character.


Specify a comment. Use a character string of up to 40 bytes. The default is a blank. A specified comment is displayed at Unit name in the Define Details - [Custom Job] dialog box under the job name of the custom job under JP1/AJS3 - View. For this reason, do not use characters whose use is prohibited in unit names. If you specify a character string that exceeds the maximum length of the unit name (30 bytes), only the first 30 characters are displayed in Unit name in the Define Details - [Custom Job] dialog box.

Defining program

Specify the full path name of a defined program to be linked to a standard custom job. Use a character string of up to 255 bytes. The defined program must be placed on a JP1/AJS3 - View host. Alternatively, you can select a file name from the dialog box displayed when you click the ... button. You must specify this item for a standard custom job. You cannot specify linefeed characters.

For a custom PC job, specify any character string. Although the defining program specified here will not be used, you need to specify the program for compatibility with the custom job registration information for a standard custom job.

You cannot specify this item for a custom Unix job.

Executing program

Specify the full path name of a target program (.exe) to be linked to a standard custom job. Use a character string of up to 255 bytes. Specify a target program on the same host as for JP1/AJS3 - Manager or JP1/AJS3 - Agent. If the host for JP1/AJS3 - View is the same as that of JP1/AJS3 - Manager or JP1/AJS3 - Agent, you can select a file name from the dialog box displayed when you click the ... button. You must specify this item for a standard custom job. You cannot specify linefeed characters.

For a custom PC job, specify any character string. Although the executing program specified here will not be used, you need to specify the program for compatibility with the custom job registration information for a standard custom job.

You cannot specify this item for a custom Unix job.

The target program may be located on multiple JP1/AJS3 - Agent hosts, with the installation path being different. In this case, you specify $xxx$\executable-file-name, where the xxx part refers to a variable. You must register (define) variables in the JP1/AJS3 - Agent host. For details about how to register variables, see 6.2.1 Defining variables for work paths used during job execution in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide (for Windows) or 15.2.1 Defining variables for work paths used during job execution in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide (for UNIX).


Set 0600.


Specify a class name for each of the programs being linked. You can specify the following items.

  • For the standard custom jobs


    JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications: JP1AMR3

    JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications: JP1AMR3BW

    JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications: JP1AMR3CP

    JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications: JP1AMR3UX

    JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications: JP1AMR3BWUX

    JP1/AJS3 for Enterprise Applications: JP1AMR3CPUX

    JP1/Advanced Shell: ADSHPC

    JP1/Advanced Shell: ADSHUX

    JP1/Advanced Shell: ADSHAPPEXEC



  • For the custom PC jobs and custom Unix jobs

    Specify a character string consisting of up to 16 bytes in the USER_arbitrary-name format, where the USER_ part is required.

    If you want to use a double quotation mark (") or a hash mark (#) as a character, prefix the character by #. That is, use #" instead of " and use ## instead of #.

    If you specify any of the following, the icon for the custom job does not appear in the icon list of the Jobnet Editor window:

    - " (double quotation mark)

    - *

    - /

    - : (Colon)

    - <

    - >

    - ?

    - \

    - |

    - MS-DOS device names (NUL, CON, AUX, CLOCK$, COM1 to COM9, LPT1 to LPT9, PRN)

    - Character strings that begin with MS-DOS-device-name. (period).

    You cannot specify the following characters:

    - Single-byte space

    - Control characters such as linefeed characters and tabs

For the class name, do not specify a name that is already being used by a registered custom job. In addition, do not enter line breaks by using a paste operation. If line breaks are included, no custom job icons are displayed in the icon list in the Jobnet Editor window.

If no custom job icons are displayed, use the following procedure:

1. Delete all the files and folders in the custom job registration information folder except the following folders and files:

Do not delete:

  • ja folder

  • en folder

  • Cjobregm.exe

  • CJNAME.cjx.model

  • *.cjx

  • CJX.xsd

  • *.dll

  • *.olb

  • *.tlb

The custom job registration information folder is as follows:


The default value for %ALLUSERSPROFILE% is system-drive\ProgramData.

2. Re-register all custom jobs.

Job Type

For a standard custom job, select PC as the type of a job being executed. To execute a custom PC job, select PC. To execute a custom Unix job, select UNIX.

The default is PC.

The item displayed in the Definition page in the Define Details - [Custom Job] dialog box depends on the selected job type. For the displayed items, see 12.4.39 Define Details - [Custom Job] dialog box.

Cautionary note

You can only register one set of custom job information for each linked program. Make sure that the custom job information is consistent across the system for each linked program.