
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

12.3.4 Backup dialog box

The Backup dialog box sets the method for backing up information such as unit definitions. The following figure shows the Backup dialog box.

Figure 12‒9: Backup dialog box


The following explains the displayed items.

Backup uses same name as unit

When backing up a unit, specify a backup method if a unit with the same name already exists in the backup box. You can specify No or Yes. Choosing Yes forcibly updates the backup file in the backup box. The default is No.

Backup box

Displays the name of the backup box created in the directory for backup information. If you click a backup box name in the Backup box, the Backup file field displays the backup file name.

Backup file

Displays the names of the backup files stored in the backup box, as well as unit types and full path names.

Backup box name

Specify the name of the backup box to store a backup file. Use a character string of up to 50 bytes. If you want to store a backup file into a created backup box, double-click the backup box name appearing in the Backup box.

Unit elements

Lists the unit names and types in the unit selected in the tree area. If you select a unit in the list or map area, only the selected unit appears.

Units to backup

Displays the name of the unit to be backed up.

Add button

Adds the unit selected in Unit elements to Units to backup. With a unit name selected in Unit elements, you can click the Add button.

Delete button

Deletes the unit selected in Units to backup. With a unit name selected in Units to backup, you can click the Delete button.

Cautionary notes
  • You cannot click the OK button if you have displayed the Backup dialog box with a unit having no subunits selected in the tree area of the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window) or the Jobnet Editor window.

  • If you update a root jobnet for which release entry was performed (a release-target jobnet), the status of the root jobnet changes so that release entry was not performed for the root jobnet, because the root jobnet is re-created.

  • The following units cannot be imported into a root jobnet for which release entry was performed (a release-target jobnet).

    - Remote jobnet

    - .CONDITION (start condition)

    - Jobnet connector

Supplementary notes
  • Only the following users can save the unit.

    - Users who have administrator privileges.

    - Users assigned the reference privilege for all job units to be backed up and the update privilege for the backup box.

  • For JP1/AJS3 - Manager, the name of the backup box is case-sensitive for UNIX and case-insensitive for Windows.

  • You can create up to 1,024 backup files in a single backup box.

  • If the AJSPRINTNETSCHPRF environment setup parameter for JP1/AJS3 - Manager to be connected specifies the dependency on the schedule for the upper-level jobnet, you can specify either of the following methods to output the unit definition information for the nested jobnet having a schedule rule:

    - Enable the schedule rule and do not depend on the schedule for the upper-level jobnet.

    - Delete the schedule rule and depend on the schedule for the upper-level jobnet.

    For details about the AJSPRINTNETSCHPRF environment setup parameter, see 20.4.2(79) AJSPRINTNETSCHPRF in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.