
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

12.7.1 Configuration of the window

The Daily Schedule window supports two display modes:

The details about the items displayed in each window are described below.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Daily Schedule (Hierarchy) window

Figure 12‒201: Daily Schedule (Hierarchy) window


The following explains the displayed items.

(a) Tree area

Displays the jobnets or jobs under the root jobnet in a tree structure. The units under the remote jobnet, and the manager jobnet are not displayed.

For a release target jobnet, the jobnet is displayed in the root-jobnet-name(release-ID) format for each definition for which release entry is performed. Note that the release ID is not displayed if the release ID is AJS_AUTO.

The unit names are displayed in the order specified by the Schedule page in the Preferences dialog box. In the Schedule page of the Preferences dialog box, you can also specify whether to view a root jobnet that has no schedule information. For details, see 12.3.42 Preferences dialog box.

(b) Display date change buttons

Use one of these buttons to change the date of the currently displayed schedule information. The following buttons are available:

  • Previous Day button

    Displays the schedule of the previous day.

  • That Day button

    Displays the schedule of today.

  • Next Day button

    Displays the schedule of the next day.

Cautionary note

If the version of the connection target JP1/AJS2 - Manager is 08-50 or earlier, or the scheduler database for the connection target JP1/AJS3 - Manager is ISAM, these buttons are disabled and cannot be clicked.

(c) Cancel button

Click this button to cancel the display update processing. Normally, this button is disabled. This button is enabled only while a schedule is being obtained.

Cautionary note

If the version of the connection target JP1/AJS2 - Manager is 08-50 or earlier, or the scheduler database for the connection target JP1/AJS3 - Manager is ISAM, this button is disabled and cannot be clicked.

(d) Time area

The upper row displays a date, while the lower row displays hours. The system also displays a selection frame. The value of hours is shown according to what has been selected by the Schedule page in the Preferences dialog box. For details, see 12.3.42 Preferences dialog box.

On a 24 hours basis:

If the minutes in the base time are 00, the system displays 24 hours from the base time. If they are not 00, the system displays 25 hours from the base time.

On a 48 hours basis:

If the minutes in the base time are 00, the system displays 48 hours from the base time. If they are not 00, the system displays 49 hours from the base time.

(e) Schedule area

Displays cells indicating execution schedules, and a selection frame. Both edges of each cell indicate the start time and the end time, respectively. They indicate schedule time if the job is not executed.

If delay occurs, the upper and lower lines of the cell are displayed thick.

The gray background in the schedule area indicates the past, and the white background indicates the present and future.

The color of each cell indicates the status of job or jobnet execution. The following table lists the status of job or jobnet execution and the colors of cells.

Table 12‒50: Cell colors and job or jobnet execution status


Job execution status



Not registered



Wait for start time

Sky blue


Wait for prev. to end

Sky blue


Being held



Waiting to execute

Sky blue


Not sched. to exe.



Now queuing

Sky blue


Now running



Running + Warning



Running + Abend



Ended normally

Light green


Ended with warning

Light red


Ended abnormally

Light red






Light red



Light red


Invalid exe. seq.

Light red


Skipped so not exe. (not scheduled)



Skipped so not exe. (scheduled)



Failed to start

Light red


Unknown end status

Light red





Now monitoring



Wait for start cond.

Sky blue


Unmonitored + Ended



Monitor-end normal

Light green


Monitor terminated

Light red


Interrupted monitoring

Light green


Normal end + False

Light green


Start delay



Start delay + Running

Dark pink


End delay



End delay + Running

Dark orange

You can use the Preferences dialog box to change the cell colors. For details, see 12.3.42 Preferences dialog box.

When a job is configured to retry automatically, no distinction is made between ordinary execution schedules and those initiated by the automatic retry feature. The entire schedule from the initial execution of the job until the retried job ends occupies one cell.

(f) Selection frame

Select an execution schedule in hour units. The selection frame encloses the period from 30 minutes before to 30 minutes after the click position.

(g) Execution result list

Lists only the execution schedules set in the tree area and selection frame and having target IDs (that the Jobnet Monitor window can display). When you click an execution schedule in the list, the contents of the tree area and schedule area will be refreshed to reflect the selected schedule information.

You can change the items displayed in the list area and the display order. For details on how to set the displayed items, see 12.3.46 Display Item Setup dialog box.

The horizontal sizes of the displayed items are saved when you close the window or you changed the displayed items.

Unit name

Displays the unit name.

Start time

Displays the start time or scheduled start time of execution.

End time

Displays the end time of execution.


Displays the latest execution status.

Rerun start time

Displays the time when a job was re-executed. If the job is not rerun, this displays a blank.

Execution type

Displays either of the following: planned execution, fixed execution, and immediate execution.

Start condition

Displays the number of times of execution cancellations and time for execution cancellation if you specify the start condition. If you do not specify the start condition, a blank appears.

Processing time

Displays the time required from the start to end of run. If a job is in execution, this item displays the time that elapses from the start time. If you executed the job again, this item displays the processing time required from the start of rerun.

When a job is configured to retry automatically, different versions of JP1/AJS3 - View calculate the processing time for retried jobs in different ways.

In JP1/AJS3 - View 10-00 or later

The time elapsed from the initial execution of the job is displayed as the processing time.

In JP1/AJS3 - View 09-50 and earlier

The processing time depends on the job status.

No processing time is displayed if the job status is Wait for prev. to end, Being held, or Waiting to execute.

If the job status is Now running or Now queuing, the time elapsed from the initial execution of the job is displayed as the processing time.

Time when start delayed

Displays the time when the start is delayed. If you do not specify the monitoring of the start delay, a blank appears.

Time when end delayed

Displays the time when the end is delayed. If you do not specify the monitoring of the end delay, a blank appears.

Execution ID

Displays the target ID.

Change plan

Displays whether the plans are temporarily changed. If there are plans that have been changed, the type of the change (Change Time, Execution Prohibited, Previous execution prohibited, or Temporary linkage change) is displayed for the plans.


Displays the type of a unit.


Displays the comment you defined in the Define Details dialog box.

Retry status

The following is displayed for Unix jobs, PC jobs, Queue jobs, flexible jobs, HTTP connection jobs, standard custom jobs, custom PC jobs, and custom Unix jobs:

  • When automatic retry is enabled

    Displays the retry status (retry waiting, retry executing, or retry end). If the job has never been retried, this field is blank.

  • When automatic retry is disabled

    This field is blank.

For the following units, a hyphen (-) is displayed:

  • Units other than the above types

  • Units whose connection-target JP1/AJS3 - Manager version is earlier than 10-00

  • Units for which the JP1/AJS3 - Manager database is a compatible ISAM configuration

This item appears in JP1/AJS3 - View version 10-00 or later.

Retry execution times

The following is displayed for Unix jobs, PC jobs, Queue jobs, flexible jobs, HTTP connection jobs, standard custom jobs, custom PC jobs, and custom Unix jobs:

  • When automatic retry is enabled

    Displays the number of times the job has been retried. If the job has never been retried, 0 is displayed.

  • When automatic retry is disabled

    Displays 0.

For the following units, a hyphen (-) is displayed:

  • Units other than the above types

  • Units whose connection-target JP1/AJS3 - Manager version is earlier than 10-00

  • Units for which the JP1/AJS3 - Manager database is a compatible ISAM configuration

This item appears in JP1/AJS3 - View version 10-00 or later.

(2) Daily Schedule (All Jobs) window

The following figure shows the Daily Schedule (All Jobs) window.

Figure 12‒202: Daily Schedule (All Jobs) window


The following explains the displayed items.

(a) Tree area

Displays only the jobs under a job group or jobnet having schedule information to be displayed.

If a job is under a release target jobnet, the job is displayed in the job-name(release-ID) format for each definition for which release entry is performed. Note that the release ID is not displayed if the release ID is AJS_AUTO.

The name is displayed in the format of job-name:relative-path. The jobs under start conditions are not displayed.

The job names are displayed in the order specified by the Schedule page in the Preferences dialog box. For details, see 12.3.42 Preferences dialog box.

(b) Display date change buttons

Use one of these buttons to change the date of the currently displayed schedule information. The following buttons are available:

  • Previous Day button

    Displays the schedule of the previous day.

  • That Day button

    Displays the schedule of today.

  • Next Day button

    Displays the schedule of the next day.

Cautionary note

If the version of the connection target JP1/AJS2 - Manager is 08-50 or earlier, or the scheduler database for the connection target JP1/AJS3 - Manager is ISAM, these buttons are disabled and cannot be clicked.

(c) Cancel button

Click this button to cancel the display update processing. Normally, this button is disabled. This button is enabled only while a schedule is being obtained.

Cautionary note

If the version of the connection target JP1/AJS2 - Manager is 08-50 or earlier, or the scheduler database for the connection target JP1/AJS3 - Manager is ISAM, this button is disabled and cannot be clicked.

(d) Time area

The upper row displays a date, while the lower row displays hours. The system also displays a selection frame.

The value of hours is shown according to what has been selected by the Schedule page in the Preferences dialog box. For details, see 12.3.42 Preferences dialog box.

On a 24 hours basis:

If the minutes in the base time are 00, the system displays 24 hours from the base time. If they are not 00, the system displays 25 hours from the base time.

On a 48 hours basis:

If the minutes in the base time are 00, the system displays 48 hours from the base time. If they are not 00, the system displays 49 hours from the base time.

(e) Schedule area

Displays cells indicating execution schedules, and a selection frame. Both edges of each cell indicate the start time and the end time, respectively. They indicate schedule time if the job is not executed.

If delay occurs, the upper and lower lines of the cell are displayed thick.

The gray background in the schedule area indicates the past, and the white background indicates the present and future.

The square color indicates the status of job execution. For details about cell colors and status of job execution, see Table 12-50.

You can use the Preferences dialog box to change the cell colors. For details, see 12.3.42 Preferences dialog box.

When a job is configured to retry automatically, no distinction is made between ordinary execution schedules and those initiated by the automatic retry feature. The entire schedule from the initial execution of the job until the retried job ends occupies one cell.

(f) Selection frame

Select an execution schedule in hour units. The selection frame encloses the period from 30 minutes before to 30 minutes after the click position.

(g) Execution result list

Lists only the execution schedules set in the tree area and selection frame and having target IDs (that the Jobnet Monitor window can display). When you click an execution schedule in the list, the contents of the tree area and schedule area will be refreshed to reflect the selected schedule information. For details about the displayed items, see the description of the execution result list in (1) Daily Schedule (Hierarchy) window.