
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

9.13.2 Editing the lower-level definition of a root jobnet

When the root jobnet is placed in the suspended status, you can edit the definition of a lower-level unit of a root jobnet. You can edit the lower-level definition of a root jobnet when both of the following conditions are satisfied:

To edit the lower-level definition of the root jobnet registered for execution:

  1. In the JP1/AJS3 - View window, in Function Menu, click Status Monitor.

    Status Monitor is now selected.

  2. In the list area, click the root jobnet whose icon indicates suspended status.

    The root jobnet you clicked is now selected.

  3. Choose Edit and then Edit. Alternatively, double-click the root jobnet whose icon indicates suspended status.

    The Jobnet Editor window appears.

  4. Use any of the following methods to edit the lower-level definition of the root jobnet:

    • Add a new unit.

    • Edit the definition of an existing unit.

    • Delete the definition of an existing unit.

Cautionary notes
  • You cannot rename an existing unit. However, you can rename the unit added when the root jobnet was suspended.

  • You cannot move a unit by executing the Cut and Paste (Units and relations) (or Paste (Units only)). To move a unit, execute the Copy command and then the Paste (Units and relations) (or Paste (Units only)) command, and then use the Delete command to delete the original unit.

  • You cannot delete a unit being executed.

  • You cannot add or delete host link jobnets or jobnet connectors.

  • You cannot delete or paste a unit containing a host link jobnet or jobnet connector. For host link jobnets, jobnet connectors, and units that contain host link jobnets or jobnet connectors, you can only do the following:

    - Add, delete, or edit relation lines.

    - Add, delete, or edit preceding and succeeding units.

Supplementary notes
  • If you change a definition when the jobnet is registered for execution, the change affects all generations that were executed, that are being executed, and that are to be executed.

  • If you edit the definition of an existing unit, the past execution results remain. If you delete the definition of an existing unit, the past execution results are not retained.

  • If you change or delete existing units, the configuration becomes different from the configuration before you change or delete the units. Be careful when re-executing the jobnet.

  • You can change the map area size of any jobnet regardless of the jobnet status when the root jobnet is suspended.