
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

12.4.44 Wall Paper dialog box

The Wall Paper dialog box allows you to set an image file as the wallpaper of the map area in the Jobnet Monitor window for individual units. The following figure shows the Wall Paper dialog box.

Figure 12‒196: Wall Paper dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Tree area

Displays the scheduler services that define the jobnets selected in the Jobnet Editor window or the tree area of the Jobnet Monitor window, and also displays their subordinate units in hierarchy view.

The jobnet selected in the Jobnet Editor window or the Jobnet Monitor window are highlighted.

Depends on upper-level unit

If the parent unit of the selected unit has a wallpaper setting, indicates whether to use the same image file as its wallpaper. Clear the check box if you want to use a different image file. The default is off if you have selected a scheduler service, or on if you have selected a unit other than a scheduler service.

File name

Specify an absolute path of an image file to be set for the unit. You can specify a character string of up to 255 bytes. There is no limitation on characters for the file name. The supported file extensions are .gif or .jpg only. You can specify the file name only if Depends on upper-level unit is not selected. If this box is selected, the absolute path of an image file set for its upper-level unit appears, and you cannot modify it.

If you click the ... button, the Select File dialog box appears. Once you select an image file from the Select File dialog box, its absolute path appears in the File name area.

Preview area

This area is used to preview the image file specified for File name. Click the Preview button to view the file. If the image does not fit the Preview area, it will be scaled to fit the area.

Preview button

Available only if Depends on upper-level unit is not selected. Click the Preview button to let the Preview area display the image file specified for File name.

Set button

Sets what you specified in the dialog box. Click OK button if you want these settings to take effect.

Clear button

Clears the contents of the File name field and the contents of the Preview area. Available only if Depends on upper-level unit is not selected.

Optimize button

Checks the consistency between the unit's definition information and the image file, and deletes unnecessary information from the wallpaper settings.

Cautionary notes
  • The wallpaper settings will be maintained for each host running JP1/AJS3 - View, for each JP1 user, and for each destination host. Even for one destination host, the separate settings may be maintained depending on whether you have specified the destination host by host name or by IP address.

  • You can only specify a file having the extension .gif or .jpg.

  • If you leave the File name blank, nothing will appear in the preview area, the Jobnet Editor window, or the map area of the Jobnet Monitor window. Any single-byte spaces in the File name will also be treated in the same way.

  • If the Jobnet Editor window or the map area of the Jobnet Monitor window is insufficient for the specified image file, the image is not scaled down. This results in part of the image being hidden.

  • If you change the wallpaper of an upper-level unit, the wallpaper of its subordinate units with Depends on upper-level unit selected will also be affected.

  • To use the same wallpaper image common to map areas of the Jobnet Editor window and the Jobnet Monitor window regardless of the units, see 11.5.6 Changing the background image of the map area.

  • If you configure wallpaper settings both through customization and from the Wall Paper dialog box, the settings made with the Wall Paper dialog box take precedence.

  • If you change the background of the map area in the Jobnet Editor window or Jobnet Monitor window, system resources might run short or performance might deteriorate.

Supplementary notes
  • You can specify, in File name, the name of an image file that does not exist, and can add an specified image file later. However, clicking the Preview button results in an error due to the absence of the image file to be displayed. When you click the Set or OK button, you will be prompted to set the image as wallpaper.

  • In order to set wallpaper for the map area of the Jobnet Editor or Jobnet Monitor window for manager job groups or manager jobnets, connect to the manager at the referenced host and assign the wallpaper to an appropriate unit.

  • In order to set wallpaper for the map area of the Jobnet Monitor window for remote jobnets, connect to the manager at the referenced host and assign the wallpaper to an appropriate unit.

  • You can set up to 10,000 wallpaper selections for a single destination host in the Wall Paper dialog box.

  • Once you have set wallpaper, a configuration file will be created for each destination host, which defines the association of units with corresponding image files. If the number of configuration files exceed 9,999, an error occurs.

  • When you currently have 9,999 wallpaper configuration files, and if you want to set additional wallpaper for a new destination host, edit the management file (wallpaper.conf) manually to delete the unnecessary files.

    The management file and the wallpaper configuration files are stored in the following folder or directory.


    The default value for %ALLUSERSPROFILE% is system-drive\ProgramData.

    The following shows the steps for manually editing the management file:

  1. Open the management file (wallpaper.conf) with a text editor.

    The management file specifies the associated destination host and configuration file in "destination-host-name (host name or IP address)=configuration-filename (wallpaper#nnnn.conf)" format, where nnnn is a value of 0001 to 9999.

  2. Delete unnecessary "destination-host-name=configuration-filename" lines.

  3. Save the management file.

    Place the management file in the original folder or directory (MapBackGround) without renaming it (wallpaper.conf).

  4. Remove the configuration files you deleted in step 2 from the ~\MapBackGround directory.

  5. Restart JP1/AJS3 - View.