
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

5.2.2 Defining a jobnet

A jobnet is a collection of processing units (jobs) with a preset execution order. You define a jobnet in a job group, but you cannot define a jobnet in a job. For details about the procedure for defining a jobnet or defining a job in a jobnet, see (4) Defining a jobnet in a jobnet or 5.2.3 Defining jobs.

This subsection describes how to define each type of jobnet, and assumes that a job group has already been created.

You can also use the ajsdefine command to define units. For details about this command, see ajsdefine in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Defining jobnet (root jobnet)

The following procedure shows how to define a jobnet in the job group.

To define a jobnet in a job group:

  1. In the JP1/AJS3 - View window, in Function Menu, click Jobnet Definition.

    Jobnet Definition is now selected.

  2. In the tree area, click a job group that will manages the jobnet to be defined.

    The clicked job group is displayed in the selected mode.

  3. Choose Edit, New, and then Jobnet.

    The Define Details - [Jobnet] dialog box is displayed.

  4. Define items in the jobnet such as attributes.

  5. Click OK button.

    The Define Details - [Jobnet] dialog box closes.

    The job group selected in the step 2 is created and is displayed in the list area.

Supplementary notes
  • Even while registering execution, definition of a root jobnet can be added and changed. For the procedure using JP1/AJS3 - View, see 9.13 Changing the lower-level definition of a jobnet registered for execution.

  • The system runs a check if you specify connection of the planning group to a jobnet connector, specify Same service in Connection range on the Definition page of the Define Details - [Planning Group] dialog box, and then you click the OK button in step 5. This check is to determine whether the planning group can be really connected to the jobnet connector, and includes such checks as whether the jobnet connector actually exists and whether the jobnet connector is already connected to a jobnet.

    If Other service is specified for Connection range, however, the system does not check whether the planning group can be really connected to the jobnet connector. In this case, manually check whether the planning group can be connected to the jobnet connector.

    If a confirmation message or an error message appears, follow the displayed instructions.

  • You can register the definitions of a jobnet beforehand and then change the definitions at a specified date and time. For details about switching definitions, see 9.14 Switching definitions of a running jobnet according to a plan (jobnet release).

(2) Defining a remote jobnet

With a remote jobnet, you can transfer a jobnet that has already been defined on the local manager host to a different manager host and execute the jobnet there.

The following procedures shows how to define a remote jobnet in the job group.

To define a remote jobnet:

  1. In the JP1/AJS3 - View window, in Function Menu, click Jobnet Definition.

    Jobnet Definition is now selected.

  2. In the tree area, click the job group that will manage the jobnet to be defined.

    The clicked job group is displayed in the selected mode.

  3. Choose Edit and New, and then Remote Jobnet.

    The Define Details - [Remote Jobnet] dialog box is displayed.

  4. Define items in the remote jobnet such as attributes.

  5. Click OK button.

    The Define Details - [Remote Jobnet] dialog box closes.

    A remote jobnet is defined in the job group selected in the step 2, and is displayed in the list area.

Cautionary note

A remote jobnet cannot be defined for a root jobnet for which release entry was performed (a release-target jobnet).

(3) Defining a manager jobnet

A manager jobnet is a unit to link jobnets on another hosts defined in JP1/AJS3 - Manager. This unit is defined if frequently used units on another hosts is used by single JP1/AJS3 - View.

The following procedure shows how to define a manager jobnet in the job group.

To define a manager jobnet:

  1. In the JP1/AJS3 - View window, in Function Menu, click Jobnet Definition.

    Jobnet Definition is now selected.

  2. In the tree area, select a job group that manages a manager jobnet to be defined.

    The clicked job group is displayed in the selected mode.

  3. Choose Edit, New, and then Manager Job Group.

    The Define Details - [Manager Job Group] dialog box is displayed.

  4. Define items in the manager jobnet such as attributes.

  5. Click OK button.

    The Define Details - [Manager Job Group] dialog box closes.

    In the job group selected in the step 2, a manager jobnet is defined and is displayed in the list area.

(4) Defining a jobnet in a jobnet

A jobnet defined in a jobnet is called a net jobnet.

The following procedure shows how to define a net jobnet assuming the job group and the jobnet have been defined.

To define a nested jobnet:

  1. In the JP1/AJS3 - View window, in Function Menu, click Jobnet Definition.

    Jobnet Definition is now selected.

  2. In the list area, click the root jobnet that will manage the nested jobnet to be defined.

    The clicked jobnet is displayed in the selected mode.

  3. Choose Edit and then Edit. Or double click the root jobnet.

    The Jobnet Editor window is displayed.

  4. Select Exclusive edit.

  5. From the icon list, drag the icon of the target jobnet into the map area.

    The Define Details - [Jobnet] dialog box is displayed.

  6. Define items in the net jobnet such as attributes.

    In case of recovery jobnet, choose Recovery for Type in the Attributes page.

  7. Click OK button.

    The Define Details - [Jobnet] dialog box closes.

    A nest jobnet is defined in the root jobnet.

  8. To define another unit immediately under a nested jobnet, in the map area of the Jobnet Editor window, click the icon of the nested jobnet, and then choose View and then Open Jobnet. Alternatively, double-click the icon of the nested jobnet.

    The map area displays the level immediately below the nested jobnet.

    Next, define the unit by performing step 5.

  9. In the tree area, click the root jobnet selected in step 2.

    The map area now displays the units immediately below the root jobnet.

  10. Repeat steps 5 to 9 as necessary.

Supplementary notes
  • If the mouse cursor is placed in an icon in the icon list, the name of the icon is displayed. Before dragging it, check the icon name.

  • A job (custom job) that executes programs other than JP1/AJS3 programs is available. Among custom jobs, there are standard custom jobs provided by JP1/AJS3, or user defined custom jobs, which a user can register optionally. For details of custom jobs, see 3. Adding Custom Jobs in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide.

  • A nest jobnet could have up to 30 layers, the first layer of which is a unit directly under the scheduler service (root job group)

  • To change the attributes of a nested jobnet defined in the map area, click the icon of the nested jobnet in the map area or the nested jobnet in the list area, and then choose Edit and then Properties.

  • You can set start conditions for root jobnets. For details see 5.4 Setting a start condition.

  • If you want to change the operation that is performed when you double-click a jobnet in the list area in the JP1/AJS3 - View window, use the Main page of the Preferences dialog box. If the default setting has been changed, double - clicking a jobnet does not display the Jobnet Editor window.

  • When you double-click a nested jobnet in the list area of the Jobnet Editor window, the Define Details - [Jobnet] dialog box appears by default. If you want to change the operation that is performed when you double-click a jobnet in the list area, use the Editor/Monitor page of the Preferences dialog box. For details about how to change the operation, see 11.5.11 Changing the operation performed when a unit in the list area is double-clicked.