
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Administration Guide

7.9.6 Changing the language environment of the system

This subsection explains how to change the language and the character encoding of a system.

For details about the languages and types of character encoding that can be used for a system, see 2.4.2 Language type and character encoding of the system in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Configuration) Guide.

The following descriptions explain how to change the language for JP1/AJS3 - Manager, JP1/AJS3 - Agent, JP1/AJS3 - View, and JP1/AJS3 - Web Console, respectively.

Organization of this subsection

(1) For JP1/AJS3 - Manager

(a) In Windows

You will need to re-install JP1/AJS3 - Manager. To convert the definition information:

  1. To change the language from Japanese to Chinese, remove multi-byte characters from the definition information.

  2. Back up the definition information.

    For details about backup, see 2. Backup and Recovery.

    You cannot use the ajsrgexport and ajsrgimport commands to back up and recover the registered execution-schedule information. After performing recovery, you must re-register the jobnet for execution.

  3. To change the character encoding without changing the language, convert the character encoding of the backed up definition information by using the OS's function for converting the character encoding.

  4. Re-install JP1/AJS3 - Manager.

    The language environment is automatically set, based on the locale of the OS.

    You cannot change the character encoding.

  5. Recover the definition information.

    For details about recovery, see 2. Backup and Recovery.

  6. Register the jobnet for execution.

(b) In UNIX

You will need to re-install JP1/AJS3 - Manager. To convert the definition information:

  1. To change the language from Japanese to Chinese, remove multi-byte characters from the definition information.

  2. Back up the definition information.

    For details about backup, see 2. Backup and Recovery.

    You cannot use the ajsrgexport and ajsrgimport commands to back up and recover the registered execution-schedule information. After performing recovery, you must re-register the jobnet for execution.

  3. To change the character encoding without changing the language, convert the character encoding of the backed up definition information by using the OS's function for converting the character encoding.

  4. Re-install JP1/AJS3 - Manager.

    Specify the language environment when you install JP1/AJS3 - Manager. The character encoding is set to the default value of the system.

  5. If necessary, change the character encoding from the default.

    For details about how to change the character encoding to a value other than the default, see 13.4.1 Setting the language environment in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.

  6. Recover the definition information.

    For details about recovery, see 2. Backup and Recovery.

  7. Register the jobnet for execution.

(2) For JP1/AJS3 - Agent

(a) In Windows

You will need to re-install JP1/AJS3 - Agent. Convert the definition information by following the backup and restoration procedures.

(b) In UNIX

You do not need to re-install JP1/AJS3 - Agent. To change the language:

  1. Stop the JP1 services and any commands that are running.

  2. Change the character encoding to be used in JP1/Base.

  3. Open the JP1/AJS3 environment definition file (jp1ajs_env.conf) in a text editor such as the vi editor.

    The storage location of jp1ajs_env.conf is as follows:

    • For a physical host:


    • For a logical host:


  4. In the line where LANG= is specified, set the character encoding to be used for JP1/AJS3.

    If the value of the LANG environment variable is a character encoding that can be used for JP1/AJS3, specify the same value as the LANG environment variable.

    If the value of the LANG environment variable is a character encoding that cannot be used for JP1/AJS3, specify C as the character encoding to be used for JP1/AJS3.

    For details about the types of character encoding that can be used for JP1/AJS3, see 2.4.2(2) Values that can be specified in the LANG environment variable in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Configuration) Guide.

  5. Save the file.

  6. If the language is Chinese, specify yes for the environment setting parameter AJSI18N.

  7. Cold-start the JP1/AJS3 services.

(3) For JP1/AJS3 - View

You will need to re-install JP1/AJS3 - View. Convert the definition information by following the backup and restoration procedures.

(4) For JP1/AJS3 - Web Console

(a) In Windows

No procedure is required to change the language type.

(b) In Linux

If automatic startup of the JP1/AJS3 HTTP Server service and JP1/AJS3 Web Application Server service (JP1/AJS3 - Web Console) is set, change the language type setting for startup. For details about how to set automatic startup, see 15.10.1(6)(a) Setting automatic startup of the JP1/AJS3 HTTP Server service or the JP1/AJS3 Web Application Server service (JP1/AJS3 - Web Console) in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.