
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

B.2 Using the default values for version 10-50 and earlier for customizable items whose default values have changed in version 11-00

This section describes how to use the original default values for version 10-50 and earlier with customizable items whose default values have changed in version 11-00.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Items set in the user-specified option file

You can restore the original default values for customizable items by using the model file for the user-specified option file (ajs2view_opt.conf.V10.model) provided for version 10-50 and earlier.

To restore the default values to those used in version 10-50 and earlier:

  1. Back up the user-specified option file to a location of your choice.

    The user-specified option file is stored in the following folder:


    The default value of %ALLUSERSPROFILE% is system-drive\ProgramData.


    A folder is created for any JP1 user who has logged in at least once.

    If you use any of the following names as a JP1 user name, the folder created for that JP1 user will be enclosed in single-byte parentheses (()):

    - A device name such as NUL, CON, AUX, COM1 to COM9, LPT1 to LPT9, or PRN

    - A name in the format device-name.extension

    - A name that starts with a period (.)

  2. Copy the model file for the user-specified option file in version 10-50 and earlier (ajs2view_opt.conf.V10.model) to the folder that contains the model file for the user-specified option file.

    The ajs2view_opt.conf.V10.model file is stored in the following folder:

    JP1/AJS3 - View-installation-folder\conf

  3. Change the name of the copy of the ajs2view_opt.conf.V10.model file to ajs2view_opt.conf.

  4. Start JP1/AJS3 - View.

    Any instance of JP1/AJS3 - View started after you have replaced the user-specified option file will apply the default values for version 10-50 and earlier to customizable items.

(2) Items set in the Preferences dialog box

To restore the default value from version 10-50 and earlier for a customizable item whose default value in the Preferences dialog box has changed in version 11-00, change the corresponding value in the Preferences dialog box.