
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

12.3.39 Execution Result Details dialog box

The Execution Result Details dialog box lets you check the detailed information about the result of unit execution. The following figure shows the Execution Result Details dialog box.

Figure 12‒67: Execution Result Details dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

  • This dialog box displays the contents of the standard error output file output by the job.

  • For a remote jobnet, this dialog box displays the error message logged during remote jobnet execution.

  • For an event job and a custom event job, this dialog box displays the execution results and messages.

  • For a jobnet connector or connection-destination jobnet, this dialog box displays an error message that is generated when the jobnet connector or jobnet is re-executed, if there are any re-executed.

  • If a flexible job is run by broadcast execution in sync mode, the execution result details are displayed for each destination agent in the following format:




    Normal end: normal

    End with warning: warning

    Abnormal end: abnormal

Cautionary notes
  • The Execution Result Details dialog box will not be displayed when the standard error output file is moved or deleted in a job.

  • The previous execution results or messages are not deleted when you re-execute the event jobs and the custom event jobs because they displayed cumulatively.

  • When you re-execute a Unix job or PC job in which the standard error output file has been set to allow additional writing, the result from the previous execution does not disappear but is displayed as part of the accumulated information.