
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Administration Guide

7.3.3 Jobnet status after registration of a jobnet-definition release

After registration of a jobnet-definition release, the jobnet definition can have one of the following statuses: Release wait, Being applied, Applied, Delete wait, or Release entry wait. These statuses are called the release statuses. The following table describes each status.

Table 7‒1: Release status of a jobnet after registration of the jobnet-definition release

Release status


Release wait

Waiting for the release time to arrive. This status exists after the jobnet is registered for release, and until the jobnet definition is released.

Being applied

The jobnet definition has been released and is being applied. This status starts at the date and time of the release.


The jobnet definition is no longer being applied. This status starts at the next release time, when the next jobnet definition is released.

Delete wait

Waiting for the deletion of a definition that failed to be released. For this status, you need to cancel the release again. For details about how to cancel a release and about the Delete wait status, see 7.3.7 Canceling a release.

Release entry wait

A temporary status that lasts after release entry until Release wait status starts. If release entry fails, the following error message appears: KAVV2120-E Because it failed in release registration, unnecessary jobnet definition remains. Please do release registration again after solving the problem, and doing release cancel, and this status continue. In such cases, you need to cancel the release. For details about how to cancel the release, see 7.3.7 Canceling a release.

The following figure shows the Release wait, Being applied, and Applied status transitions.

Figure 7‒1: Release status transitions


The figure shows the status transitions when the same root jobnet is released successively. The release IDs are AJS_AUTO, 001, 002, and 003. The following describes the transitions.


This release ID is automatically created when 001 is registered for release. The status at this time is Being applied. When 001 is released, the status changes to Applied. When 002 is registered for release, the AJS_AUTO jobnet is automatically deleted unless the jobnet has a generation#.

001 and subsequent release IDs

The status is Release wait when a jobnet definition is registered for release. When the definition is released, the status changes to Being applied. When the definition with the next release ID is released, the status of the preceding definition changes to Applied. When the definition with the subsequent release ID is entered for release, the jobnet in Applied status is automatically deleted unless the jobnet has a generation#.

A jobnet is deleted only if the previous jobnet in Applied status has been deleted. For example, 001 is not deleted unless AJS_AUTO has been deleted.


If you attempt to register a jobnet-definition release while the release-target jobnet is open in the JP1/AJS3 - View Daily Schedule window or Monthly Schedule window, the following message appears: KAVS4631-W The jobnet definition for the applied where the generation did not exist could not be deleted. In this case, the jobnet definition in the Applied status is not deleted. Because this situation might reduce the amount of free space in the database, make sure that the Daily Schedule window and Monthly Schedule window are closed before you perform release entry.