
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

2.3.2 Defining the Processing_Of_Received_Order jobnet

This section describes the operation for defining the Processing_Of_Received_Order jobnet.

Four major steps are required to define this jobnet.

Step 1: Define a job group.

Step 2: Define a jobnet.

Step 3: Define jobs.

Step 4: Relate jobs.

This section describes steps 2 to 4. Step 1 Define a job group is omitted here since we use the job group (AJSROOT1) that is automatically created when JP1/AJS3 - Manager is installed.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Define a jobnet

In the AJSROOT1 job group, define the Processing_Of_Received_Order jobnet.

To define the jobnet:

  1. In the JP1/AJS3 - View window, in Function Menu, click Jobnet Definition.

    Jobnet Definition is now selected.

  2. Choose Edit, New, and then Jobnet.

    The Define Details - [Jobnet] dialog box appears.

  3. Define attributes of the jobnet.

    Define the following in the Define Details - [Jobnet] dialog box.

    Figure 2‒4: Define Details - [Jobnet] dialog box


    Unit name

    Enter Processing_Of_Received_Order.


    Enter the name of the execution agent on which you want to execute the job. Note that you do not need to specify anything if the host on which the job is to be executed is the same as the host you entered in Host to connect in the Login screen.

  4. Click the OK button.

    The Define Details - [Jobnet] dialog box closes.

    The Processing_Of_Received_Order jobnet is created in the AJSROOT1 job group and this jobnet appears in the list area.

  5. In the list area, make sure that the Processing_Of_Received_Order jobnet is selected, and then click the Show button.

    The detailed information area displays the definitions of the Processing_Of_Received_Order jobnet.

    The following figure shows how the JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window) looks at the end of step 5.

    Figure 2‒5: JP1/AJS3 - View window (Main window) after the jobnet has been created


(2) Define jobs

Define jobs in the Processing_Of_Received_Order jobnet.

To define jobs:

  1. In the JP1/AJS3 - View window, make sure that Jobnet Definition is selected in Function Menu.

  2. In the tree area, make sure that the AJSROOT1 job group is displayed. In the list area, click the Processing_Of_Received_Order jobnet.

    The Processing_Of_Received_Order jobnet is now selected.

  3. Choose Edit and then Edit. Alternatively, double-click the Processing_Of_Received_Order jobnet.

    The following Jobnet Editor window appears.

    Figure 2‒6: Jobnet Editor window before jobs have been defined


    In this window, define four jobs in the Processing_Of_Received_Order jobnet.

  4. Select Exclusive edit.

    When you define a job or relate jobs, select this checkbox so that other users cannot access the job or jobs.

  5. From the Basic page that lists icons, drag the PC job icon and drop it into the map area.

    When drop the PC job icon [Figure] into the map area, the Define Details - [PC Job] dialog box appears.

  6. Define attributes of the job.

    The following figure shows the items that are defined on the Definition page of the Define Details - [PC Job] dialog box.

    Figure 2‒7: Define Details - [PC Job] dialog box (Definition page)


    Unit name

    Enter Job_CalculateReceivedOrderData.

    File name

    Enter the name of the file you want to execute as a job.

    If you did not prepare an executable file before you perform the example, you can omit this item.

    The following figure shows the items that are defined on the Attributes page of the Define Details - [PC Job] dialog box.

    Figure 2‒8: Define Details - [PC Job] dialog box (Attributes page)



    Select Yes.

  7. Click the OK button.

    The Define Details - [PC Job] dialog box closes.

    The Job_CalculateReceivedOrderData job has now been defined in the Processing_Of_Received_Order jobnet.

    Define the three other jobs with the same procedure.

  8. Repeat step 5 to 7 to define three more jobs.

    The following shows the definition for each job.

    Define the following for the Job_CheckStock job:

    Unit name

    Enter Job_CheckStock.

    File name

    Enter C:\Temp\err.bat.

    For details about C:\Temp\err.bat, see 2.2 Preparations required before executing the example.

    End judgment

    Select Normal if specified file exists for Rule and enter C:\Temp\stock-check for File name.

    To explain the execution of a recovery job, this example lets you specify that the Job_CheckStock job ends abnormally if the specified file (C:\Temp\stock-check) does not exist.

    Define the following for the Job_CreateReceivedOrderSlip job:

    Unit name

    Enter Job_CreateReceivedOrderSlip.

    File name

    Enter the name of the file you want to execute as a job.

    If you did not prepare an executable file before you perform the example, you can omit this item.

    Define the following for the RecoverJob_CreateShippingSlip recovery job:

    Unit name

    Enter RecoverJob_CreateShippingSlip.

    File name

    Enter the name of the file you want to execute as a job.

    If you did not prepare an executable file before you perform the example, you can omit this item.


    Switch to the Attributes page. In Type, click Recovery.

    When you select Recovery, R is added to the upper right corner of the icon in the map area.

    Now four jobs are defined in the Processing_Of_Received_Order jobnet.

    In the list area, the Unit name column displays the unit name of each job. The Type column displays "PC job".

(3) Relate jobs

Relate the four jobs as an execution order.

For this example, you relate the Job_CalculateReceivedOrderData job, the Job_CheckStock job, and the Job_CreateReceivedOrderSlip job in this order, which is the normal execution order of the jobs.

You then relate the Job_CheckStock job and the RecoverJob_CreateShippingSlip recovery job in this order. This order specifies that if the Job_CheckStock job ends abnormally, then the recovery job will be executed.

Perform the following procedure to relate the jobs.

To relate jobs:

  1. Click the Make Consecutive Relations button.

    The Make Consecutive Relations button is now selected.

  2. Click the Job_CalculateReceivedOrderData job icon (which is executed first), the Job_CheckStock job icon (which is executed second), and then the Job_CreateReceivedOrderSlip job icon (which is executed third).

    Each icon becomes selected when clicked, and black arrows appear between the icons.

  3. Click the mouse in a blank location in the map area.

    The Job_CreateReceivedOrderSlip job icon, which was clicked last, is deselected.

    Now the jobs for the normal procedure are related. Next, you need to relate the recovery job.

  4. Click the Make Relation button.

    The Make Relation button is now selected.

  5. Click the Job_CheckStock job icon and then the RecoverJob_CreateShippingSlip recovery job.

    Each icon is selected when clicked, and a red arrow appears between the icons.

    The Jobnet Editor window now should appear as follows.

    Figure 2‒9: Jobnet Editor window after jobs have been defined and related


Now the Processing_Of_Received_Order jobnet is completely defined.

You do not need to save a jobnet after it is defined since information is automatically saved each time any change is made, such as when a jobnet is created or a job is defined.

When you finish defining a jobnet, you can execute the jobnet. Close the Jobnet Editor window.