
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Administration Guide

7.10.4 Changing a unit-attribute profile

The following describes how the settings defined in the upper-level unit-attribute inheritance function and execution-user fixing function are applied when the unit-attribute profile is changed during jobnet definition or execution.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Upper-level unit-attribute inheritance function

When you create, copy, or release a job group or jobnet that contains multiple units, you must define the units in order, starting from the highest level. If the settings in the upper-level unit-attribute inheritance function are changed while the system is processing the unit creation, copying, or release entry, the new settings apply immediately to the lower units you are defining.

The following figure shows an example of changing the settings in the upper-level unit-attribute inheritance function while the system is performing jobnet creation or copy processing.

Figure 7‒29: Example of changing the settings in the upper-level unit-attribute inheritance function during jobnet creation or copy processing



In this example, suppose that you create jobnets A and B in a job group, and then copy jobnet A to create a new jobnet C. Now let's consider the inheritance of job access permissions when the settings for the validity of the unit-attribute profile and the upper-level unit-attribute inheritance function are changed during the jobnet creation or copy processing. This is illustrated in Example of changing an operation profile above.

When you create jobnet A, job 1 does not inherit access permissions because the unit-attribute profile is invalid when the definition processing for job 1 starts. When definition processing for job 2 starts, the upper-level unit-attribute inheritance function set for jobnet A applies, so job 2 inherits access permissions from jobnet A.

When you create jobnet B, the upper-level unit-attribute inheritance function set for jobnet A applies when definition processing for job 3 starts, so job 3 under jobnet B does not inherit access permissions from its upper-level unit. When definition processing for job 4 starts, the upper-level unit-attribute inheritance function set for jobnet B applies, so job 4 inherits access permissions from jobnet B.

When you create jobnet C by copying jobnet A, the upper-level unit-attribute inheritance function set for jobnet B applies when definition processing for job 1 starts, so job 1 under jobnet C does not inherit access permissions from its upper-level unit (jobnet C). When definition processing for job 2 starts, job 2 does not inherit access permissions from jobnet C because the unit-attribute profile is invalid.

When the settings performed by the upper-level unit-attribute inheritance function are changed in this way during unit definition processing, some of the jobs in the created or copied unit may be executed by an unexpected execution user if their owner is not fixed. In this case, by fixing the job execution owner using the execution-user fixing function, you can ensure that all jobs are executed by the same execution user.

(2) Execution-user fixing function

If the settings in the execution-user fixing function are changed during jobnet execution, the execution user of each job is determined by the function settings when the job starts running.

The following figure shows an example of changing the settings in the execution-user fixing function while a jobnet is being executed.

Figure 7‒30: Example of changing the settings in the execution-user fixing function during jobnet execution


In this example, the validity of the unit-attribute profile and the settings performed by the execution-user fixing function change while jobnet A is being executed. When job 1 starts running, the unit-attribute profile is invalid, so the job execution user is not fixed. When job 2 starts running, the execution user is fixed as User A by the execution-user fixing function, so job 2 is executed by User A. When jobs 3 and 4 start running, the execution user is fixed as User B by the execution-user fixing function, so they are executed by User B. The unit-attribute profile is deleted and becomes invalid after execution of job 4, but this does not affect the execution user of job 4.