
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Administration Guide

12.1.1 Procedure for changing the items specified during setup (when the jajs_setup command was run)

The following shows the procedure for changing the ODBC file data source name or database name that was specified when the jajs_setup command was run.

  1. Run the jajs_extdb command, and check whether the ODBC file data source name or database name that you want to change is used by agent management and by the scheduler service.

    Execute the following command.

    jajs_extdb -v

    The following shows an output example.

    Host                            JP1_DEFAULT
    Database Type                   SQLSVR
    Agent management
      Status                        ENABLE
      ODBC File Data Source Name    /odbc/ajsdatasource.dsn
      Database Name                 AJSROOT1DB
    Scheduler Service               AJSROOT1
      Status                        ENABLE
      ODBC File Data Source Name    /odbc/ajsdatasource.dsn
      Database Name                 AJSROOT1DB
    Scheduler Service               AJSROOT2
      Status                        ENABLE
      ODBC File Data Source Name    /odbc/ajsdatasource2.dsn
      Database Name                 AJSROOT2DB

    Make sure that the ODBC File Data Source Name or Database Name that is output for agent management and for the scheduler service in the output example is the change target.

    For details about the jajs_extdb command, see jajs_extdb in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.

  2. Stop the JP1/AJS3 service or the relevant scheduler service.

    If the name of the change target is output for agent management, stop the JP1/AJS3 service. If the name of the change target is not output for agent management control, stop the relevant scheduler service.

  3. Run the jajs_config command to change the environment setting parameter for the change target that you checked in step 1.

    According to the checking result in step 1, change the applicable environment setting parameters:

    To change the information about agent management:

    Change the AJSODBC_DSNAME and AJSODBC_DBNAME environment setting parameters under the [JP1_DEFAULT\JP1AJS2\HOST\AGENTMANAGER] definition key.

    For details about the environment setting parameters, see 20.13.2(1) AJSODBC_DSNAME in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide, and 20.13.2(2) AJSODBC_DBNAME in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.

    To change the information about a scheduler service:

    Change the AJSODBC_DSNAME and AJSODBC_DBNAME environment setting parameters under the [JP1_DEFAULT\JP1AJSMANAGER\scheduler-service-name] definition key.

    For details about the environment setting parameters, see 20.4.2(124) AJSODBC_DSNAME in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide, and 20.4.2(125) AJSODBC_DBNAME in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.

  4. Run the jajs_extdb command, and then confirm that the new ODBC file data source name or database name is correct.

    Execute the following command.

    jajs_extdb -v

    For details about the jajs_extdb command, see jajs_extdb in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.

  5. Restart the JP1/AJS3 service or scheduler service that you stopped in step 2.