
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

12.3.23 Passing Information dialog box

The Passing Information dialog box lists all items of passing information for the unit selected to be registered for execution. The following figure shows the Passing Information dialog box.

Figure 12‒50: Passing Information dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Passing Info

Lists the passing information for the unit in the format macro-variable-name:passing-information.

You can register a maximum of 32 pieces of passing information, but you cannot use the same macro variable name more than once.

Add button

Clicking the Add button displays the Register Passing Information dialog box, in which you can add passing information. For details, see 12.3.24 Register Passing Information dialog box.

Change button

Clicking the Change button displays the Register Passing Information dialog box, in which you can change passing information. For details, see 12.3.24 Register Passing Information dialog box.

Delete button

You can select and delete items from the list of items of passing information.