
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

8.4 Monitoring jobnets and jobs on a daily basis

This section describes how to check the execution schedules or execution status of jobnets and jobs on a daily basis.

To monitor a jobnet or job on a daily basis:

  1. In the JP1/AJS3 - View window, in Function Menu, click Status Monitor.

    Status Monitor is now selected.

  2. In the tree area, click the job group that manages the jobnet whose execution schedule or execution status you want to check.

    The job group you clicked is now selected.

    The subordinate root jobnets appear in the list area.

  3. Click the root jobnet containing the target jobnet, choose View, Daily Schedule, and then Hierarchy or All Jobs.

    If you want to check a jobnet or job:

    Choose Hierarchy to display the Daily Schedule (Hierarchy) window.

    If you want to check all the jobs in a jobnet:

    Choose All Jobs to display the Daily Schedule (All Jobs) window.

    The following figures show the Daily Schedule (Hierarchy) window and Daily Schedule (All Jobs) window.

    Figure 8‒1: Daily Schedule (Hierarchy) window


    Figure 8‒2: Daily Schedule (All Jobs) window


  4. In the schedule area and the execution result list, check the execution schedule and the execution status of the jobnet and jobs.

    The following explains the schedule area and execution result list.

    • The schedule area contains colored marks (rectangles). Each colored mark represents the execution of one generation of a jobnet or job. The colored marks provide the following types of information:

      - Left and right edges: Indicate the execution start time and execution end time.

      - Length: Indicates the length of the execution time.

      - Color: Indicates the status of jobnet or job execution.

      For details about the meaning of the colors, see 12.7 Daily Schedule window. You can change the colors of the marks in the Preferences dialog box. For details on how to change the colors, see 12.3.42 Preferences dialog box.

    • The execution result list displays the information about a jobnet or a job (name, execution start time, execution end time, execution schedule or execution status) selected in the tree area. The execution result list displays all the information of the colored marks within the selection frame in the schedule area. When you click a colored mark, the corresponding information line in the execution result list is selected.

      When you click a date or a time, the information about all the colored marks in the selection frame is displayed.

    • You can move the selection frame in the schedule area to display the information of the past and the future. To move the selection frame, click the mouse button at the position you want the selection frame to be.

    • By clicking one of the display date change buttons, you can display information for the previous or next day.

    • You can check the schedule of each execution generation. Click the desired colored mark in the schedule area or the desired line in the execution result list, and choose View and then Detailed Information to display the Detailed Schedule dialog box.

    • If multiple instances of the same jobnet are running simultaneously (concurrent execution), the colored marks overlap in the schedule area.

    • If the start of execution is delayed or the end of execution is delayed, the upper and bottom lines of the colored mark in the schedule area are displayed in bold.

Example of checking the execution schedule and execution status

The following figure shows an example of checking the execution schedule and execution status of jobnet net01.

Figure 8‒3: Example of checking the execution schedule and execution status of a jobnet (by days)


Cautionary note

When a jobnet is registered for planned execution or registered for fixed execution with the number of future generations specified, the system creates and displays a dummy schedule for the jobnet. You cannot change the dates or times in the dummy schedule. Also note that the system ignores the following settings you specify on the Definition page of the Define Details dialog box for dummy schedules:

  • Concurrent exec. (the system assumes Enable)

  • Schedule option (the system assumes Multi-schedule)

If the system is unable to predict when an event job and a custom event job will start, it assumes that there is no wait time.

Note that the execution result list does not display dummy schedules.

Supplementary note

If the execution schedule and the execution status are not displayed in the schedule area or the execution result area, perform the following:

  • Chose View and then Refresh to display the latest information.

    The contents of the Daily Schedule (Hierarchy) window are updated at the interval specified in the Refresh Interval dialog box. Even if the contents are automatically updated, the contents are updated every 30 seconds at least. Therefore, if there is information about a jobnet that was registered for execution immediately before or the schedule information was changed immediately before, the new information may not be reflected in the window.

  • Choose View and then Resize to increase the display width of one hour or change the time display from 24 hours to 48 hours.

    If you select Small for Width in the Resize dialog box, the colored marks displayed in the schedule area may be difficult to see when you execute a short jobnet more than once within an hour.

    When the execution start time is after 24:00, the execution schedule and the execution status are not displayed in the 24-hour display. When you specify the execution start time using a relative time, use the 48-hour display.

  • To display the information about a day that has an execution schedule, either choose View, Change Display Date, and then Specify Day, or use the display date change buttons.

    The Daily Schedule (Hierarchy) window normally displays the information for the current day. Execution schedule and execution status of 24 hours or 48 hours from the base time defined in the job group containing the target jobnet. If there is no execution schedule for the current day, the execution schedule is not displayed on the window. Therefore, on the window you need to display the information for a day that has an execution schedule.