
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

12.4.38 Detailed Definition - [Remote Power Control] dialog box

The Detailed Definition - [Remote Power Control] dialog box defines the details on remote power control.

This dialog box contains the items displayed in common, and also contains the following pages:

Organization of this subsection

(1) Items displayed in common

The following figure shows the items displayed in common.

Figure 12‒182: Items displayed in common in the Detailed Definition - [Remote Power Control] dialog box


The following explains the items displayed in common.

Unit name

Specify a unit name. Use a character string of up to 30 bytes. The default is Remote-Power-Control.


Specify a comment for the unit. Use a character string of up to 80 bytes. The default is a blank.


Specify the execution agent name or execution agent group name to be assigned the task of remote power control. Use a character string of up to 255 bytes. You can specify a macro variable in this field if the version of the connection-target JP1/AJS3 - Manager is 09-50 or later, and Standard is specified for Exec. service. The default is a blank.

This item appears as a text box when either of the following applies:

  • The version of JP1/AJS - View or the connection-target JP1/AJS - Manager is earlier than 09-50

  • The unit is being defined under a remote jobnet

Otherwise, this item appears as a combo box in which you can select an execution agent. You can also directly enter an execution agent name into the combo box. The content of the list component of the combo box differs depending on whether execution agent profiles are enabled, and the contents of those profiles.

When execution agent profiles are disabled

The list is empty.

When execution agent profiles are enabled
  • If the specified job is associated with an execution agent profile

    The list displays the execution agents permitted for the specified job.

  • If the specified job is not associated with an execution agent profile

    If the upper-level unit is associated with an execution agent profile, the list displays the execution agents permitted for the upper-level unit.

    If the upper-level unit is not associated with an execution agent profile, the list will be empty.

For details about execution agents, see 5.1.1 Execution agents in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview.

Cautionary notes
  • If you have selected Queueless Agent in Exec. service on the Attributes page, specify the name of an execution host.

  • When you copy and paste a cell in Excel, a space may be appended to the end of the pasted text. In such a case, delete the space.

(2) Definition page

The following figure shows the Definition page in the Detailed Definition - [Remote Power Control] dialog box.

Figure 12‒183: Definition page in the Detailed Definition - [Remote Power Control] dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Remote host

Specify the name of the JP1/Power Monitor agent host subject to power control. Use a character string of up to 255 bytes. You can use a macro variable. Be sure to set this item. The default is a blank. Also, select PC or UNIX.

Request type

Select the type of host power control. The default is Power off: Planned termination. The items you can select are different depending on whether you have selected PC or UNIX for Remote host. You can select one of the following items:

  • Power on

    Turns on the power to the host.

  • Power off: Planned termination

    Terminates the host in a planned manner.

  • Power off: Forced termination

    Kills the host.

  • Power off: Forced stop

    Directly turns off the power controller for the host.

Cautionary note

Remember that Power off: Forced stop turns off the host's power without normally terminating the job or application being executed. Therefore, it should be used only in an emergency such as a host hang-up.

  • Power on

    Turns on the power to the host.

  • Power off: Monitored termination

    Terminates the host under monitoring.

  • Power off: Restricted termination

    Terminates the host according to the restrictions specified.

  • Power off: Forced termination

    Kills the host.

  • Power off: Forced stop

    Directly turns off the power controller for the host.

Cautionary note

Remember that Power off: Forced stop turns off the host's power without normally terminating the job or application being executed. Therefore, it should be used only in an emergency such as a host hang-up.

Set next power-on time

Specify the time of the next power-on for the host. The default is Agent setting. If you select Power on or Forced stop for Request type, you cannot set this item.

  • No setting

    Without setting the time of next power-on, this option turns off the power to the host.

  • Agent setting

    Turns on the power to the host at the time set in the schedule of JP1/Power Monitor in the agent host.

  • Change next power-on time

    Select this if you want to turn on the power to the host at a time different from that set in JP1/Power Monitor in the agent host. You can set the following values.

    Month: 1 to 12

    Day: 1 to 31

    Hours: 0 to 23

    Minutes: 0 to 59

    If Month or Day is omitted, the month and day of execution will be assumed. This means that an error will occur if you specify a set of Hours and Minutes that is earlier than the time of execution.

    The time of next power-on you specify will act as the time specified in the time zone for the user of the host that executes the remote power control job.


If you select Power off, specify whether to restart the system. You can select Restart or Do not restart. The default is Do not restart. With Power on selected for Request type, you cannot specify this item.

Cautionary note

With Power off: Forced stop selected, choosing Restart may result in an improper startup, depending on the type of power controller, if the interval between the power-off and power-on processes is too small. If this occurs, you should allow for a sufficient length of time from the power-off to the power-on.

Power-off completion

If you select Power off, specify whether to wait for the end of power-off. Power-off completion is a shutdown method in which the JP1/Power Monitor on the agent host notifies the JP1/Power Monitor on the manager host that shutdown processing has just started. The system does not wait for the agent host to shut down.

You can select Wait or Do not wait. The default is Do not wait.

If you select Wait, the maximum wait time differs depending on whether PC or UNIX is selected for Platform.

  • If PC is selected: 24 hours

    After 24 hours have passed, the JP1/Power Monitor message KAVP11087-E is output to the integrated trace log, and the Remote Power Control job ends abnormally.

  • If UNIX is selected: Unlimited


Select a platform that needs remote power control. You can select PC or UNIX. The default is PC.

  • PC

    A Windows environment is used.

  • UNIX

    A UNIX environment is used.

(3) Attributes page

The following figure shows the Attributes page in the Detailed Definition - [Remote Power Control] dialog box.

Figure 12‒184: Attributes page in the Detailed Definition - [Remote Power Control] dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.


Specify whether to place the unit in the hold status in advance. You can specify No or Yes. The default is No.


Set the unit type to Normal or Recovery. The default is Normal.

Exec. service

Select the target service. You can specify Standard or Queueless Agent. The default is Standard. Note that this text box appears for connection target JP1/AJS3 - Manager, or JP1/AJS2 - Manager 07-00-/C or later.

Set timeout period

Select whether to set a time-out period for job execution. You can specify No or Yes. The default is No.

Timeout period

If you select Yes in Set timeout period, specify a time-out period in minutes. You can set 1 to 1,440 minutes. The default is a blank.

Delayed end

Specify whether to monitor delayed end of jobs based on time required for execution. Select the Time-required-for-execution check box to monitor delayed end of jobs. The check box is not selected by default.

When you select the Time-required-for-execution check box, specify the time required for execution for a job from 1 to 1,440 (in minutes).

This section appears for the JP1/AJS3 - View, or JP1/AJS2 - View of version 08-50 or later. For details about cautionary notes on monitoring of delayed end of jobs based on time required for execution, see 5.1.3 End delay monitoring based on time-required-for-execution in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Work Tasks) Guide.


Specify the owner of the unit. Use a character string of up to 31 bytes. The default is the login JP1 user name. Note that if the upper-level unit-attribute inheritance function has been set for the upper-level jobnet, the default is the owner of the upper-level unit.

JP1 resource group

Specify a JP1 resource group name. Use a character string of up to 63 bytes. You can specify alphanumeric characters and underscores (_). The default is the JP1 resource group name of the upper-level unit. If you specify a blank, you are not authorized to access this group.

Executed by

Select the user who executes the job. The default is User who registered. You can select the following items.

  • User who registered

    The JP1 user who registered the job executes the job.

  • User who owns

    The JP1 user who owns the job executes the job.

You must perform user mapping on the host where you want to execute the job so that the specified user is converted to a OS user.

If the execution-user fixing function is configured for the upper-level unit, the execution user conforms to the unit-attribute profile regardless of the contents of this field.