
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

12.4.18 Detailed Definition - [icon-name] - [Passing Information] dialog box

The Detailed Definition - [icon-name] - [Passing Information] dialog box specifies information to be inherited by the subsequent job or jobnet. The icon-name varies with the dialog box in which you click the Pass Info button.

The following figure shows the Detailed Definition - [icon-name] - [Passing Information] dialog box.

Figure 12‒135: Detailed Definition - [icon-name] - [Passing Information] dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Passing information

Specifies the passing information. The default is blank. In the passing information, definition information is represented in the format jpoif=macro-variable-name:value;. A macro variable name is stored as a character string of no more than 64 bytes in the format ?AJS2xxxxx?. You can specify multiple pieces of passing information in the poif=macro-variable-name:value; format, to a maximum of 2,048 bytes.

In the Detailed Definition - [icon-name] - [Passing Information] dialog box, you can specify the xxxxx portion and value, omitting ?AJS2 and ?:.

For the xxxxx portion, use a character string consisting of upper-case alphabetic characters (A to Z), numeric characters (0 to 9), and periods (.).

For details of information you can specify for value, see B. Information Passed by Event Jobs and Custom Event Jobs in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Work Tasks) Guide.

If you click the Add button, this item is added to the list.

Supplementary note

If you have defined multiple pieces of inherited information in the same macro variable name, the first defined information is inherited.