
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

12.4.10 Define Details - [OR Job] dialog box

The Define Details - [OR Job] dialog box defines the details of an OR job.

This dialog box contains the items displayed in common, and also contains the following page:

Organization of this subsection

(1) Items displayed in common

The following figure shows the items displayed in common.

Figure 12‒115: Items displayed in common in the Define Details - [OR Job] dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Unit name

Specify a unit name. Use a character string of up to 30 bytes. The default is OR-Job.


Specify a comment for the unit. Use a character string of up to 80 bytes. The default is a blank.


You cannot specify this item for OR jobs.

(2) Attributes page

The following figure shows the Attributes page in the Define Details - [OR Job] dialog box.

Figure 12‒116: Attributes page in the Define Details - [OR Job] dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.


You cannot select this item for OR jobs.


Set the unit type to Normal or Recovery. You can specify this when all the subsequent jobs are set to Recovery. The default is Normal.


Specify the owner of the unit. Use a character string of up to 31 bytes. The default is the login JP1 user name. Note that if the upper-level unit-attribute inheritance function has been set for the upper-level jobnet, the default is the owner of the upper-level unit.

JP1 resource group

Specify a JP1 resource group name. Use a character string of up to 63 bytes. You can specify alphanumeric characters and underscores (_). The default is the JP1 resource group name of the upper-level unit. If you specify a blank, you are not authorized to access this group.