
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

12.3.48 Set Default Values dialog box

The Set Default Values dialog box allows you to perform the following:

The following figures show a case where a definition item is selected in the tree area in the Set Default Values dialog box and a case where an icon name is selected in the Set Default Values dialog box.

Figure 12‒82: Set Default Values dialog box (when a definition item is selected)


Figure 12‒83: Set Default Values dialog box (when an icon name is selected)


The following explains the displayed items.

Tree area

Lists the customizable dialog boxes and the settings for each dialog box in a hierarchical format. The following table lists the items for which you can change default values.

Note that the name enclosed between angle brackets (< >) in the Dialog box name column indicates the name of a dialog box shown in the tree area in the Set Default Values dialog box.

Table 12‒29: Items whose defaults you can customize

Dialog box name

Setting item

Define Details (for all units)#1

<Define Details - common>

Delayed end - Time-required-for-execution

Executed by

Define Details - [Job Group]

Specify base day

Week (week)

Week (day of the week)

Treat as

Set base time

Define Details - [Jobnet] (for a root jobnet)

<Define Details - Root Jobnet>

Concurrent exec.

No. logs to keep


Time-out period

Schedule option

Monitor jobnet - Time-required-for-execution

Exec. order control#2, #3

Connection range#2, #4

Exec. order method#2, #3


Define Details - [Jobnet] (for a nested jobnet)

<Define Details - Jobnet>

Monitor jobnet - Time-required-for-execution

Define Details - [Remote Jobnet] (for a root jobnet)

<Define Details - Root Remote Jobnet>

Concurrent exec.

No. logs to keep


Time-out period

Schedule option

Monitor jobnet - Time-required-for-execution


Define Details - [Remote Jobnet] (for a nested jobnet)

<Define Details - Remote Jobnet>

Monitor jobnet - Time-required-for-execution

Define Details - [Planning Group]

Specify base day

Week (week)

Week (day of the week)

Treat as

Set base time

Exec. order control#3

Connection range#4

Exec. order method#3

Define Details - [Start Condition]

Start Condition

Concurrent exec. of monitoring gen.

Pause exec. gen. for start cond.

Task after abend

Define Details - [UNIX Job]


End judgment - Rule

Retry on abnormal end

Exec. Service

Set timeout period

Delayed end - Time-required-for-execution

Executed by

Define Details - [PC Job]


End judgment - Rule

Retry on abnormal end

Exec. Service

Set timeout period

Delayed end - Time-required-for-execution

Executed by

Define Details - [Queue Job]


End judgment - Rule

Retry on abnormal end

Delayed end - Time-required-for-execution

Executed by

Define Details - [Jobnet Connector]

Connection range#4

Define Details - [Judgment Job]

Judgment type

Condition (Return code)

Condition (File)

Condition (Variable (char.))

Condition (Variable (number))

Judgment value (range specification) - Lower limit

Judgment value (range specification) - Upper limit

Define Details - [Flexible Job]

Broadcast execution - Execute

Broadcast execution - Broadcast execution method

Relay agent - Relay

End judgment - Rule

Retry on abnormal end

Executed by

Define Details - [HTTP Connection Job]

Request type

Transmission information file - Extended mode#5

How to store received data


End judgment - Rule

Retry on abnormal end

Set timeout period

Delayed end - Time-required-for-execution

Executed by

Detailed Definition (for all event jobs)#1

<Detailed Definition - All Event Jobs>

Set timeout period

Status after close

Detailed Definition - [Receive JP1 Event]

End judgment

Find event before exec.

Set timeout period

Status after close

Delayed end - Time-required-for-execution

Executed by

Detailed Definition - [Monitoring Files]

Set timeout period

Status after close

Delayed end - Time-required-for-execution

Executed by

Detailed Definition - [Receive Mail]


Set timeout period

Status after close

Delayed end - Time-required-for-execution

Executed by

Detailed Definition - [Receive MQ Message]

Set timeout period

Status after close

Delayed end - Time-required-for-execution

Executed by

Detailed Definition - [Receive MSMQ Message]

Set timeout period

Status after close

Delayed end - Time-required-for-execution

Executed by

Detailed Definition - [Monitoring Log Files]

Set timeout period

Status after close

Delayed end - Time-required-for-execution

Executed by

Detailed Definition - [Monitoring Event Log]

Set timeout period

Status after close

Delayed end - Time-required-for-execution

Executed by

Detailed Definition - [Interval Control]

Expire right after starting

Set timeout period

Status after close

Delayed end - Time-required-for-execution

Executed by

Detailed Definition (for all action jobs)#1

<Detailed Definition - All Action Jobs>


Exec. Service

Set timeout period

Detailed Definition - [Send JP1 Event]

Check event arrivals


Exec. Service

Set timeout period

Delayed end - Time-required-for-execution

Executed by

Detailed Definition - [Send Mail]


Exec. Service

Set timeout period

Delayed end - Time-required-for-execution

Executed by

Detailed Definition - [Send MQ Message]


Exec. Service

Set timeout period

Delayed end - Time-required-for-execution

Executed by

Detailed Definition - [Send MSMQ Message]

Exec. Service

Set timeout period

Delayed end - Time-required-for-execution

Executed by

Detailed Definition - [OpenView Status Report]


Exec. Service

Set timeout period

Delayed end - Time-required-for-execution

Executed by

Detailed Definition - [Local Power Control]


Exec. Service

Set timeout period

Delayed end - Time-required-for-execution

Executed by

Detailed Definition - [Remote Power Control]


Exec. Service

Set timeout period

Delayed end - Time-required-for-execution

Executed by

Define Details - [Custom Job]

<Define Details - Custom Job (PC)> or

<Define Details - Custom Job (UNIX)>

Delayed end - Time-required-for-execution

Executed by

Define Details - [Custom Event]



Set timeout period

Status after close

Delayed end - Time-required-for-execution


JP1 resource group

Executed by

Define Details - [Passing Information Settings Job]

Set timeout period

Delayed end - Time-required-for-execution

Executed by

Register for Execution

Register method

Planned execution - Planned time passed when daemon starts

Planned execution - Planned time passed when reg. for exe.

Planned execution - Holding

Fixed execution - Planned time passed when daemon starts

Fixed execution - Holding

Immediate execution - Start condition

Immediate execution - Start condition (count)

Immediate execution - Start condition (period)

Immediate execution - Holding

Shift Schedule Date and Time

Start time

When schedule is pushed ahead:

Change schedule of all lower jobnets

Immediate Execution

When schedule is pushed ahead:

Change date and time of all lower jobnets

Rerun dialog box (for root jobnets)

Rerun with hold

Set skipped jobs to warning

Rerun dialog box (for nested jobnet or job)

Rerun with hold

Set skipped jobs to warning

Add dialog box (for root jobnet)


Waiting Condition Settings

<Waiting - Wait Conditions Settings>

Wait method#6

If not waiting for any generations#6

When Unmonitored + Ended#6

Abnormal end for an execution generation#6

Start when skipped so not exe.#6, #7


If you specify the same item in the Common dialog box and other dialog boxes, the item set later becomes valid.


When you create a unit under a planning group, the specified default value will be invalid because this definition item is disabled and not available for change in the Define Details dialog box.


When you create a unit when you connect to a JP1/AJS2 - Manager of version 08-00 or earlier, the specified default value will be invalid because this definition item is disabled and not available for change in the Define Details dialog box.


When you create a unit when you connect to a JP1/AJS2 - Manager of version 08-10 or earlier, the specified default value will be invalid because this definition item is disabled and not available for change in the Define Details dialog box.

The following table lists the items for which you can disable permission for changes.


When you create a unit when you connect to JP1/AJS3 - Manager of version 12-10 or earlier, the specified default value will be invalid because this definition item is disabled and not available for change in the Define Details dialog box.


You can only change this item if no wait conditions are defined. You are considered not to have defined a wait condition when:

- You have not assigned a wait condition to the unit since creating it

- In the Waiting Condition Settings dialog box, you delete a wait condition setting by clicking OK without setting a unit whose end is to be waited for


This item is inactive in the Waiting Condition Settings dialog box if Execute is set as the default value for Abnormal end for an execution generation.

The following table lists the items for which you can disable permission for changes.

Table 12‒30: Items for which you can disable permission for changes

Dialog box name

Setting item

Define Details - [Job Group]

Specify base day

Week (week)

Week (day of the week)

Treat as

Set base time


JP1 resource group

Define Details - [Jobnet] (for a root jobnet)

<Define Details - Root Jobnet>


Concurrent exec.

No. logs to keep


Time-out period

Schedule option

Monitoring jobnet - Time-required-for-execution

Exec. order control#2, #3

Connection range#2, #4

Exec. order method#2, #3




JP1 resource group

Define Details - [Jobnet] (for a nested jobnet)

<Define Details - Jobnet>



Monitoring jobnet - Time-required-for-execution




JP1 resource group

Define Details - [Remote Jobnet] (for a root remote jobnet)

<Define Details - Root Remote Jobnet>


Concurrent exec.

No. logs to keep


Time-out period

Schedule option

Monitoring jobnet - Time-required-for-execution




JP1 resource group

Define Details - [Remote Jobnet] (for a nested remote jobnet)

<Define Details - Remote Jobnet>



Monitoring jobnet - Time-required-for-execution




JP1 resource group

Define Details - [Planning Group]

Specify base day

Week (week)

Week (day of the week)

Treat as

Set base time

Exec. order control#3

Connection range#4

Exec. order method #3


JP1 resource group

Define Details - [Start Condition]

Start condition

Concurrent exec. of monitoring gen.

Pause exec. gen. for start cond.

Task after abend


JP1 resource group

Define Details - [UNIX Job]


Command statement

Script file name


Environment variables

Environment file

Working path


Standard input

Standard output - File name

Standard output - Append

Standard error - File name

Standard error - Append

End judgment - Rule

End judgment - Warning#5

Retry on abnormal end

User name

Transfer file 1 - File to transfer#6

Transfer file 1 - Destination file

Transfer file 1 - Yes

Transfer file 2 - File to transfer#6

Transfer file 2 - Destination file

Transfer file 2 - Yes

Transfer file 3 - File to transfer#6

Transfer file 3 - Destination file

Transfer file 3 - Yes

Transfer file 4 - File to transfer#6

Transfer file 4 - Destination file

Transfer file 4 - Yes



Exec. Service

Set timeout period

Monitor end delay - Time-required-for-execution


JP1 resource group

Executed by

Define Details - [PC Job]


File name


Environment variables

Environment file

Working path


Standard input

Standard output - File name

Standard output - Append

Standard error - File name

Standard error - Append

End judgment - Rule

End judgment - Warning#5

Retry on abnormal end

User name

Transfer file 1 - File to transfer#6

Transfer file 1 - Destination file

Transfer file 1 - Yes

Transfer file 2 - File to transfer#6

Transfer file 2 - Destination file

Transfer file 2 - Yes

Transfer file 3 - File to transfer#6

Transfer file 3 - Destination file

Transfer file 3 - Yes

Transfer file 4 - File to transfer#6

Transfer file 4 - Destination file

Transfer file 4 - Yes



Exec. Service

Set timeout period

Monitor end delay - Time-required-for-execution


JP1 resource group

Executed by

Define Details - [Queue Job]

Host name

Job name

File name



End judgment - Rule

End judgment - Warning#5

Retry on abnormal end

Transfer file 1 - File to transfer#6

Transfer file 1 - Destination file

Transfer file 2 - File to transfer#6

Transfer file 2 - Destination file

Transfer file 3 - File to transfer#6

Transfer file 3 - Destination file

Transfer file 4 - File to transfer#6

Transfer file 4 - Destination file



Monitor end delay - Time-required-for-execution


JP1 resource group

Executed by

Define Details - [Jobnet Connector]

Connection range#4


JP1 resource group

Define Details - [OR Job]



JP1 resource group

Define Details - [Judgment Job]

Judgment type

Condition (Return code)

Condition (File)

Condition (Variable (char.))

Condition (Variable (number))

Judgment value (range specification) - Lower limit

Judgment value (range specification) - Upper limit




JP1 resource group

Define Details - [Flexible Job]

Broadcast execution - Execute

Broadcast execution - Broadcast execution method

Relay agent - Relay


Environment variables

End judgment - Rule

End judgment - Warning#5

Retry on abnormal end




JP1 resource group

Executed by

Define Details - [HTTP Connection Job]


Request type

Transmission information file - Extended mode#7

Trans. info. file name

URL parameter#7

Message body#7

How to store received data


Standard output

Standard error

Return code specification - Add#7

Return code specification - Edit#7

Return code specification - Delete#7

End judgment - Rule

End judgment - Warning#5

Retry on abnormal end

User name



Set timeout period

Monitor end delay - Time-required-for-execution


JP1 resource group

Executed by

Detailed Definition - [Interval Control]

Expire right after starting

Define Details - [Custom Event]



Set timeout period

Monitor end delay - Time-required-for-execution


JP1 resource group

Executed by

Define Details - [Passing Information Settings Job]



Set timeout period


JP1 resource group


When the Change is not permitted check box is selected for this definition item, if you enter an execution agent that is not permitted in the Exec-agent field of the Define Details dialog box and click OK, the error message KAVV1500-E appears and the definition cannot be changed. In this scenario, either clear the Change is not permitted check box or change the value of ViewCheckLevel in the execution agent profile to warning, and then try again.


When you create a unit under a planning group, the specified default value will be invalid because this definition item is disabled and not available for change in the Define Details dialog box.


When you create a unit when you connect to a JP1/AJS2 - Manager of version 08-00 or earlier, the specified default value will be invalid because this definition item is disabled and not available for change in the Define Details dialog box.


When you create a unit when you connect to a JP1/AJS2 - Manager of version 08-10 or earlier, the specified default value will be invalid because this definition item is disabled and not available for change in the Define Details dialog box.


When you select the Change is not permitted check box for this definition item in the Set Default Values dialog box, the value in Abnormal in End judgment in the Define Details dialog box must be greater than the value in Warning. If you enter a value in Abnormal that is smaller than the value in Warning and click the OK button, an error message appears and the value in Warning is selected. Because the value in Warning cannot be changed, change the value in Abnormal and click the OK button.


When you select the Change is not permitted check box for this definition item in the Set Default Values dialog box, if the File to transfer text box in any of Transfer file 1 to Transfer file 4 in the Define Details dialog box is blank, you cannot enter a value in the Destination file text box. If you enter a value in Destination file and click the OK button without entering a value in the File to transfer text box, an error message appears and File to transfer is selected. However, because the value in File to transfer cannot be changed, delete the value in Destination file and click the OK button.


When you connect to JP1/AJS3 - Manager of version 12-10 or earlier, the specified default value will be invalid because this definition item is disabled and not available for change in the Define Details dialog box.

You can choose not to display the unit icons that are displayed by default for the following types of units:

  • Unix Job

  • PC Job

  • Queue Job

  • Jobnet

  • Jobnet Connector

  • OR Job

  • Judgment Job

  • Flexible Job

  • HTTP Connection Job

  • Receive JP1 Event Job

  • Monitoring Files Job

  • Receive Mail Job

  • Monitoring Log Files Job

  • Monitoring Event Log Job

  • Interval Control Job

  • Send JP1 Event Job

  • Send Mail Job

  • OpenView Status Report Job

  • Local Power Control Job

  • Remote Power Control Job

  • Passing information setting job

You can choose to display the unit icons that are not displayed by default for the following types of units:

  • Remote Jobnet

  • Receive MQ Message Job

  • Receive MSMQ Message Job

  • Send MQ Message Job

  • Send MSMQ Message Job

Item name

Displays the item name you selected in the tree area.

Browse button

Displays the explanation of the manual for the item you selected in the tree area.

Setting item area

Displays a list of items from the items you selected in the tree area, the default statuses of the items, and other information.

Change is not permitted

This check box appears when you select a definition item in the tree area for which you can choose not to permit change. When you select this check box, the definition item is disabled and not available for change in the Define Details - [icon-name] dialog box. The check box is not selected by default.

The unit is not used

This check box appears when you select a unit in the tree area for which you can choose not to display its unit icon. When you select this check box, the unit icon does not appear in the icon list in the Jobnet Editor window. The check boxes for the following items are selected by default:

  • Remote Jobnet

  • Receive MQ Message Job

  • Receive MSMQ Message Job

  • Send MQ Message Job

  • Send MSMQ Message Job