
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

12.4.31 Detailed Definition - [Send Mail] - [Attached File] dialog box

The Detailed Definition - [Send Mail] - [Attached File] dialog box sets whether to add an attached file. This dialog box will be displayed only if you have selected PC in Platform.

The following figure shows the Detailed Definition - [Send Mail] - [Attached File] dialog box.

Figure 12‒167: Detailed Definition - [Send Mail] - [Attached File] dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Attached file

Specify an attached file name in the text field. Use a character string of up to 256 bytes. You can use a macro variable. If you click the Add button, this item is added to the list. You can add up to 20 file names. The default is a blank. You can also click the ... button to select a file name from the dialog box that will appear.

To specify an attached file from the list, select Use list. By default, this box is cleared. If you select Use list, the attached file name becomes invalid. Then, specify the listed file name of the attached file in the text field. Use a character string of up to 256 bytes. You can select a file name from the dialog box displayed by clicking the ... button.

Even with Use list selected, you can use a macro variable in a file name. If you use files contents in the list (that is, if you select Use list), the specified list file must not contain any macro variable.

You cannot specify a file that exists on a network drive as an attached file or in the attached-file list.

When you use the email service, whether or not the file can be attached depends on the email service login account. The file can be attached only when the email service login account has a permission to access the file.

For details about the format of attached file lists, see 2.7.3 List of attached files to be sent (Windows only) in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide.