
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Administration Guide

13.1.8 Editing units defined by JP1/AJS3 - View and comparing definitions before and after editing

After editing units defined by JP1/AJS3 - View, you can compare the definition before and after editing to confirm that the unit definition was edited correctly. An example would be a case where you copy a master jobnet and define the copy as another jobnet.

This subsection describes how to use JP1/AJS3 - View to output unit definition information files before and after editing units and collect appropriate differential data.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Operation

JP1/AJS3 - View users who want to check differences before and after units are edited need to execute the ajsprint command to collect unit definition information files. However, logging in to the manager host to execute the command increases time and effort, and JP1/AJS3 users need the necessary permissions. A JP1/AJS3 - View user who does not have the necessary permissions have to ask the JP1/AJS3 - Manager administrator to execute the command.

If unit definition information files can be collected by executing the ajsprint command, differences might be generated in relation line information output to files. This is because the ajsprint command outputs relation line information entries in ascending order of unit ID.

The following describes the operations above by using an example company:

The sales department and information system department of this company have the following types of users.

Table 13‒7: Examples of users


User role


Job administrator:

Uses JP1/AJS3 - View to design, organize, and run jobs that are used by the sales department.

Information systems

JP1/AJS3 system administrator:

Manages the entire JP1/AJS3 system including JP1/AJS3 - Manager and JP1/AJS3 - View.

If a job needs to be customized in the sales department, the following operation is performed:

  1. In the sales department, a person in charge copies the master jobnet (Jobnet M) provided as a job template to a development job group. The name of the jobnet copy is Jobnet C.


  2. Edit the definition of Jobnet C.

  3. When a test run of Jobnet C is completed, the person in charge of the sales department asks the information systems department to collect unit definition information files for Jobnets M and C.

  4. In the information systems department, a person in charge logs in to the manager host OS and executes the following commands:

    ajsprint -F AJSROOT1 /JobnetM > /tmp/unit_definition_information_JobnetM.txt
    ajsprint -F AJSROOT1 /Development/JobnetC > /tmp/unit_definition_information_JobnetC.txt

    The person in charge sends the collected unit definition information files to the sales department.


  5. The person in charge of the sales department uses a differential-data collection tool to compare the unit definition information files to confirm that there are no problems in the changes.

    At this time, even if relation lines have not been edited, differences might be generated in the relation line information output to the unit definition information files. In this case, visually check the output to confirm that there are no problems.

  6. Copy Jobnet C to the production job group and register it for execution.


(2) Problem

The method described in (1) Operation has the following two problems:

  1. You want to reduce the time and effort required for collecting unit definition information files.

    To collect unit definition information files, the sales department must ask the information systems department for operations. This requires considerable time and effort.

    Workload in the information systems department also increases because a person in charge needs to log in to the manager host OS and execute a command each time a request is issued.

  2. You want to appropriately collect differences from the relation line information before and after editing when comparing the output results of the ajsprint command.

    The order of relation line information entries output to a unit definition information file is determined according to the following rules:

    • Entries are output in ascending order of unit ID of succeeding units.

    • If succeeding units are the same, entries are output in ascending order of unit ID of preceding units.

    Unit IDs are determined by the order in which units are created. However, if a unit is created by copying another unit, the lower units are created in a batch, causing their unit IDs to be re-assigned in ascending order of unit name. Therefore, for Jobnets M and C, even if relation lines are not edited, the order of relation line information entries output to a unit definition information file differs before and after editing.

    For example, if you create Jobs D, C, B, and A in Jobnet M, unit IDs are assigned to the jobs in the order in which they were created.


    In this case, the relation line information is output to the unit definition information file as follows:


    On the other hand, for Jobnet C, which was created by copying Jobnet M, unit IDs are re-assigned in ascending order of unit name.


    Therefore, the relation line information is output to the unit definition information file for Jobnet C as follows:


    When you compare the unit definition information files for Jobnets M and C, unexpected differences are generated in relation line information.

(3) Solution

This subsection describes the solution for each item in (2) Problem.

  1. Use the function for executing commands from JP1/AJS3 - View.

    You can register the ajsprint command in JP1/AJS3 - View to execute the command on the manager host. The command execution results can be output to the JP1/AJS3 - View host. This eliminates the time and effort required by the sales department to ask the information systems department for operation, and the information systems department to execute commands.


  2. Use the -s option that fixes the order of relation line information entries output by the ajsprint command.

    If you specify the -s option when executing the ajsprint command, relation line information entries are output according to the following rules, rather than in ascending order of unit ID:

    • Entries are output in ascending order of unit name of preceding units.

    • If preceding unit names are the same, entries are output in ascending order of unit name of succeeding units.

    As a result, relation line information is output as follows to the unit definition information files for both Jobnets M and C:


    In other words, specifying the -s option prevents unexpected differences from being generated in relation line information in the unit definition information files for Jobnets M and C.

(4) Configuration example

This subsection describes how to execute the ajsprint -s command from JP1/AJS3 - View.

The basic procedure is as follows:

Operations for the information systems department
  1. In JP1/AJS3 - Manager, set permissions for executing the ajsprint command from JP1/AJS3 - View.

Operations for the sales department
  1. Register the ajsprint command in JP1/AJS3 - View.

  2. Execute the ajsprint command from JP1/AJS3 - View.

The following describes the procedure for each department:

(a) Settings required for the information systems department (JP1/AJS3 - Manager)

The following describes how to specify the necessary settings for the information systems department (JP1/AJS3 - Manager). This procedure is required the first time only.

  1. Determine the commands permitted to be executed from JP1/AJS3 - View and the JP1 users permitted to execute the commands.

    Consider the following points:

    • Commands permitted to be executed

      Determine which commands should be permitted to be executed from JP1/AJS3 - View. In this example, execution of only the ajsprint command is permitted.

    • Users permitted to execute commands

      Determine which JP1 users are permitted to execute commands from JP1/AJS3 - View. Command execution permissions can be set for each JP1 user or for all JP1 users.

      In this example, only the JP1 user (Sales) provided for the sales department is permitted to execute commands.

  2. Create and edit an executable command settings file (jajsExecutableCommand).

    Create an executable command settings file (jajsExecutableCommand), and then specify commands that can be executed from JP1/AJS3 - View.

    Because only the ajsprint command is permitted in this example, specify as follows in the executable command settings file:

  3. Store the executable command settings file in an appropriate location.

    The location to store the executable command settings file varies depending on whether the command execution is permitted for individual JP1 users or all JP1 users.

    If the manager host runs Windows (physical host) and JP1/AJS3 - Manager is installed in the default installation folder, store the executable command settings file for the JP1 user (Sales) in the following location:


(b) Settings required for the sales department (JP1/AJS3 - View)

The following describes how to specify the necessary settings for the sales department (JP1/AJS3 - View):

■ Registering the command

Register the ajsprint -s command in JP1/AJS3 - View. This procedure is required the first time only.

To register the command:

  1. Log in to JP1/AJS3 - Manager from JP1/AJS3 - View as the JP1 user Sales.

  2. From the Options menu, select JP1/AJS3 Command Settings.

    The JP1/AJS3 Command Settings dialog box is displayed.

  3. Click Add button.

    The JP1/AJS3 Command Entry dialog box is displayed.

  4. In the JP1/AJS3 Command Entry dialog box, specify each item.

    The following shows an example of entering information in the JP1/AJS3 Command Entry dialog box:


    Entry name

    Enter Output_Unit_File, and then select the Add to pop-up menu check box.


    Select ajsprint.

    Command argument

    Enter the command argument follows:


    Character strings in parentheses indicate variables. To insert a variable, select the item you want to insert from the drop-down list for Replace, and then click Insert.


    Enter the name of the unit definition information file that is output by the ajsprint command. In this example, enter the name of the unit definition information file as follows:


    The character string in parentheses indicates a variable. To insert a variable, select the item you want to insert from the drop-down list for Replace, and then click Insert.

  5. Click OK button.

    The JP1/AJS3 Command Entry dialog box closes.

    The information you have registered appears in the JP1/AJS3 Command Settings dialog box.

  6. Click Close button.

    A message asking you whether you want to save the command settings appears.

  7. Click Yes button.

    The settings are saved and the JP1/AJS3 Command Settings dialog box closes.

■ Executing the command

Execute the registered command to collect unit definition information files for Jobnets M and C. Assume that Jobnet C is already created.

To execute the command:

  1. Log in to JP1/AJS3 - Manager from JP1/AJS3 - View as the JP1 user Sales.

  2. In the list area of the JP1/AJS3 - View window (main window), select JobnetM. In the pop-up menu displayed by right-clicking, select JP1/AJS3 Command, and then Output Unit Definition Information File.

    The unit definition information file for Jobnet M is output to the JP1/AJS3 - View host.

    The following shows the output destination and the name of the unit definition information file for Jobnet M:


  3. Perform step 2 for Jobnet C.

  4. Use a differential-data collection tool to compare the unit definition information files for Jobnets M and C, and then confirm that there are no problems in the differences.

(5) Manual references





Executable command settings file jajsExecutableCommand

4.5.4 JP1/AJS3 commands that can be executed from JP1/AJS3 - View in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Configuration) Guide


  • 11.1.1 Types of customization methods in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

  • 11.3.18 Allowing execution of JP1/AJS3 commands in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

Operating procedures

Registering JP1/AJS3 commands

10.4.1 Registering JP1/AJS3 commands in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

Executing a JP1/AJS3 command

10.4.2 Executing a JP1/AJS3 command in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

Dialog boxes

  • 12.3.53 JP1/AJS3 Command Settings dialog box in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

  • 12.3.54 JP1/AJS3 Command Entry dialog box in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

  • 12.3.55 JP1/AJS3 Command Execution Result dialog box in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide