
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Administration Guide

11.3.1 Procedures for changing disaster recovery operation settings

The procedure for changing the disaster recovery environment depends on the setting you want to change. There are settings that:

The procedure for changing disaster recovery settings is described in 11.3.2 Changing the settings of a disaster recovery environment.

Each approach is described below.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Settings carried over to the remote site by the functions for importing and exporting the disaster recovery operation setup information

After making any of the changes listed in Table 11-3 to the main site, you can carry those changes over to the remote site by using the functions for importing and exporting the disaster recovery operation setup information.

Note that some settings can only be changed manually at the remote site.

The following table lists the settings you can carry over to the remote site using the functions for importing and exporting the disaster recovery operation setup information:

Table 11‒3: Settings supported by the functions for importing and exporting the disaster recovery operation setup information







Environment settings parameters

Changes to the environment setting parameters of a logical host in a disaster recovery environment



Addition or deletion of scheduler service#

Settings related to scheduler services


Embedded DB

Embedded database settings

  • Expanding the area (table area and index area) of the embedded database

  • Expanding the system files of the embedded database (system log file or syncpoint dump file)


Submit jobs

Assumed JP1 user function

Registering assumed JP1 users for the assumed JP1 user function


Related and linked products

JP1/OJE for VOS3 linkage

Registering VOS3 user information for use in JP1/OJE for VOS3 linkage


This setting must be performed manually at the remote site. For details, see (2) Settings you have to change manually at the main and remote sites.

(2) Settings you have to change manually at the main and remote sites

After you change the configuration at the main site and use the functions for importing and exporting the disaster recovery operation setup information to carry some of the changes you made over to the remote site, apply the remaining changes manually at the remote site.

For details about the features you need to manually configure at both sites, see 9.2.3(3) Specifying specific settings on the remote site in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide (for Windows) or 18.2.3(3) Specifying specific settings on the remote site in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide (for UNIX).

(3) Settings you need to change at the main site only

Settings to which neither (1) Settings carried over to the remote site by the functions for importing and exporting the disaster recovery operation setup information nor (2) Settings you have to change manually at the main and remote sites applies do not need to be changed at the remote site. These settings are carried over to the remote site by the disk copy and mirroring functionality of the hardware.

(4) Changing different-name and same-name configurations for logical hosts at the main and remote sites

To change the different-name configuration to the same-name configuration for logical hosts at the main and remote sites, and vise versa:

  1. Exit disaster recovery mode.

    For details about how to exit disaster recovery mode, see 11.4 Exiting disaster recovery mode.

  2. Rebuild the logical host for JP1/AJS3.

  3. Set up disaster recovery mode again.

    For the setup procedure, see 9. Setup Required for Disaster Recovery Operation in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide (for Windows) or 18. Setup Required for Disaster Recovery Operation in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide (for UNIX).