
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Administration Guide

13.1.4 Reinstating a temporary schedule change that was cleared by a release registration

If you perform a release registration of a jobnet whose schedule has been temporarily changed, the temporary change no longer applies after the release date. Manually reinstating the schedule change in this scenario requires time and effort. This case study describes how to reinstate a temporary schedule change for a jobnet after the jobnet is released.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Operation

You perform a release entry to switch the definition of a jobnet during operation, and use a temporary plan change to change the schedule of a registered jobnet.

When you register a root jobnet for release, the execution schedule beyond the release date and time is regenerated subject to the definition of the release source jobnet, and any temporary changes you made to the schedule of the release target jobnet are lost.

Figure 13‒11: Example of release registration after temporary schedule change


In this example, the schedule rule of the root jobnet work task A has it execute at 12:00 each day. The user cancels the generation scheduled for 7/2, removing it from the schedule. When the user subsequently releases a jobnet definition with the release ID 001 specifying work task A as its release target, generations scheduled for 7/1 (the release date) onward are produced according to the jobnet definition associated with release ID 001, and the generation scheduled for 7/2 is no longer canceled.

For the cancellation to apply to the execution schedule after the jobnet is released, you need to manually reinstate it in the schedule of the jobnet associated with release ID 001.

(2) Problem

You want temporary schedule changes to be reflected in the execution schedule of a jobnet after release entry.

(3) Solution

You can use the functionality for managing temporary change operations to automatically record and manage temporary changes. This functionality allows you to view a list of temporary changes, and reinstate a temporary change by selecting it from the list.

This provides the following advantages:

In JP1/AJS3 - View, you can view a list of past temporary changes in the Temporary Changes dialog box. When you release a root jobnet, you can access the Temporary Changes dialog box from the Register for Release dialog box, and reinstate any temporary changes you had made to the release target jobnet.

The following figure shows an example of reinstating a temporary change made before releasing a jobnet.

Figure 13‒12: Example of reinstating temporary change made prior to release


The schedule rule of the root jobnet work task A has it execute at 12:00 each day. When the user performs a temporary plan change that cancels the generation scheduled for 7/2, JP1/AJS3 - Manager automatically keeps a record of the change. When the user subsequently releases a jobnet definition with the release ID 001 specifying work task A as its release target, he or she can reinstate the cancellation for work task A by selecting it in the Temporary Changes dialog box. This applies the cancellation to the generation of release ID 001 scheduled for 7/2 and removes it from the schedule.

(4) Manual references





Re-execution of a temporary change

4.5.16 Displaying and re-executing temporary change operations for a job or jobnet in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview

How to use the jobnet release function

7.3.8(3) Recommended methods of operation


  • 6.1.9 Settings for using the temporary change operation management function in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide (for Windows)

  • 15.1.9 Settings for using the temporary change operation management function in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide (for UNIX)

Operating procedures

9.17 Displaying and re-executing temporary changes in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

Dialog boxes

  • 12.3.27 Register for Release dialog box in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide

  • 12.3.40 Temporary Changes dialog box in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide