
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

12.10.5 Search Location dialog box

The Search Location dialog box allows you to specify a search target unit. The following figure shows the Search Location dialog box.

Figure 12‒225: Search Location dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Tree area

Displays a scheduler service and its subordinate units in a hierarchical format. Select a search target unit from the displayed units.

The following lists the types of units that are displayed and those that are not displayed:

Units that are displayed
  • Job group

  • Root jobnet

  • Nested jobnet

  • Remote jobnet

  • Planning group

  • .CONDITION (start condition)

Units that are not displayed
  • Units under a release target jobnet

  • Manager job group

  • Manager jobnet

  • Jobnet connector

  • Job