
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

12.4.33 Detailed Definition - [Send MQ Message] - [Detailed Setting] dialog box

The Detailed Definition - [Send MQ Message] - [Detailed Setting] dialog box sets the details on the message to be sent.

The following figure shows the Detailed Definition - [Send MQ Message] - [Detailed Setting] dialog box.

Figure 12‒171: Detailed Definition - [Send MQ Message] - [Detailed Setting] dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.


Specify a format name. Use uppercase alphabetic characters (A to Z) and numeric characters (0 to 9) of up to 8 bytes. The default is a blank.

Message data file

Specify the name of the message data file as a message. Use a character string of up to 256 bytes. You can use a macro variable in the message data file name. In that case, you cannot use a macro variable in the specified message data file.

You can click the ... button to select a file name from the dialog box that will appear.

Retention time

Specify the retention time for the message to be sent. You can specify 1 to 9,999,999. The default is a blank. By default, no time limit is applied.


Specify the priority of the message to be sent. You can set 0 to 9. The highest priority is 9. The default is a blank.

Dead-letter queue

Specify the name of the queue to which you want to transfer the message if the message cannot be sent. Use an MQ character string of up to 48 bytes. The default is a blank. You can use the following characters for the MQ character string.

  • Letters (A to Z and a to z)

  • Numbers (0 to 9)

  • Periods (.)

  • Forward slashes (/)

  • Underscores (_)

  • Percent signs (%)