
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

12.10.1 Configuration of the window

The items to be displayed in the Search window differ depending on whether the connection target is JP1/AJS3 - Manager 09-00 or later, or JP1/AJS2 - Manager 08-50 or earlier. The following describes the configuration of the window for each case.

Organization of this subsection

(1) When the connection target is JP1/AJS3 - Manager 09-00 or later

The following figure shows the Search window.

Figure 12‒218: Search window


The following explains the displayed items.

(a) Search condition setting area

In this area, you specify a search condition. If you specify multiple conditions, they are used as AND conditions. You can save the search conditions you have specified. A maximum of 32 search conditions can be saved.

Search location and Search object are mandatory. You can specify any of the listed types of conditions. To specify a search condition, select the applicable check box, and select or enter a value. The check boxes are not selected by default.

Save button

Displays the Save Search Condition dialog box to allow you to save search conditions. For details about the Save Search Condition dialog box, see 12.10.4 Save Search Condition dialog box.

Delete button

Deletes a search condition saved with the name shown in the Search Condition drop-down list.

Search Condition drop-down list

When search conditions are saved, you can select a desired search condition from this list. The drop-down list displays (Default) and the names of saved search conditions in the sequence they were recently used. If no search condition is saved, the list displays only (Default).

When you select (Default), the content of the search condition setting area returns to the default status.

When you select the name of a saved search condition, the selected search condition appears in the search condition setting area.

Note that Search location displays the same value and its status remains the same regardless of what is selected from the drop-down list.

Cautionary note

If you select another search condition or (Default) from the Search Condition drop-down list while you are editing a search condition, the settings of the search condition being edited are discarded. If you do not want to discard the settings of the currently edited search condition, click the Save button to save the search condition.

Search location

Specify the full name of the upper-level unit of the search target. Use a character string of up to 961 bytes. By default, this text box displays the full name of the unit selected in the tree area in the window from which the Search window was started. You can also click the ... button to display the Search Location dialog box, and specify the upper-level unit of the search target.

Note that you cannot specify the following characters:

  • ; (semicolon)

  • =

  • (

  • )

  • Single-byte space

  • Tab character

  • Linefeed character

If you want to find all the units under the unit displayed in Search location, select the Search lower units check box. The check box is not selected by default. If you perform the search without selecting the Search lower units check box, the system finds only the units directly under the search target unit.

Cautionary notes
  • When you select the Search lower units check box, if you do not specify a unit name in Unit name and perform the search, search processing might take some time.

  • When you display the Search window from the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Summary Monitor window), make sure that you select one unit in the summary list. If you do not select any unit in the summary list, an error occurs. When you display the Search window from the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window), Jobnet Editor window, or Jobnet Monitor window, something is always selected in the tree area and this error will not occur.

Search object

Specify the range of search targets. You can select either of the following:

  • Definition

    The system searches for only the definitions of units. The system does not search for the execution status or generation numbers of units.

  • Definition & Status

    The system searches for the definitions and status of units, taking the execution status and generation numbers of units into account.

The default setting differs depending on the window from which the Search window starts. When you start the Search window from the Jobnet Editor window, the default setting is Definition. When you start the Search window from the JP1/AJS3 - View window or Jobnet Monitor window, the default setting is Definition & Status.

Unit name

Use a character string of a maximum of 30 bytes to specify a unit name. This text box is blank by default. When you select this check box, if you leave the text box blank and perform the search, an error occurs.

You cannot specify the following characters:

  • , (comma)

  • : (colon)

  • ; (semicolon)

  • / (forward slash)

  • =

  • (

  • )

  • Single-byte space

  • Tab character

  • Linefeed character

You can select a match method from the drop-down list. The following table lists the available match methods and details about each method. The default method is Equals.

Table 12‒57: Match methods (for character strings)


Match method




The target name must completely match the search condition.


Begins with

The target name must begin with the search condition.


Ends with

The target name must end with the search condition.


Does not equal

The target name must not match the search condition.



The target name must contain the search condition.


Does not contain

The target name must not contain the search condition.


Regular expression

The search condition is treated as a regular expression.

When the match method is Regular expression, you can use a character string of a maximum of 64 bytes to specify the name of the unit to be found. The following table lists the symbols and examples you can specify as a search condition when the match method is Regular expression.

Table 12‒58: Symbols and examples you can specify as a search condition when the match method is regular expression



Specification example

Search example


Any one character


AB, A1, A?, A*, A\


DE, 1E, ?E, *E, \E


Any character string


B, BC, B12, B?*\


A symbol immediately after this is treated as a character.#


Only C?


An error occurs if you specify \ at the end of a character string.


Use a character string of a maximum of 80 bytes to specify the comment defined for a unit. This text box is blank by default. When you select this check box, if you select Equals from the drop-down list as the match method, leave the text box blank and perform the search, the system finds units for which no comment is defined.

You cannot specify the following characters:

  • Tab character

  • Linefeed character

You can select a match method from the drop-down list. For details about available options, see Table 12-57. The default setting is Equals. When the match method is Regular expression, you can specify a character string of a maximum of 164 bytes. For details about the symbols you can specify when the match method is Regular expression, see Table 12-58.

Unit type

Select the unit type of the search target from the left drop-down list.

You can select a category of unit types from the left drop-down list by default. If you want to select a specific unit type from the drop-down list, select the Details check box. The Details check box is not selected by default.

The following table lists available unit type categories and individual unit types you can search for with each category. The default setting is Job Group etc..

Table 12‒59: Available unit type categories and unit types you can search for


Available unit type category

Unit type you can search for


Job Group etc.

  • Job Group

  • Planning Group

  • Manager Job Group


Root Jobnet etc.

  • Root Jobnet

  • Root Remote Jobnet

  • Manager Jobnet


Jobnet etc.

  • Root Jobnet

  • Root Remote Jobnet

  • Manager Jobnet

  • Nest Jobnet

  • Nest Remote Jobnet


Standard Job

  • Unix Job

  • PC Job

  • Queue Job

  • OR Job

  • Judgment Job

  • Flexible Job#3

  • HTTP Connection Job#3


Event Job#1

  • Receive JP1 Event Job

  • Monitoring Files Job

  • Receive Mail Job

  • Receive MQ Message Job

  • Receive MSMQ Message Job

  • Monitoring Log Files Job

  • Monitoring Event Log Job

  • Interval Control Job


Action Job

  • Send JP1 Event Job

  • Send Mail Job

  • Send MQ Message Job

  • Send MSMQ Message Job

  • OpenView Status Report Job

  • Local Power Control Job

  • Remote Power Control Job


Custom Job#2

  • Custom Job

  • Passing information setting job


Custom Event Job#1, #2, #4

Custom Event Job


Job etc.

All jobs that fall under No. 4 to 8


You can specify a jobnet connector only when you select the Details check box.


When you have selected Event Job or Custom Event Job from the left drop-down list, or you have selected the Details check box and specified a job in the event job category, you can select a range of event jobs or custom event jobs you can search from the right drop-down list.

The available options are as follows. The default setting is All.

  • All

    Searches all event jobs or custom event jobs.

  • Start Condition

    Searches only the event jobs or the custom event jobs under the start condition directory (.CONDITION).


You can specify a custom job and a custom event job only when the Details check box is not selected.


Flexible Job and HTTP Connection Job appear when the version of JP1/AJS3 - View and the connection-target JP1/AJS3 - Manager is 11-00 or later.


Custom Event Job appears when the version of JP1/AJS3 - View and the connection-target JP1/AJS3 - Manager is 13-10 or later.

Definition page

Specify the search conditions regarding the definitions of units.

The following figure shows the Definition page:

Figure 12‒219: Definition page in the Search window


The following explains the search conditions on the Definition page.


Use a character string of a maximum of 31 bytes to specify the owner of units. This text box is blank by default. When you select this check box, if you select Equals as the match method from the drop-down list, leave the text box blank and perform the search, the system finds units that are not associated with owners.

You cannot specify the following characters:

  • , (comma)

  • : (colon)

  • ; (semicolon)

  • / (forward slash)

  • =

  • (

  • )

  • Single-byte space

  • Tab character

  • Linefeed character

You can select a match method from the drop-down list. For details about available match methods, see Table 12-57. The default setting is Equals. When the match method is Regular expression, you can specify a character string of a maximum of 66 bytes. For details about the symbols you can specify when the match method is Regular expression, see Table 12-58.

JP1 resource group

Use a character string of a maximum of 63 bytes to specify the JP1 resource group for the units. This text box is blank by default. When you select this check box, if you select Equals as the match method from the drop-down list, leave the text box blank and perform the search, the system finds units that are not defined with JP1 resource groups.

You cannot specify the following characters:

  • , (comma)

  • : (colon)

  • ; (semicolon)

  • / (forward slash)

  • =

  • (

  • )

  • Single-byte space

  • Tab character

  • Linefeed character

  • . (period)

  • ' (single quotation mark)

  • " (double quotation mark)

  • #

  • $

  • %

  • &

  • ~

  • |

  • [

  • ]

  • @

  • <

  • >

  • {

  • }

  • +

  • !

You can select a match method from the drop-down list. For details about available match methods, see Table 12-57. The default setting is Equals. When the match method is Regular expression, you can specify a character string of a maximum of 130 bytes. For details about the symbols you can specify when the match method is Regular expression, see Table 12-58.

Last updated

Specify the year, month, day, hour, and minute when units were updated last. This section is blank by default.

The following table lists the values you can specify.

Table 12‒60: Values you can specify as the time of last update



Specifiable value



1994 to four-digit year set for the SCHEDULELIMIT environment setting parameter#



1 to 12



1 to the last day of the selected month



0 to 23



0 to 59


For details about the SCHEDULELIMIT environment setting parameter, see 20.4.2(123) SCHEDULELIMIT in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide. If the version of the connection-destination JP1/AJS3 - Manager is 12-60 or earlier, the range of specifiable values is from 1994 to 2036.

The following table lists the operations to be performed when you select this check box and leave some or all of the boxes of time specification blank.

Table 12‒61: Operations to be performed when part or all of time specification is blank


Type of time specification

Operation to be performed during search


All boxes of the year, month, day, hour, and minutes are blank.

An error occurs.


The year, month, and day are specified but the hour and minute are blank.

The system finds units from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 on the specified year, month, and day.


The hour and minutes are specified but the year, month, and day are blank.

The system finds units from 00 seconds to 59 seconds at the specified time on the day when Search button is clicked.


One or multiple boxes of the year, month and day combination, and one or both boxes of the hour and minute combination are blank.

An error occurs.

You can select a match method from the drop-down list. The following table lists available match methods and their descriptions. The default setting is Equals.

Table 12‒62: Match methods (for dates)


Match method




The system finds units that match the specified date and time.



The system finds units before the specified date and time.



The system finds units after the specified date and time.

The following table describes the possible search time range for each combination of the year-month-day group or hour-minute group and a match method.

Table 12‒63: Search time range for different combinations of time specification and match methods


Year, month, day

Hour, minute

Match method

Possible search time range





The system finds units from 00 seconds to 59 seconds at the specified time on the specified date.





The system finds units before 59 seconds at the specified time on the specified date.





The system finds units after 00 seconds at the specified time on the specified date.





The system finds units from 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 on the specified date.





The system finds units before 23:59:59 on the specified date.





The system finds units after 00:00:00 on the specified date.





The system finds units from 00 seconds to 59 seconds at the specified time on the day when the Search window is displayed.





The system finds units before 59 seconds at the specified time on the day when the Search window is displayed.





The system finds units after 00 seconds at the specified time on the day when the Search window is displayed.


Y: Specified.

N: Not specified.


Use a character string of a maximum of 255 bytes to specify the execution agent name or execution agent group name defined for units. This text box is blank by default. When you select this check box, if you select Equals from the drop-down list as the match method, leave the text box blank and perform the search, the system finds units with detailed definitions containing no execution agent names.

You cannot specify tab characters.

You can also use this search condition to match the execution host of a queueless job.

When one of the following is selected in Unit type, Exec-agent is disabled and not treated as a search condition.

If the Details check box is not selected:

- Job Group etc.

If the Details check box is selected:

- Job Group

- Planning Group

- Manager Job Group

- Manager Jobnet

- Jobnet Connector

- OR Job

- Judgment Job

You can select a match method from the drop-down list. For details about available match methods, see Table 12-57. The default setting is Equals. When the match method is Regular expression, you can specify a character string of a maximum of 514 bytes. For details about the symbols you can specify when the match method is Regular expression, see Table 12-58.

If no execution agent is defined for a unit, the system assumes the execution agent of the upper-level unit. If you want to search for the definitions or status of units taking the execution agents of upper-level units into account, select the Search for exec-agent in upper jobnet check box. The check box is not selected by default.

File name

Use a character string of a maximum of 511 bytes to specify the execution file name defined in a PC job, Queue job, or flexible job, or the script file name defined in a Unix job.

When you specify this condition, the search will target PC jobs, Queue jobs, Unix jobs, and flexible jobs. This text box is available when you have selected one of the following items in Unit type:

If the Details check box is not selected:

- Standard Job

- Job etc.

If the Details check box is selected:

- Unix Job

- PC Job

- Queue Job

- Flexible Job

This text box is blank by default. When you select this check box, if you leave the text box blank and choose Equals as the match method, the search will target PC jobs, Queue jobs, and Unix jobs for which no execution file name is defined.

You cannot specify tab characters.

You can select a match method from the drop-down list. For details about available match methods, see Table 12-57. The default setting is Equals. When the match method is Regular expression, you can specify a character string of a maximum of 1,026 bytes. For details about the symbols you can specify when the match method is Regular expression, see Table 12-58.

Cautionary note

Specifying this condition excludes custom PC jobs and custom Unix jobs as search targets.


Specify the parameters defined in a PC job, Queue job, Unix job, or flexible job, as a character string of no more than 1,023 bytes. When you specify this condition, the search will target PC jobs, Queue jobs, Unix jobs and flexible jobs. This text box is available when you have selected one of the following in Unit type.

If the Details check box is not selected:

- Standard Job

- Job etc.

If the Details check box is selected:

- Unix Job

- PC job

- Queue Job

- Flexible Job

This text box is blank by default. When you select this check box, if you leave the text box blank and choose Equals as the match method, the search will target PC jobs, Queue jobs, Unix jobs, and flexible jobs for which no execution file name is defined.

You cannot specify tab characters.

You can select a match method from the drop-down list. For details about available match methods, see Table 12-57. The default setting is Equals. When the match method is Regular expression, you can specify a character string of a maximum of 2,050 bytes. For details about the symbols you can specify when the match method is Regular expression, see Table 12-58.

Cautionary note

Specifying this condition excludes custom PC jobs and custom Unix jobs as search targets.


Specify release information about units. Select the type of release information you want to use for your search from the drop-down list.

When one of the following is selected in Unit type, the drop-down list is disabled and not treated as a search condition.

If the Details check box is not selected:

- Job Group etc.

If the Details check box is selected:

- Job Group

- Planning Group

- Manager Job Group

- Root remote Jobnet

- Manager Jobnet

- Nest Remote Jobnet

You can select either of the following from the drop-down list as the desired type of release information. The default setting is Date.

  • Date

    Allows you to specify the year, month, day, hour, and minutes of release. All the boxes are blank by default. For details about the values you can specify, see Table 12-60.

    For details about the operations to be performed when you select this check box and leave part or all of the boxes of time specification blank, see Table 12-61.

    You can select a match method from the lower drop-down list. For details about available match methods, see Table 12-62 and Table 12-63. The default setting is Equals.

  • ID

    Allows you to specify a release ID in 30 or fewer bytes. The text box is blank by default. However, when you start the Search window while displaying a release target jobnet in the Jobnet Editor window, this text box displays the release ID of the release target jobnet displayed in the Jobnet Editor window.

    When you select this check box, if you leave the text box blank and perform the search, an error occurs.

    You cannot specify the following characters:

    - Single-byte space

    - (

    - )

    - , (comma)

    - : (colon)

    - ; (semicolon)

    - =

    - / (forward slash)

    - Tab character

    - Linefeed character

    - ' (single quotation mark)

    - " (double quotation mark)

    - &

    - *

    - <

    - >

    - ?

    - [

    - \

    - ]

    - ^

    - {

    - |

    - }

    - ~

Reference calendar

If the unit references the calendar of another job group, specify the job group name (as specified in Job group name in the Schedule Settings dialog box) as a character string of no more than 930 bytes.

You can specify this item when one of the following is selected in Unit type:

If the Details check box is not selected:

- Root Jobnet etc.

- Jobnet etc.

If the Details check box is selected:

- Root Jobnet

- Root Remote Jobnet

- Nest Jobnet

- Nest Remote Jobnet

The default is blank. When you select this check box, if you leave the text box blank and choose Equals as the match method, the search will target units that do not reference a calendar of another job group.

You cannot specify the following characters:

  • (

  • )

  • , (comma)

  • : (colon)

  • ; (semicolon)

  • =

  • Single-byte space

  • Tab character

  • Linefeed character

You can select a match method from the drop-down list. For details about available match methods, see Table 12-57. The default setting is Equals. When the match method is Regular expression, you can specify a character string of a maximum of 1,864 bytes. For details about the symbols you can specify when the match method is Regular expression, see Table 12-58.


Specify the name of the unit whose end is to be waited for, as defined in the wait conditions for the unit. Use a character string no longer than 930 bytes. The default is blank. When you select this check box, if you leave the text box blank and choose Equals as the match method, the search will target units without wait conditions assigned.

You cannot specify the following characters:

  • (

  • )

  • ; (semicolon)

  • =

  • Single-byte space

  • Tab character

  • Linefeed character

When one of the following is selected in Unit type, this item is disabled and not treated as a search condition.

If the Details check box is not selected:

- Job Group etc.

If the Details check box is selected:

- Job Group

- Planning Group

- Manager Job Group

- Manager Jobnet

- Nest Remote Jobnet

- OR Job

- Judgment Job

You can select a match method from the drop-down list. For details about available match methods, see Table 12-57. The default setting is Equals. When the match method is Regular expression, you can specify a character string of a maximum of 1,864 bytes. For details about the symbols you can specify when the match method is Regular expression, see Table 12-58.

Retry Settings

From the drop-down list, select whether to use retry settings as a search condition.

This item appears in JP1/AJS3 - View version 10-00 or later. You cannot use retry settings as a search condition if the version of the connection-target JP1/AJS3 - Manager is earlier than 10-00, or the database is a compatible ISAM configuration.

You can specify this item when one of the following is selected in Unit type:

If the Details check box is not selected:

- Standard Job

- Custom Job

- Job etc.

If the Details check box is selected:

- Unix Job

- PC Job

- Queue Job

- Flexible Job

- HTTP Connection Job

You can select one of the following from the drop-down list. The default is Yes.

  • Yes

    The system finds units configured to retry automatically.

  • None

    The system finds units that are not configured to retry automatically.

Status page

Specify the search conditions for the execution status of units.

All the search conditions displayed on this page are disabled when Definition is selected in Search object.

The following figure shows the Status page:

Figure 12‒220: Status page in the Search window


The following explains the search conditions on the Status page.


Select the desired type or ID of the target generation from the drop-down list. Note that the system does not search dummy schedules and schedules that are suppressed from execution. If you do not select a check box, the system searches all execution generations.

When one of the following is selected in Unit type, Generation is disabled and not treated as a search condition.

If the Details check box is not selected:

- Job Group etc.

If the Details check box is selected:

- Job Group

- Planning Group

- Manager Job Group

- Manager Jobnet

You can select one of the following from the drop-down list as the desired type or ID of the target generation:

  • Latest status

    The system finds the generations of the latest status.

    The system determines such generations based on the value set for the VIEWSTATUSRANGE environment setting parameter of the JP1/AJS3 - Manager to which you are currently logged in. The following describes the relationship between a value set for the environment setting parameter and the precedence of generations.

    For VIEWSTATUSRANGE=all (default)

    1. Execution generation whose start date and time or re-execution start date and time are closest to the current time

    2. Scheduled generation that was re-executed and is waiting

    3. Scheduled generation that will be executed next time or a generation in the Shutdown status


    1. Execution generation whose start date and time or re-execution start date and time are closest to the current time

    2. Scheduled generation that was re-executed and is waiting

    3. Generation to be executed next time among the scheduled generations of today or a generation in the Shutdown state

    4. Generation whose end date and time are closest to the current time among the result generations that have finished execution today

    #: For VIEWSTATUSRANGE=today, the system will not search the root jobnets in the Not sched. to exe. status.

  • Latest result

    The system finds the generations whose end date and time are closest to the current time.

  • Specify period

    The system finds the generations associated with the specified period.

    This item appears when the version of JP1/AJS3 - View and the connection-target JP1/AJS3 - Manager is 09-10 or later.

    After you select this check box, you can specify when the period you want to search begins and ends.

    The following table lists the values you can specify. By default, the start time is 00:00 and the end time is 23:59.

    Table 12‒64: Values specifiable in dates and times



    Specifiable values



    1994 to four-digit year set for the SCHEDULELIMIT environment setting parameter#



    1 to 12



    1 to last day of selected month



    0 to 23



    0 to 59


    For details about the SCHEDULELIMIT environment setting parameter, see 20.4.2(123) SCHEDULELIMIT in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide. If the version of the connection-destination JP1/AJS3 - Manager is 12-60 or earlier, the range of specifiable values is from 1994 to 2036.

    An error occurs if:

    - You omit the year, month, day, hour, and minute fields.

    - You omit any one or two of the year, month, and day fields (you can omit all three).

    - You omit either of the hour and minute fields.

    - The start date of the period is later than the end date.

    - You specify a value outside the specifiable range.

    If you leave the year, month, and day fields empty, the system uses the date on which the search is conducted.

    The search finds generations whose root jobnet overlaps with the specified period, even in part. If the root jobnet has no start or end time, the system assumes the values listed in the following table according to the root jobnet status.

    Table 12‒65: Assumed values for start and end times by root jobnet status



    Root jobnet status

    Value assumed for start and end times


    Scheduled generation

    • Wait for start time

    • Being held

    Because the generation has not yet started executing, the system uses the scheduled start date and time as the start and end dates.

    If the scheduled start date and time has already passed, the system assumes the current date and time.#


    Executing generation

    • Now running

    • Now monitoring

    • Running + Warning

    • Running + Abend

    • Wait for start cond.

    Because the generation has not yet finished executing, the system uses the current date and time as the end date. However, if the root jobnet is in Wait for start cond. status, the system uses the current date and time as the start and end dates.#


    Result generation

    • Ended normally

    • Ended with warning

    • Ended abnormally

    • Interrupted

    • Killed

    • Invalid exe. seq.

    • Skipped so not exe.

    • Monitor-end normal

    • Unmonitored + Ended

    • Monitor terminated

    • Interrupted monitoring


    The search is conducted using the actual start and end dates and times#.


    If the root jobnet was rerun, the system uses the start date of the first run. This applies regardless of how many times the root jobnet is rerun.

    Searches made with information in the Specify period fields obey the time zone in effect when the connection-target JP1/AJS3 - Manager started. For this reason, we recommend that you use the same time zone as JP1/AJS3 - Manager for JP1/AJS3 - View. For details about how to match time zones between hosts, see 2.4.1 Time zones in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Configuration) Guide.

    When specifying a search period, exercise caution if JP1/AJS3 - Manager operates in a time zone affected by daylight saving time.

    The following figure shows an example of North American Eastern Time (TZ=EST5EDT) in 2010.

    Figure 12‒221: Example of switching from standard to daylight saving time


    If JP1/AJS3 - Manager is subject to North American Eastern Time, when the time reaches 2:00 on 2010/3/14, it jumps to 3:00 on 3/14 (daylight saving time). This eliminates the time period from 2:00 to 2:59:59 on 2010/3/14 (standard time) (see (1) in Figure 12-221). If you specify a time from 2:00 to 2:59:59 on 2010/3/14 in Specify period, the search is conducted as if 3/14 3:00 daylight saving time were specified.

    On the other hand, upon reaching 2:00 on 2010/11/7, the time jumps to 1:00 on 2010/11/7 in standard time. In this scenario, the time period from 1:00 to 1:59:59 on 2010/11/7 occurs in both standard and daylight saving time (see (2) in Figure 12-221). If you specify a time from 1:00 to 1:59:59 on 2010/11/7 in Specify period, the system assumes 1:00 to 1:59:59 on 2010/11/7 in daylight saving time. However, if you specify 1:59:59 on 2010/11/7 as the end time in Specify period, the period until 1:59:59 on 2010/11/7 in standard time is searched. To search for generations associated with the time period from 1:00 to 1:59:59 on 2010/11/7 in standard time, specify 1:59:59 on 2010/11/7 as the end time in Specify period.

  • Specify generation (execution-ID)

    The system finds the generation with a specific execution ID. You can select this option when you display the Search window from the Jobnet Monitor window. execution-ID is replaced by the execution ID of the generation displayed in the Jobnet Monitor window.

The default selection differs depending on the window from which the Search window starts. The following describes the default selection for each window.

  • When the Search window starts from the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window):

    Latest status appears.

  • When the Search window starts from the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Summary Monitor window):

    Latest status appears.

  • When the Search window starts from the Jobnet Editor window:

    The drop-down list is disabled because Definition is automatically selected in Search object.

  • When the Search window starts from the Jobnet Monitor window:

    Specify generation (execution-ID) appears. execution-ID is replaced by the execution ID of the generation displayed in the Jobnet Monitor window.


Select the desired execution status of units from the drop-down list.

When one of the following is selected in Unit type, Status is disabled and not treated as a search condition.

If the Details check box is not selected:

- Job Group etc.

If the Details check box is selected:

- Job Group

- Planning Group

- Manager Job Group

- Manager Jobnet

You can select a category for execution status by default. If you want to select a specific execution status, select the Details check box. The Details check box is not selected by default.

The following table lists available execution status categories and individual execution statuses you can search for with each category. The default selection is Waiting to start when the Details check box is not selected and Not registered when the Details check box is selected.

Table 12‒66: Available execution status categories and execution statuses you can search for


Available execution status category

Execution status you can search for


Waiting to start

  • Wait for start time

  • Wait for prev. to end

  • Waiting to execute

  • Now queuing

  • Wait for start cond.


Being held

Being held


Now running

  • Now running

  • Running + Warning

  • Running + Abend

  • Now monitoring


Ended abnormally

  • Ended abnormally

  • Invalid exe. seq.

  • Interrupted

  • Killed

  • Failed to start

  • Unknown end status

  • Monitor terminated


Ended with warning

Ended with warning


Successfully ended

  • Ended normally

  • Normal end + False

  • Unmonitored + Ended

  • Interrupted monitoring

  • Monitor-end normal


If you want to find the units in one of the following states, select the Details check box and select the desired status from the drop-down list.

  • Not registered

  • Not sched. to exe.

  • Not executed + Ended

  • Bypassed

  • Skipped so not exe.

  • Shutdown


Select the desired delay status from the drop-down list.

When one of the following is selected in Unit type, Delay is disabled and not treated as a search condition.

If the Details check box is not selected:

- Job Group etc.

If the Details check box is selected:

- Job Group

- Planning Group

- Manager Job Group

- Manager Jobnet

- Jobnet Connector

- OR Job

- Judgment Job

The following table lists available options in Delay and individual delay states you can search for with each option. The default selection is Start delayed or end delayed.

Table 12‒67: Available options and delay status you can search for


Available option

Delay status you can search for


Start delayed or end delayed

  • Start delay

  • Nest start delay

  • End delay

  • Nest end delay


Start delayed

  • Start delay

  • Nest start delay


End delayed

  • End delay

  • Nest end delay

Hold plan

Select an option from the drop-down list to specify whether to find units that are scheduled to be held.

When one of the following is selected in Unit type, Hold plan is disabled and not treated as a search condition.

If the Details check box is not selected:

- Job Group etc.

If the Details check box is selected:

- Job Group

- Planning Group

- Manager Job Group

- Manager Jobnet

- Jobnet Connector

You can select either of the following from the drop-down list. The default selection is Yes.

  • Yes

    The system finds the units for which Yes is chosen in Hold on the Attributes page in the Define Details dialog box and the units that are specified for holding when the schedule was temporarily changed.

  • None

    The system finds units that are not found when Yes is selected.

Supplementary note

If you select this check box, the search finds not just waiting generations, but also generations that are being held and have finished executing. Because the scope of the search includes finished generations, you can search for held generations of a jobnet that has been rerun.

You can limit the scope of the search to waiting generations, generations that have finished executing, or specific generations by filling in the Generation and Status fields.

Start time

Specify the year, month, day, hour, and minute of unit startup. By default, all the boxes are blank. For details about specifiable values, see Table 12-60.

When one of the following is selected in Unit type, Start time is disabled and not treated as a search condition.

If the Details check box is not selected:

- Job Group etc.

If the Details check box is selected:

- Job Group

- Planning Group

- Manager Job Group

- Manager Jobnet

For details about the operations to be performed when you select this check box and leave part or all of the boxes of time specification blank, see Table 12-61.

You can select a match method from the drop-down list. For details about available match methods, see Table 12-62 and Table 12-63. The default setting is Equals.

Note that when you specify this condition, the system finds only generations that are being executed or are already executed.

End time

Specify the year, month, day, hour, and minute of unit end. By default, all the time specification boxes are blank. For details about specifiable values, see Table 12-60.

When one of the following is selected in Unit type, End time is disabled and not treated as a search condition.

If the Details check box is not selected:

- Job Group etc.

If the Details check box is selected:

- Job Group

- Planning Group

- Manager Job Group

- Manager Jobnet

For details about the operations to be performed when you select this check box and leave part or all of the boxes of time specification blank, see Table 12-61.

You can select a match method from the drop-down list. For details about available match methods, see Table 12-62 and Table 12-63. The default setting is Equals.

Note that when you specify this condition, the system finds only the generations that are already executed.

Target host

Use a character string of a maximum of 255 bytes to specify the host name of the JP1/AJS3 - Manager or JP1/AJS3 - Agent on which units were actually executed.

When one of the following is selected in Unit type, Target host is disabled and not treated as a search condition.

If the Details check box is not selected:

- Job Group etc.

- Root Jobnet etc.

- Jobnet etc.

If the Details check box is selected:

- Job Group

- Planning Group

- Manager Job Group

- Root Jobnet

- Root remote Jobnet

- Manager Jobnet

- Nest Jobnet

- Nest Remote Jobnet

- Jobnet Connector

- OR Job

- Judgment Job

This text box is blank by default. When you select this check box, if you select Equals from the drop-down list as the match method, leave the text box blank and perform the search, the system finds waiting jobs without a fixed execution host, or job groups and jobnets that are not executed on JP1/AJS3 - Agent.

You cannot specify tab characters.

You can select a match method from the drop-down list. For details about available match methods, see Table 12-57. The default setting is Equals. When the match method is Regular expression, you can specify a character string of a maximum of 514 bytes. For details about the symbols you can specify when the match method is Regular expression, see Table 12-58.


To exclude units that do not have an execution schedule, select the Exclude unscheduled units check box.

When you select this check box, the system finds only units that are scheduled for execution.

Units with the following statuses lack an execution schedule:

  • Not registered

  • Not sched. to exe.

  • Bypassed

  • Not executed + Ended

    A unit that has no execution schedule because its execution was prohibited or it is a nested jobnet whose schedule does not match that of the upper-level jobnet enters Not sched. to exe. status. An abnormal end of the preceding job or similar event causes a unit in Not sched. to exe. status to transition to Not executed + Ended status. In this scenario, the unit in Not executed + Ended status is considered to have no execution schedule.

  • Skipped so not exe.

    A unit that has no execution schedule because its execution was prohibited or it is a nested jobnet whose schedule does not match that of the upper-level jobnet enters Not sched. to exe. status. When the root jobnet is skipped, the unit in Not sched. to exe. status transitions to Skipped so not exe. status. In this scenario, the unit in Skipped so not exe. status is considered to have no execution schedule.

Execution type

Select an execution registration method from the drop-down list.

When one of the following is selected in Unit type, Execution type is disabled and not treated as a search condition.

If the Details check box is not selected:

- Job Group etc.

If the Details check box is selected:

- Job Group

- Planning Group

- Manager Job Group

- Manager Jobnet

You can select the following options from the drop-down list. The default selection is Planned execution.

  • Planned execution

    The system finds units registered for planned execution.

  • Fixed execution

    The system finds units registered for fixed execution.

  • Immediate execution

    The system finds units registered for immediate execution.

Retry execution

From the drop-down list, specify whether to find only units whose execution has been retried.

This item appears in JP1/AJS3 - View version 10-00 or later. You cannot use this search condition if the version of the connection-target JP1/AJS3 - Manager is earlier than 10-00, or the database is a compatible ISAM configuration.

You can specify retry settings when one of the following is selected in Unit Type.

If the Details check box is not selected:

- Standard Job

- Custom Job

- Job etc.

If the Details check box is selected:

- Unix Job

- PC Job

- Queue Job

- Flexible Job

- HTTP Connection Job

You can select one of the following from the drop-down list. The default is Yes.

  • Yes

    The system finds units for which retry execution is enabled, and whose retry status is retry waiting, retry executing, or retry end.

  • None

    The system finds units for which retry execution is enabled, but whose retry status is neither retry waiting, retry executing, nor retry end. For example, the system will find jobs with retry execution enabled that ended normally at their first run.

(b) Search button

Starts a search.

Although by default the Search button is displayed at the bottom of the part of the search condition setting area that appears on screen, you can configure JP1/AJS3 - View to display the button at the very bottom of the search condition setting area. For details about how to change the positioning of the button, see 11.10.3 Changing whether the Search, Cancel, and Clear buttons are fixed at the bottom of the search condition setting area.

(c) Cancel button

Stops a search. When you click the Cancel button, the search results up to that point appear in the search result list area.

Although by default the Cancel button is displayed at the bottom of the part of the search condition setting area that appears on screen, you can configure JP1/AJS3 - View to display the button at the very bottom of the search condition setting area. For details about how to change the positioning of the button, see 11.10.3 Changing whether the Search, Cancel, and Clear buttons are fixed at the bottom of the search condition setting area.

(d) Clear button

Displays (Default) in the Search Condition drop-down list and discards the conditions edited in the search condition setting area. At the same time, the button erases the search result displayed in the search result list area.

Although by default the Clear button is displayed at the bottom of the part of the search condition setting area that appears on screen, you can configure JP1/AJS3 - View to display the button at the very bottom of the search condition setting area. For details about how to change the positioning of the button, see 11.10.3 Changing whether the Search, Cancel, and Clear buttons are fixed at the bottom of the search condition setting area.

(e) Search result list area

Displays the units that satisfy the conditions specified in the search condition setting area.

Unit name

Displays the icon and unit name of the found unit. The color of the icon corresponds to the status or result of the unit.

To specify a color for an icon, use the General page in the Preferences dialog box. For details, see 12.3.42 Preferences dialog box.

Upper path

Displays the path for the upper-level unit of the found unit. An upper path indicates the full path for the upper-level unit of the found unit except for the service name. This column displays a blank for units directly under a scheduler service.


When the full path for the search target job is AJSROOT1:/jobnet/job01, the upper path is /jobnet.


Displays the comment defined for the unit found. This column displays a blank when no comment is defined for the displayed unit.


Display the unit type of the unit found.


Displays the owner of the unit found. This column displays a blank when no owner is defined for the displayed unit.

JP1 resource group#1

Displays the JP1 resource group defined for the unit found. This column displays a blank when no JP1 resource group is defined for the displayed unit.

Last updated#1

Display the date and time when the unit found was last updated in yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss format.


Displays the name of the execution agent defined for the unit found. This column displays a blank when no execution agent is defined for the displayed unit. If the found unit is a flexible job, the relay agent name is displayed.

File name#1

Displays the name of the execution file or script file defined for the job found. This column displays a blank when no execution file or script file is defined for the job. A hyphen (-) is displayed when the found unit is other than a Unix job, PC job, Queue job, or flexible job.


Displays the parameter defined for the job found. This column displays a blank when no parameter is defined for the job. A hyphen (-) is displayed when the found job is other than a Unix job, PC job, Queue job, or flexible job.

Release date#1

Displays the release date and time of the unit found in yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss format. This column displays a blank when the displayed unit is other than the release target jobnet or a unit under the release target jobnet.

Release status#1

Displays the releases status of the unit found. This column displays a blank when the displayed unit is other than the release target jobnet or a unit under the release target jobnet.

One of the following release states is displayed:

  • Being applied

  • Release wait

  • Applied

Release ID#1

Displays the release ID of the unit found. This column displays a blank when the displayed unit is other than the release target jobnet or a unit under the release target jobnet.

Status#1, #2

Displays the execution status of the unit found.

Scheduled start time#1, #2

Displays the scheduled start date and time of the unit found in yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss format. This column displays a blank when the displayed unit is not registered.

Start time#1, #2

Displays the start date and time of the unit found in yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss format. This column displays a blank when the displayed unit is not registered or has not started yet.

End time#1, #2

Displays the end date and time of the unit found in yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss format. This column displays a blank when the displayed unit is not registered or has not ended yet.

Start delay#1, #2

Indicates whether the start of the unit found and its subordinate units is delayed. A hyphen (-) is displayed when the displayed unit is a job. The column displays a blank when the displayed unit is not registered.

End delay#1, #2

Indicates whether the end of the unit found and its subordinate units is delayed. The column displays a blank when the displayed unit is not registered.

Hold#1, #2

Displays an option about whether the unit is being held. The column displays a blank when the displayed unit is not registered.

The displayed information differs depending on the hold setting. The following table lists the character strings that can be displayed and the corresponding hold settings.

Table 12‒68: Hold statuses displayed in the Search result list area and their corresponding hold settings


Hold setting

Follow the definition. (Hold)

Yes is selected for Hold in the Define Details - [icon-name] dialog box.

Follow the definition. (Do not hold)

No is selected for Hold in the Define Details - [icon-name] dialog box.

Follow the definition. (Hold if prev. = 'abend')

Hold if prev. = 'abend' is selected for Hold in the Define Details - [icon-name] dialog box.

Follow the definition. (Hold if prev. = 'warning' or 'abend')

Hold if prev. = 'warning' or 'abend' is selected for Hold in the Define Details - [icon-name] dialog box.


  • From the Operations menu, Change Hold Attribute is selected, and then Hold is selected.

  • Hold is selected in the Holding field of the Register for Execution dialog box.


From the Operations menu, Change Hold Attribute is selected, and then Hold-Release is selected.

Target host#1, #2

Displays the name of the host where the unit found was actually executed. The column displays a blank when the displayed unit is not registered or has not started yet. If the found unit is a flexible job, the relay agent name or manager host name is displayed.

Execution ID#1, #2

Displays the execution ID of the unit found in @[mmmm]{A-Z}nnnn format. The column displays a blank when the displayed unit is not registered.

Reference calendar#1

Displays the name of the job group whose calendar the found unit references. This column displays a hyphen (-) if the unit is not a jobnet, and is blank if the unit does not reference the calendar of another jobnet.

Root jobnet#1

Displays the path of the root jobnet of the found unit. This column displays a hyphen (-) if the unit is a job group.

Maximum retry times#1

Displays the maximum number of retry executions defined for the found unit. This column is blank if retry execution is disabled for the unit.

This column displays a hyphen (-) if the unit is not a Unix job, PC job, Queue job, flexible job, HTTP connection job, standard custom job, custom PC job, or custom Unix job.

Retry interval#1

Displays the retry interval defined for the found unit. This column is blank if retry execution is disabled for the unit.

This column displays a hyphen (-) if the unit is not a Unix job, PC job, Queue job, flexible job, HTTP connection job, standard custom job, custom PC job, or custom Unix job.

Retry execution times#1, #2

Displays the number of times the found unit has been subjected to retry execution. This column displays 0 if retry execution is disabled for the unit, or execution of the unit has never been retried.

This column displays a hyphen (-) if the unit is not a Unix job, PC job, Queue job, flexible job, HTTP connection job, standard custom job, custom PC job, or custom Unix job.


This column is not displayed by default. For details about how to show this column, see 11.10.2 Specifying the columns displayed in the search result list area.


This column always displays a hyphen (-) when you select Definition in Search object.

Cautionary notes
  • Because the units under a remote jobnet are not search targets, they are not displayed in the search result list area.

  • An error message appears when the system cannot find any unit that satisfies the specified search conditions.

  • The execution status specified as a search condition might differ from the execution status of a unit displayed in the JP1/AJS3 - View window or Jobnet Monitor window.

  • You cannot search for the execution status of job groups even if Yes is chosen in Display status of a job group on the Main page in the Preferences dialog box.

Supplementary notes
  • The search result list area can display a maximum of 1,000 units by default. You can customize the maximum number of units to be displayed in this area. For details about how to customize this item, see 11.10.1 Changing the maximum number of units displayable in the search result list area.

  • The subwindow that appears when you double-click a job or jobnet displayed in the search result list area differs depending on the option selected in Search object.

    When you select Definition in Search object, the Jobnet Editor window appears.

    When you select Definition & Status in Search object, the Jobnet Editor window appears if the jobnet or job is not registered. If the jobnet or job is already registered, the Jobnet Monitor window appears.

    When you double-click a job, the tree area is expanded from the upper-level unit of that job, and the unit you double-clicked is selected in the map area.

    When you double-click a jobnet, the tree area is expanded at the level of that jobnet.

    Note that double-clicking a job group does not display a subwindow.

(2) When the connection target is JP1/AJS2 - Manager 08-50 or earlier

The following figure shows the Search window.

Figure 12‒222: Search window (when the version of the destination JP1/AJS2 - Manager is 08-50 or later)


The following explains the displayed items.

(a) Search condition setting area

In this area, you specify a search condition. When you specify multiple conditions, they are used as AND conditions.

Search location

Displays the full name of the job group or jobnet selected in the tree area. If you also want to search for a unit under those units belonging to the unit displayed in Search location, you need to select Search lower units. In the initial status, this item is not selected.


Specify a unit name to be searched for. Use a character string of up to 30 bytes. The default is a blank. Select Regular expression if your search uses regular expressions. With Regular expression selected, you can use a character string of up to 64 bytes to specify a unit name to be searched for. The following lists the symbols along with their meanings and examples.

Table 12‒69: List of symbols that can be used in regular expressions



Example of use

Unit name(s) searched for


Any character


AB, A1, A?, A*, A\


DE, 1E, ?E, *E, \E


Any character string


B, BC, B12, B?*\


Casting the subsequent symbol (handling it as a character)#


Only C?


Only DE


An error will occur if it is specified at the end of a character string.

With Regular expression selected, you cannot select Left, Middle, and Right in Partial match

You cannot specify the following characters.

  • ( (Left parenthesis)

  • ) (Right parenthesis)

  • , (Comma)

  • : (Colon)

  • ; (Semicolon)

  • = (Equal sign)

  • \ (Backslash)

  • Space

Partial match

Select this to search for unit names containing the character string set in Name. Selecting Regular expression in Name makes it impossible to use these.

The default is Left. You can select the following items.

  • Left

    Searches for unit names beginning with the character string set in Name.

  • Middle

    Searches for unit names containing the character string set in Name.

    Note, however, that the system does not search for unit names that begin or end with the entered character string.

  • Right

    Searches for unit names that end with the character string set in Name.

Unit type

Select a unit type. The following table lists available options. The default selection is All.

Table 12‒70: Available options and unit types you can search for


Available option

Unit type you can search for



All unit types


Job Group#1

  • Job Group

  • Planning Group

  • Manager job Group


Root Jobnet#1

  • Root Jobnet

  • Root Remote Jobnet

  • Root Manager Jobnet



  • Jobnet

  • Remote Jobnet

  • Manager Jobnet

  • Jobnet connector


Jobnet Connector#2

Jobnet Connector


Job etc.

PC job, event job, action job, custom job


You can select this option only when you start the Search window from the JP1/AJS3 - View window.


This option does not appear when the connection target is earlier than JP1/AJS3 - Manager 08-10.

Status to search

Specify whether to search for units based on status or result. The available options are Status and Results. The default selection is Status.

This section is not available when you start the Search window from the Jobnet Editor window or Jobnet Monitor window.

When you choose Status, the system determines the generations to be found based on the value set for the VIEWSTATUSRANGE environment setting parameter of the JP1/AJS3 - Manager to which you are currently logged in. The following describes the relationship between a value set for the environment setting parameter and the precedence of generations.

  • For VIEWSTATUSRANGE=all (default)

    1. Execution generation whose start date and time or re-execution start date and time are closest to the current time

    2. Scheduled generation that was re-executed and is waiting

    3. Scheduled generation that will be executed next time or a generation in Shutdown status


    1. Execution generation whose start date and time or re-execution start date and time are closest to the current time

    2. Scheduled generation that was re-executed and is waiting

    3. Generation to be executed next time among the scheduled generation of today or a generation in Shutdown status

    4. Generation whose end date and time are closest to the current time among the result generations that have finished execution today

When you choose Results, the system finds generations whose end date and time are closest to the current time.


Select the execution status of units. The default selection is All.

If you want to search only for delayed units, select the Delay unit search check box. The check box is not selected by default.

Status/Delay is not available when you start the Search window from the Jobnet Editor window. In addition, you cannot select the Delay unit search check box.

The available options are as follows:

  • All

  • Not registered

  • Wait for start time

  • Wait for prev. to end

  • Being held

  • Waiting to execute

  • Not sched. to exe.

  • Now queuing

  • Now running

  • Running + Warning

  • Running + Abend

  • Ended normally

  • Ended with warning

  • Ended abnormally

  • Bypassed

  • Not executed + Ended

  • Interrupted

  • Killed

  • Invalid exe. seq.

  • Skipped so not exe.

  • Failed to start

  • Unknown end status

  • Shutdown

  • Now monitoring

  • Wait for start cond.

  • Unmonitored + Ended

  • Monitor-end normal

  • Monitor terminated

  • Interrupted monitoring

  • Normal end + False


Specify search conditions other than unit types and status of search targets.

Search item

Select one of the following options to specify a comment, owner, or JP1 resource group as a search condition. The default selection is None. The available options are as follows:

  • None

    Select this when you do not specify a search condition.

  • Comment

    Select this when you want to use a comment as a search condition.

  • Owner

    Select this when you want to use an owner as a search condition.

  • JP1 resource group

    Select this when you want to use a JP1 resource group as a search condition.

Include char.

The system finds the units defined with the character string entered in Include char. based on the option selected in Search item. This text box is not available when you select None in Search item.

You can omit specifying a character string in this text box if you select Comment, Owner, or JP1 resource group in Search item.

Depending on the option selected in Search item, the number of bytes and the types of characters you can specify differ. The following table lists characters you can specify and default values.

Table 12‒71: Specifiable characters and default values


Search item


Specifiable character

Default value



Not applicable.

Not applicable.

Blank (disabled)



80 bytes





31 bytes

Any characters except for the following:

  • (

  • )

  • , (comma)

  • : (colon)

  • ; (semicolon)

  • =

  • / (forward slash)

  • Blank character



JP1 resource group

63 bytes

  • A to Z, a to z (alphabetic characters)

  • 0 to 9 (Arabic numerals)

  • _ (underscore)


(b) Search button

Starts a search.

(c) Clear button

Returns the search conditions to the default status and erases the search results.

(d) Search result list area

Displays the units that satisfy the conditions specified in the search condition setting area.

Unit name

Displays the unit name of the found unit.

Upper path

Displays the path for the upper-level unit of the found unit. An upper path indicates the full path for the upper-level unit of the found unit except for the service name.


When the full path for the search target job is AJSROOT1:/jobnet/job01, the upper path is /jobnet.

Cautionary notes
  • The following units are not displayed in the search result list area because they are not search targets:

    - Units under remote jobnets

    - Start conditions

  • An error message appears when the system cannot find any unit that satisfies the specified search conditions.

  • The execution status specified as a search condition might differ from the execution status of a unit displayed in the JP1/AJS3 - View window or Jobnet Monitor window.

  • You cannot search for the execution status of job groups when No is chosen in Display status of a job group on the Main page in the Preferences dialog box.

  • The search might take some time when the Search lower units check box is selected and no unit name is entered in Name.

Supplementary notes
  • The search result list area can display a maximum of 1,000 units by default. You can customize the maximum number of units to be displayed in this area. For details about how to customize this item, see 11.10.1 Changing the maximum number of units displayable in the search result list area.

  • When you open the Search window from the JP1/AJS3 - View window, Jobnet Editor window, or Jobnet Monitor window to perform a search, the following search conditions and settings reappear the next time you open the Search window:

    - Name

    - Regular expression

    - Partial match

    - Search item

    - Include char.

  • When you double-click a job or jobnet displayed in the search result list area, a subwindow appears.

    When you double-click an unregistered jobnet or its subordinate job, the Jobnet Editor window appears.

    When you double-click a registered jobnet or its subordinate job, the Jobnet Monitor window appears.

    When you double-click a job, the tree area is expanded from the upper-level unit of that job, and the unit you double-clicked is selected in the map area.

    When you double-click a jobnet, the tree area is expanded at the level of that jobnet.

    Note that double-clicking a job group does not display a subwindow.

    If the system cannot find the unit you double-click, an error message appears.