
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Administration Guide

6.2.1 Temporarily changing the start mode of JP1/AJS3

The following describes the procedure for temporarily changing the start mode of JP1/AJS3 - Manager or JP1/AJS3 - Agent.

To specify the start mode always used in JP1/AJS3 - Manager, use the jajs_config command to set the STARTMODE environment setting parameter.

For details about the environment setting parameters, see 20.4 Setting up the scheduler service environment in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.

Organization of this subsection

(1) In Windows

To temporarily change the start mode:

  1. In the Control Panel window, choose Services. Alternatively, choose Administrative Tools and then Services.

  2. Select the name of the JP1/AJS3 service you want to start.

  3. In Startup Parameter, specify the start mode.

    The following table lists the options you can specify.

    Table 6‒1: Options that can be specified in Startup Parameter


    Start mode


    The service is cold-started.


    The service is warm-started.


    The service is hot-started.


    The service is started in disaster-recovery mode#


    This option can be used when running JP1/AJS3 in a disaster recovery environment. By specifying this option, you can start JP1/AJS3 in disaster-recovery mode at the remote site when a major disaster stops operation at the main site and you are switching the system operation to the remote site. In disaster-recovery mode, JP1/AJS3 - Manager starts at the remote site while job execution is suppressed.

    For further details, see 11.2.1 Switching operation to the remote site.

    You can specify the -disaster option only for disaster-recovery mode. Do not specify this option as the start mode in normal operation.

  4. Click the Start button.

Note that if you have executed the net start service-name command, you cannot temporarily change the start mode.

Cautionary notes
  • If the temporarily specified service start mode differs from the service start mode that was specified during setup, the temporarily specified service start mode has priority.

  • If you do not specify an option in JP1/AJS3 - Manager, the service start mode specified at setup is used.

  • If you do not specify an option in JP1/AJS3 - Agent, -warm is assumed.

The status of jobnets and jobs depends on the specified service start mode. For details about the status of jobnets and jobs for each service start mode, see (3) Jobnet and job statuses for each start mode.

(2) In UNIX

To temporarily change the start mode:

  1. Execute the jajs_spmd command with an argument specified.

    The following table lists the options you can specify.

    Table 6‒2: Options that can be specified in the jajs_spmd command




    The service is cold-started.


    The service is warm-started.


    The service is hot-started.


    The service is started in disaster-recovery mode#


    This option can be used when running JP1/AJS3 in a disaster recovery environment. By specifying this option, you can start JP1/AJS3 in disaster-recovery mode at the remote site when a major disaster stops operation at the main site and you are switching the system operation to the remote site. In disaster-recovery mode, JP1/AJS3 - Manager starts at the remote site while job execution is suppressed.

    For further details, see 11.2.1 Switching operation to the remote site.

    You can specify the -disaster option only for disaster-recovery mode. Do not specify this option as the start mode in normal operation.

Cautionary notes
  • If the temporarily specified service start mode differs from the service start mode that was specified during setup, the temporarily specified service start mode has priority.

  • If you do not specify an option in JP1/AJS3 - Manager, the service start mode specified at setup is used.

  • If you do not specify an option in JP1/AJS3 - Agent, -warm is assumed.

The status of jobnets and jobs depends on the specified service start mode. For details about the status of jobnets and jobs for each service start mode, see (3) Jobnet and job statuses for each start mode.

(3) Jobnet and job statuses for each start mode

When a JP1/AJS3 service on the manager host is restarted, the statuses of jobnets and jobs differ depending on the start mode of the JP1/AJS3 service. When a JP1/AJS3 service on the agent host is restarted, the status of jobs on the agent host differs depending on the start mode of the JP1/AJS3 service.

The following describes the status of jobnets and jobs when a JP1/AJS3 service on the manager host is restarted, and the status of jobs when a JP1/AJS3 service on the agent host is restarted.

(a) Statuses when a JP1/AJS3 service on the manager host is restarted

The following shows the statuses of jobnets and jobs for each start mode when a JP1/AJS3 service on the manager host is restarted. The Condition column in the table indicates any condition, such as the actual status after the JP1/AJS3 service stops or the status monitored by JP1/AJS3, that might cause the job and jobnet status to change.

■ Statuses of jobnets and jobs when a hot-start is performed

The following table shows the statuses of jobnets and jobs when a JP1/AJS3 service on the manager host is hot-started.

Table 6‒3: Jobnet and job statuses when a hot-start is performed (-hot)


Status before JP1/AJS3 stops


Status after JP1/AJS3 starts


Wait for prev. to end


Wait for prev. to end#1, #6, #12, #13, #15

Not sched. to exe. (root job)


Not sched. to exe.

Not sched. to exe. (nested job)


Not sched. to exe.#1, #6, #12, #13, #15

Wait for start time (root job)


Wait for start time#2, #3

Wait for start time (nested job)


Wait for start time#1

Being held (root job)


Being held#2

Being held (nested job)


Being held#1

Now running


Now running#4

Running + Warning


Running + Warning#5

Running + Abend


Running + Abend

Wait for start cond.


Wait for start cond.#15

Now monitoring


Now monitoring#6, #13

End status


No change

Remote jobnet

Wait for prev. to end


Wait for prev. to end#1, #6, #12, #13, #15

Not sched. to exe. (root job)


Not sched. to exe.

Not sched. to exe. (nested job)


Not sched. to exe.#1, #6, #12, #13, #15

Wait for start time (root job)


Wait for start time#2, #3

Wait for start time (nested job)


Wait for start time#1

Being held (root job)


Being held#2

Being held (nested job)


Being held#1

Now running (root job)


Ended abnormally

Now running (nested job)


Ended abnormally

End status


No change

Job (Unix job, PC job, flexible job, HTTP connection job, action job, custom job, passing information setting job)

Wait for prev. to end


Wait for prev. to end#1, #6, #12, #13, #15

Not sched. to exe.


Not sched. to exe.#1, #6, #12, #13, #15

Being held


Being held#1

Waiting to execute

  • The JP1/AJS3 service stops before the job is queued.

  • The job is being queued.

Wait for prev. to end#7

The JP1/AJS3 service stops before the job being executed on a remote host ends.

Now running

The JP1/AJS3 service stops before the job being executed on the local host ends.


The job ends.

End status#8

When the JP1/AJS3 service is restarted, the job status cannot be acquired due to insufficient memory or a communication error.

Unknown end status

Now queuing

The job is being queued.

Wait for prev. to end#7

The JP1/AJS3 service stops before the job being executed on a remote host ends.

Now running

The JP1/AJS3 service stops before the job being executed on the local host ends.


The job ends.

End status#8

When the JP1/AJS3 service is restarted, the job status cannot be acquired due to insufficient memory or a communication error.

Unknown end status

Now running

The target host is a remote host.

Now running

The target host is the local host.


The job ends.

End status#8

When the JP1/AJS3 service is restarted, the job status cannot be acquired due to insufficient memory or a communication error.

Unknown end status

End status


No change

Judgment job, OR job#14

Wait for prev. to end


Wait for prev. to end#1, #6, #12, #13, #15

Not sched. to exe.


Not sched. to exe.#1, #6, #12, #13, #15

Being held


Being held#1

End status


No change


Wait for prev. to end


Wait for prev. to end#1, #6, #12, #13, #15

Not sched. to exe.


Not sched. to exe.#1, #6, #12, #13, #15

Being held


Being held#1

Waiting to execute

The job is being queued.

Now queuing

The JP1/AJS3 service stops before the job being executed on a remote host ends.

Now running

The JP1/AJS3 service stops before the job being executed on the local host ends.


The job ends.

End status#8

  • The JP1/AJS3 service stops before the job is queued.

  • An attempt to acquire the job status fails.

    - When the JP1/AJS3 service is restarted, the job status cannot be acquired due to insufficient memory or a communication error.

    - The job information has already been deleted because the number of days for saving job information expired.#9

Unknown end status

Now queuing

The job is being queued.

Now queuing

The JP1/AJS3 service stops before the job being executed on a remote host ends.

Now running

The JP1/AJS3 service stops before the job being executed on the local host ends.


The job ends.

End status#8

An attempt to acquire the job status fails.

  • When the JP1/AJS3 service is restarted, the job status cannot be acquired due to insufficient memory or a communication error.

  • The job information has already been deleted because the number of days for saving job information expired.#9

Unknown end status

Now running

The target host is a remote host.

Now running

The target host is the local host.


The job ends.

End status#8

An attempt to acquire the job status fails.

  • When the JP1/AJS3 service is restarted, the job status cannot be acquired due to insufficient memory or a communication error.

  • The job information has already been deleted because the number of days for saving job information expired.#9

Unknown end status

End status


No change

Queueless job

Wait for prev. to end


Wait for prev. to end#1, #6, #12, #13, #15

Not sched. to exe.


Not sched. to exe.#1, #6, #12, #13, #15

Being held


Being held#1

Waiting to execute

The job is waiting for another queueless job to end because the maximum number of concurrently executable jobs set for the queueless agent service has been exceeded.

Waiting to execute

The queueless job is running.

Now running

The queueless job ends.

End status#8, #10

  • When the JP1/AJS3 service is restarted, the job status cannot be acquired due to insufficient memory or a communication error.

  • Queueless job functionality is disabled when the JP1/AJS3 service restarts.

Unknown end status

The JP1/AJS3 service was stopped before the job was sent to the agent.

Not executed + Ended

Now running

The queueless job is running.

Now running

The queueless job ends.

End status#8, #10

  • When the JP1/AJS3 service is restarted, the job status cannot be acquired due to insufficient memory or a communication error.

  • Queueless job functionality has been uninstalled when the JP1/AJS3 service is started.

Unknown end status

End status


No change

Event job

In a jobnet

Wait for prev. to end


Wait for prev. to end#1, #6, #12, #13, #15

Not sched. to exe.


Not sched. to exe.#1, #6, #12, #13, #15

Being held


Being held#1

Now queuing, Now running

  • The target host is a remote host.

  • The target host is a remote host or the local host, and the system is restarted after a system failure.

Now queuing, Now running

The target host is the local host.

Ended abnormally#11

End status


No change

In start conditions

Wait for prev. to end


Wait for prev. to end#6, #12, #13, #15

Not sched. to exe.


Not sched. to exe.#12

Now queuing


Now queuing#13, #15

Now running

The event job is running.

Now running#13, #15

The event job ends.

End status#8

End status


No change

Jobnet connector

Wait for prev. to end


Wait for prev. to end#1, #12

Not sched. to exe.


Not sched. to exe.#1, #12

Now running

The connection-destination jobnet ends normally.

Ended normally

The connection-destination jobnet ends with warning.

Ended with warning

The connection-destination jobnet is running.

Now running

The status of the connection-destination jobnet is Running + Warning.

Running + Warning

The connection-destination jobnet contains a unit that has ended abnormally.

Running + Abend

Running + Warning

The connection-destination jobnet ends with warning.

Ended with warning

The status of the connection-destination jobnet is Running + Warning.

Running + Warning

The connection-destination jobnet contains a unit that has ended abnormally.

Running + Abend

Running + Abend


Running + Abend

End status


No change


If the preceding unit is handled as an abnormal end, the status is Not executed + Ended.


If the hot start is performed after the jobnet timeout period expires, the status is Skipped so not exe.


If the hot start is performed within the jobnet timeout period but later than the scheduled start time, the status is Now running.


If the jobnet contains a unit that is handled as an abnormal end, the status is Running + Abend or Ended abnormally.

If the jobnet does not contain a unit that is handled as an abnormal end, but contains a unit whose status is Running + Warning or Ended with warning, the status is Running + Warning or Ended with warning.


If the jobnet contains a unit that is handled as an abnormal end, the status is Running + Abend or Ended abnormally.


If the JP1/AJS3 service or scheduler service is forcibly terminated before an event job in start conditions is placed in the Now running status on an agent, the status of the root jobnet is Monitor terminated. All nested jobnets and jobs that are subordinate to the root jobnet enter the Not executed + Ended status.


If the JP1/AJS3 databases use the standard configuration, the jobs queued by job execution control and those in Waiting to execute status are canceled and returned to Wait for prev. to end status. These jobs, now in Wait for prev. to end status, are submitted and queued again by job execution control. Note, however, that if the previous unit ended abnormally, the jobs are not resubmitted, but are placed in Not executed + Ended status. For details, see 6.4 Resubmitting jobs when a JP1/AJS3 service is restarted.


Jobs and jobnets can have the following end statuses:

  • Ended normally

  • Ended with warning

  • Ended abnormally

  • Killed

  • Failed to start


This condition might occur if the number of days for saving job information is set to 0. The job information necessary for managing the job status might have been deleted because the job information retention period (default: 10 minutes) expired before the JP1/AJS3 service was restarted.

If you set 0 for the number of days for saving job information, estimate the time required for the JP1/AJS3 service to start after it has stopped, and then specify a job information retention period greater than the estimated value. If an estimate is impossible, specify 1 or a greater value for the number of days for saving job information. For details about the number of days for saving job information, see 20.5 Setting up the job execution environment in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.


You need to create a status file for use with queueless jobs beforehand. If there is no status file, the job status is Unknown end status.


If a failover occurs due to a system failure or if the option to continue execution of active event jobs is enabled, the status is Now running.


If a root jobnet is placed in the Skipped so not exe. status, all nested jobnets and remote jobnets subordinate to the root jobnet enter the Skipped so not exe. status, and all jobs enter the Not executed + Ended status.

However, an event job that does not use start conditions and is defined in a start condition whose status is Not sched. to exe. enters the Bypassed status when the root jobnet is placed in the Skipped so not exe. status.


If the JP1/AJS3 service or scheduler service is stopped in restricted termination, a root jobnet in the Now monitoring status enters the Interrupted monitoring status. When the root jobnet is started by hot start, its status changes from Interrupted monitoring to Now monitoring.

An event job that is defined in a start condition and placed in the Now running status enters the Interrupted monitoring status. When the event job is started by hot start, its status changes from Interrupted monitoring to Now running.

A nested jobnet or job that is defined in the jobnet and placed in the Wait for prev. to end or Not sched. to exe. status enters the Not executed + Ended status. When the jobnet or job is started by hot start, its status changes from Not executed + Ended to Wait for prev. to end or Not sched. to exe.


Judgement jobs and OR jobs are units that are not placed in the Waiting to execute, Now queuing, or Now running status.


An execution generation for which no start conditions are met and that is placed in the Wait for start cond. status is deleted when monitoring stops.

■ Statuses of jobnets and jobs when a warm-start is performed

The following table shows the statuses of jobnets and jobs when the JP1/AJS3 service on the manager host is warm-started.

Table 6‒4: Jobnet and job statuses when a warm-start is performed (-warm)


Status before JP1/AJS3 stops


Status after JP1/AJS3 starts


Wait for prev. to end

The root jobnet is in Wait for start time or Being held status.

Wait for prev. to end#10

The root jobnet is in Now running status.#1

Not executed + Ended

The root jobnet is in Wait for start cond. status.

Wait for prev. to end#13

The root jobnet is in Now monitoring status.#14

Wait for prev. to end#6, #11

Not sched. to exe. (root job)


Not sched. to exe.

Not sched. to exe. (nested job)

The root jobnet is in Not sched. to exe. status.

Not sched. to exe.

The root jobnet is in Wait for start time or Being held status.

Not sched. to exe.#10

The root jobnet is in Now running status.#1

Not executed + Ended

The root jobnet is in Wait for start cond. status.

Not sched. to exe.#13

The root jobnet is in Now monitoring status.#14

Not sched. to exe.#6, #11

Wait for start time (root job)


Wait for start time#2, #3

Wait for start time (nested job)


Not executed + Ended

Being held (root job)


Being held#2, #4

Being held (nested job)


Not executed + Ended

Now running



Running + Warning



Running + Abend



Wait for start cond.


Wait for start cond.#13

Now monitoring


Now monitoring#6, #11

End status


No change

Remote jobnet

Wait for prev. to end

The root jobnet is in Wait for start time or Being held status.

Wait for prev. to end#10

The root jobnet is in Now running status.#1

Not executed + Ended

The root jobnet is in Wait for start cond. status.

Wait for prev. to end#13

The root jobnet is in Now monitoring status.#14

Wait for prev. to end#6, #11

Not sched. to exe. (root job)


Not sched. to exe.

Not sched. to exe. (nested job)

The root jobnet is in Not sched. to exe. status.

Not sched. to exe.

The root jobnet is in Wait for start time or Being held status.

Not sched. to exe.#10

The root jobnet is in Now running status.#1

Not executed + Ended

The root jobnet is in Wait for start cond. status.

Not sched. to exe.#13

The root jobnet is in Now monitoring status.#14

Not sched. to exe.#6, #11

Wait for start time (root job)


Wait for start time#2, #3

Wait for start time (nested job)


Not executed + Ended

Being held (root job)


Being held#2, #4

Being held (nested job)


Not executed + Ended

Now running (root job)



Now running (nested job)



End status


No change

Job (Unix job, PC job, flexible job, HTTP connection job, action job, custom job, passing information setting job)

Wait for prev. to end

The root jobnet is in Wait for start time or Being held status.

Wait for prev. to end#10

The root jobnet is in Now running status.#1

Not executed + Ended

The root jobnet is in Wait for start cond. status.

Wait for prev. to end#13

The root jobnet is in Now monitoring status.#14

Wait for prev. to end#6, #11

Not sched. to exe.

The root jobnet is in Not sched. to exe. status.

Not sched. to exe.

The root jobnet is in Wait for start time or Being held status.

Not sched. to exe.#10

The root jobnet is in Now running status.#1

Not executed + Ended

The root jobnet is in Wait for start cond. status.

Not sched. to exe.#13

The root jobnet is in Now monitoring status.#14

Not sched. to exe.#6, #11

Being held


Not executed + Ended

Waiting to execute

  • The JP1/AJS3 service stops before the job is queued.

  • The job is being queued.

Not executed + Ended

The job ends.

End status#7

  • The job is running.

  • When the JP1/AJS3 service is restarted, the job status cannot be acquired due to insufficient memory or a communication error.

Unknown end status

Now queuing

The job is being queued.

Not executed + Ended

The job ends.

End status#7

The job is running.

Unknown end status

Now running

The job ends.

End status#7

The job is running.

Unknown end status

End status


No change

Judgment job, OR job#12

Wait for prev. to end

The root jobnet is in Wait for start time or Being held status.

Wait for prev. to end#10

The root jobnet is in Now running status.#1

Not executed + Ended

The root jobnet is in Wait for start cond. status.

Wait for prev. to end#13

The root jobnet is in Now monitoring status.#14

Wait for prev. to end#6, #11

Not sched. to exe.

The root jobnet is in Not sched. to exe. status.

Not sched. to exe.

The root jobnet is in Wait for start time or Being held status.

Not sched. to exe.#10

The root jobnet is in Now running status.#1

Not executed + Ended

The root jobnet is in Wait for start cond. status.

Not sched. to exe.#13

The root jobnet is in Now monitoring status.#14

Not sched. to exe.#6, #11

Being held


Not executed + Ended

End status


No change


Wait for prev. to end

The root jobnet is in Wait for start time or Being held status.

Wait for prev. to end#10

The root jobnet is in Now running status.#1

Not executed + Ended

The root jobnet is in Wait for start cond. status.

Wait for prev. to end#13

The root jobnet is in Now monitoring status.#14

Wait for prev. to end#6, #11

Not sched. to exe.

The root jobnet is in Not sched. to exe. status.

Not sched. to exe.

The root jobnet is in Wait for start time or Being held status.

Not sched. to exe.#10

The root jobnet is in Now running status.#1

Not executed + Ended

The root jobnet is in Wait for start cond. status.

Not sched. to exe.#13

The root jobnet is in Now monitoring status.#14

Not sched. to exe.#6, #11

Being held


Not executed + Ended

Waiting to execute

The job is being queued.

Not executed + Ended

The job ends.

End status#7

  • The JP1/AJS3 service stops before the job is queued.

  • The job is running.

  • An attempt to acquire the job status fails.

    - When the JP1/AJS3 service is restarted, the job status cannot be acquired due to insufficient memory or a communication error.

    - The job information has already been deleted because the number of days for saving job information expired.#8

Unknown end status

Now queuing

The job is being queued.

Not executed + Ended

The job ends.

End status#7

  • The job is running.

  • The job information has already been deleted because the number of days for saving job information expired.#8

Unknown end status

Now running

The job ends.

End status#7

  • The job is running.

  • The job information has already been deleted because the number of days for saving job information expired.#8

Unknown end status

End status


No change

Queueless job

Wait for prev. to end

The root jobnet is in Wait for start time or Being held status.

Wait for prev. to end#10

The root jobnet is in Now running status.#1

Not executed + Ended

The root jobnet is in Wait for start cond. status.

Wait for prev. to end#13

The root jobnet is in Now monitoring status.#14

Wait for prev. to end#6, #11

Not sched. to exe.

The root jobnet is in Not sched. to exe. status.

Not sched. to exe.

The root jobnet is in Wait for start time or Being held status.

Not sched. to exe.#10

The root jobnet is in Now running status.#1

Not executed + Ended

The root jobnet is in Wait for start cond. status.

Not sched. to exe.#13

The root jobnet is in Now monitoring status.#14

Not sched. to exe.#6, #11

Being held


Not executed + Ended

Waiting to execute

The queueless job ends.

End status#7, #9

The job is waiting for another queueless job to end because the maximum number of concurrently executable jobs set for the queueless agent service has been exceeded.

Unknown end status

The JP1/AJS3 service was stopped before the job was sent to the agent.

Not executed + Ended

Now running

The queueless job ends.

End status#7, #9

  • The queueless job is running.

  • When the JP1/AJS3 service is restarted, the job status cannot be acquired due to insufficient memory or a communication error.

  • Queueless job functionality is disabled when the JP1/AJS3 service restarts.

Unknown end status

End status


No change

Event job

In a jobnet

Wait for prev. to end

The root jobnet is in Wait for start time or Being held status.

Wait for prev. to end#10

The root jobnet is in Now running status.#1

Not executed + Ended

The root jobnet is in Wait for start cond. status.

Wait for prev. to end#13

The root jobnet is in Now monitoring status.#14

Wait for prev. to end#6, #11

Not sched. to exe.

The root jobnet is in Not sched. to exe. status.

Not sched. to exe.

The root jobnet is in Wait for start time or Being held status.

Not sched. to exe.#10

The root jobnet is in Now running status.#1

Not executed + Ended

The root jobnet is in Wait for start cond. status.

Not sched. to exe.#13

The root jobnet is in Now monitoring status.#14

Not sched. to exe.#6, #11

Being held


Not executed + Ended

Now queuing


Unknown end status

Now running


Unknown end status

End status


No change

In start conditions

Wait for prev. to end


Wait for prev. to end#6, #10, #11, #13

Not sched. to exe.


Not sched. to exe.#10

Now queuing


Now queuing#11, #13

Now running

The event job is running.

Now running#11, #13

The event job ends.

End status#7

End status


No change

Jobnet connector

Wait for prev. to end

The root jobnet is in Wait for start time or Being held status.

Wait for prev. to end#10

The root jobnet is in Now running status.#1

Not executed + Ended

Not sched. to exe.

The root jobnet is in Not sched. to exe. status.

Not sched. to exe.

The root jobnet is in Wait for start time or Being held status.

Not sched. to exe.#10

The root jobnet is in Now running status.#1

Not executed + Ended

Now running


Unknown end status

Running + Warning


Unknown end status

Running + Abend


Unknown end status

End status


No change


Jobs and jobnets can have the following running statuses:

  • Now running

  • Running + Warning

  • Running + Abend


In any of the following cases, the jobnet is placed in Skipped so not exe. status.

  • plan is specified in the OVERSCHEDULE environment settings parameter for the scheduler service, and the jobnet is scheduled to be executed on that day.

  • skip is specified as the OVERSCHEDULE environment settings parameter for the scheduler service, and the jobnet is scheduled to be executed before the scheduler service starts.

  • When registering the jobnet for execution in the Register for Execution dialog box, Execute from next time is selected for Planned time passed when daemon starts, and the jobnet is scheduled to be executed before the scheduler service starts.

  • The scheduler service is started after the timeout period for the jobnet expired.

For details about the OVERSCHEDULE environment setting parameter, see 20.4.2(72) OVERSCHEDULE in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.


If the warm start was performed later than the scheduled start time and the condition in #2 above does not apply, the jobnet status is Now running.


To recalculate the schedule, the jobnet status changes to Wait for start time and then Being held.


If the status of a job in the jobnet was Waiting to execute, Now queuing or Now running before the service stopped, its status changes to Interrupted after the execution results of all jobs are checked and status of the jobs changes to an end status.


If the JP1/AJS3 service or scheduler service is forcibly terminated before an event job in start conditions is placed in the Now running status on an agent, the status of the root jobnet is Monitor terminated. All nested jobnets and jobs that are subordinate to the root jobnet enter the Not executed + Ended status.


Jobs and jobnets can have the following end statuses:

  • Ended normally

  • Ended with warning

  • Ended abnormally

  • Killed

  • Failed to start


This condition might occur if the number of days for saving job information is set to 0. The job information necessary for managing the job status might have been deleted because the job information retention period (default: 10 minutes) expired before the JP1/AJS3 service was restarted.

If you set 0 for the number of days for saving job information, estimate the time required for the JP1/AJS3 service to start after it has stopped, and then specify a job information retention period greater than the estimated value. If an estimate is impossible, specify 1 or a greater value for the number of days for saving job information. For details about the number of days for saving job information, see 20.5 Setting up the job execution environment in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.


You need to create a status file for use with queueless jobs beforehand. If there is no status file, the job status is Unknown end status.


If a root jobnet is placed in the Skipped so not exe. status, all nested jobnets and remote jobnets subordinate to the root jobnet enter the Skipped so not exe. status, and all jobs enter the Not executed + Ended status.

However, an event job that does not use start conditions and is defined in a start condition whose status is Not sched. to exe. enters the Bypassed status when the root jobnet is placed in the Skipped so not exe. status.


If the JP1/AJS3 service or scheduler service is stopped in restricted termination, a root jobnet in the Now monitoring status enters the Interrupted monitoring status. When the root jobnet is started by warm start, its status changes from Interrupted monitoring to Now monitoring.

An event job that is defined in a start condition and placed in the Now running status enters the Interrupted monitoring status. When the event job is started by warm start, its status changes from Interrupted monitoring to Now running.

A nested jobnet or job that is defined in the jobnet and placed in the Wait for prev. to end or Not sched. to exe. status enters the Not executed + Ended status. When the jobnet or job is started by warm start, its status changes from Not executed + Ended to Wait for prev. to end or Not sched. to exe.


Judgement jobs and OR jobs are units that are not placed in the Waiting to execute, Now queuing, or Now running status.


An execution generation for which no start conditions are met and that is placed in the Wait for start cond. status is deleted when monitoring stops.


A monitoring generation controls the monitoring of event occurrence. Therefore, nested jobnets and jobs that are defined in the monitoring generation of a jobnet are not run. For details, see3.4.2 Monitoring generation and execution generation in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview.

■ Statuses of jobnets and jobs when a cold-start is performed

If you cold-start (-cold) a JP1/AJS3 service on the manager host, the status of all registered jobnets changes to Not registered, and the JP1/AJS3 service is started with all the previous execution results for jobnets and jobs deleted.

■ Statuses of jobnets and jobs when a start in disaster-recovery mode is performed

The following table describes the statuses of jobnets and jobs when a JP1/AJS3 service on the manager host is started in disaster-recovery mode (-disaster).

Table 6‒5: Jobnet and job statuses when a start in disaster-recovery mode (-disaster) is performed


Status before JP1/AJS3 - Manager operation is switched to the remote site


Status after JP1/AJS3 - Manager operation is switched to the remote site


Wait for prev. to end

The root jobnet is in Wait for start time or Being held status.

Wait for prev. to end#4

The root jobnet is in Now running status.#5

Not executed + Ended

The root jobnet is in Wait for start cond. status.

Wait for prev. to end#8

The root jobnet is in Now monitoring status.#9

Not executed + Ended#6

Not sched. to exe. (root job)


Not sched. to exe.

Not sched. to exe. (nested job)

The root jobnet is in Not sched. to exe. status.

Not sched. to exe.

The root jobnet is in Wait for start time or Being held status.

Not sched. to exe.#4

The root jobnet is in Now running status.#5

Not executed + Ended

The root jobnet is in Wait for start cond. status.

Not sched. to exe.#8

The root jobnet is in Now monitoring status.#9

Not executed + Ended#6

Wait for start time (root job)


Wait for start time#1, #2

Wait for start time (nested job)


Not executed + Ended

Being held (root job)


Being held#1, #3

Being held (nested job)


Not executed + Ended

Now running



Running + Warning



Running + Abend



Wait for start cond.


Wait for start cond.#8

Now monitoring


Monitor terminated#6

End status


No change

Remote jobnet

Wait for prev. to end

The root jobnet is in Wait for start time or Being held status.

Wait for prev. to end#4

The root jobnet is in Now running status.#5

Not executed + Ended

The root jobnet is in Wait for start cond. status.

Wait for prev. to end#8

The root jobnet is in Now monitoring status.#9

Not executed + Ended#6

Not sched. to exe. (root job)


Not sched. to exe.

Not sched. to exe. (nested job)

The root jobnet is in Not sched. to exe. status.

Not sched. to exe.

The root jobnet is in Wait for start time or Being held status.

Not sched. to exe.#4

The root jobnet is in Now running status.#5

Not executed + Ended

The root jobnet is in Wait for start cond. status.

Not sched. to exe.#8

The root jobnet is in Now monitoring status.#9

Not executed + Ended#6

Wait for start time (root job)


Wait for start time#1, #2

Wait for start time (nested job)


Not executed + Ended

Being held (root job)


Being held#1, #3

Being held (nested job)


Not executed + Ended

Now running (root job)



Now running (nested job)



End status


No change

Job (standard job, HTTP connection job action job, custom job, passing information setting job)

Wait for prev. to end

The root jobnet is in Wait for start time or Being held status.

Wait for prev. to end#4

The root jobnet is in Now running status.#5

Not executed + Ended

The root jobnet is in Wait for start cond. status.

Wait for prev. to end#8

The root jobnet is in Now monitoring status.#9

Not executed + Ended#6

Not sched. to exe.

The root jobnet is in Not sched. to exe. status.

Not sched. to exe.

The root jobnet is in Wait for start time or Being held status.

Not sched. to exe.#4

The root jobnet is in Now running status.#5

Not executed + Ended

The root jobnet is in Wait for start cond. status.

Not sched. to exe.#8

The root jobnet is in Now monitoring status.#9

Not executed + Ended#6

Being held


Not executed + Ended

Waiting to execute


Unknown end status

Now queuing


Unknown end status

Now running


Unknown end status

End status


No change

Judgment job, OR job#7

Wait for prev. to end

The root jobnet is in Wait for start time or Being held status.

Wait for prev. to end#4

The root jobnet is in Now running status.#5

Not executed + Ended

The root jobnet is in Wait for start cond. status.

Wait for prev. to end#8

The root jobnet is in Now monitoring status.#9

Not executed + Ended#6

Not sched. to exe.

The root jobnet is in Not sched. to exe. status.

Not sched. to exe.

The root jobnet is in Wait for start time or Being held status.

Not sched. to exe.#4

The root jobnet is in Now running status.#5

Not executed + Ended

The root jobnet is in Wait for start cond. status.

Not sched. to exe.#8

The root jobnet is in Now monitoring status.#9

Not executed + Ended#6

Being held


Not executed + Ended

End status


No change

Queueless job

Wait for prev. to end

The root jobnet is in Wait for start time or Being held status.

Wait for prev. to end#4

The root jobnet is in Now running status.#5

Not executed + Ended

The root jobnet is in Wait for start cond. status.

Wait for prev. to end#8

The root jobnet is in Now monitoring status.#9

Not executed + Ended#6

Not sched. to exe.

The root jobnet is in Not sched. to exe. status.

Not sched. to exe.

The root jobnet is in Wait for start time or Being held status.

Not sched. to exe.#4

The root jobnet is in Now running status.#5

Not executed + Ended

The root jobnet is in Wait for start cond. status.

Not sched. to exe.#8

The root jobnet is in Now monitoring status.#9

Not executed + Ended#6

Being held


Not executed + Ended

Waiting to execute


Unknown end status

Now running


Unknown end status

End status


No change

Event job

In a jobnet

Wait for prev. to end

The root jobnet is in Wait for start time or Being held status.

Wait for prev. to end#4

The root jobnet is in Now running status.#5

Not executed + Ended

The root jobnet is in Wait for start cond. status.

Wait for prev. to end#8

The root jobnet is in Now monitoring status.#9

Not executed + Ended#6

Not sched. to exe.

The root jobnet is in Not sched. to exe. status.

Not sched. to exe.

The root jobnet is in Wait for start time or Being held status.

Not sched. to exe.#4

The root jobnet is in Now running status.#5

Not executed + Ended

The root jobnet is in Wait for start cond. status.

Not sched. to exe.#8

The root jobnet is in Now monitoring status.#9

Not executed + Ended#6

Being held


Not executed + Ended

Now queuing


Unknown end status

Now running


Unknown end status

End status


No change

In start conditions

Wait for prev. to end

The root jobnet is in the Wait for start time or Being held status and uses start conditions.

Wait for prev. to end#4

The root jobnet is in Wait for start cond. status.

Wait for prev. to end#8

The root jobnet is in Now monitoring status.

Not executed + Ended#6

Not sched. to exe.

The root jobnet is in Not sched. to exe. status.

Not sched. to exe.

The root jobnet is in the Wait for start time or Being held status and does not use start conditions.

Not sched. to exe.#4

Now queuing

The root jobnet is in Wait for start cond. status.

Now queuing#8

The root jobnet is in Now monitoring status.

Unknown end status#6

Now running

The root jobnet is in Wait for start cond. status.

Now running#8

The root jobnet is in Now monitoring status.

Unknown end status#6

End status


No change

Jobnet connector

Wait for prev. to end

The root jobnet is in Wait for start time or Being held status.

Wait for prev. to end#4

The root jobnet is in Now running status.#5

Not executed + Ended

Not sched. to exe.

The root jobnet is in Not sched. to exe. status.

Not sched. to exe.

The root jobnet is in Wait for start time or Being held status.

Not sched. to exe.#4

The root jobnet is in Now running status.#5

Not executed + Ended

Now running


Unknown end status

Running + Warning


Unknown end status

Running + Abend


Unknown end status

End status


No change


The next execution schedule is placed in the Skipped so not exe. status if one of the following conditions applies:

  • plan is specified in the OVERSCHEDULE environment settings parameter for the scheduler service, and the jobnet is scheduled to be executed on that day.

  • skip is specified in the OVERSCHEDULE environment settings parameter for the scheduler service, and the jobnet is scheduled to be executed before the scheduler service starts.

  • When registering the jobnet for execution in the Register for Execution dialog box, Execute from next time is selected for Planned time passed when daemon starts, and the jobnet is scheduled to be executed before the scheduler service starts.

  • The scheduler service started after the timeout period for the jobnet expired.

For details about the OVERSCHEDULE environment setting parameter, see 20.4.2(72) OVERSCHEDULE in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.


If the scheduler service started in disaster-recovery mode after the scheduled start time of the jobnet, and if the cases described in #1 do not apply, execution of a jobnet or job is suppressed. The jobnet will not be executed even if the scheduled start time is reached, until the suppression of execution for a jobnet or job is canceled.


Because the next execution schedule is recalculated, it first enters the Wait for start time status. The status changes to Being held when suppression of job execution is canceled.


If a root jobnet is placed in the Skipped so not exe. status, all nested jobnets and remote jobnets subordinate to the root jobnet enter the Skipped so not exe. status, and all jobs enter the Not executed + Ended status.

However, an event job that does not use start conditions and is defined in a start condition whose status is Not sched. to exe. enters the Bypassed status when the root jobnet is placed in the Skipped so not exe. status.


Jobs and jobnets can have the following running statuses:

  • Now running

  • Running + Warning

  • Running + Abend


If the JP1/AJS3 service or scheduler service is stopped in restricted termination, a root jobnet in the Now monitoring status enters the Interrupted monitoring status. When the root jobnet is started by disaster recovery start so that suppression of job execution is canceled, its status changes from Interrupted monitoring to Now monitoring.

An event job that is defined in a start condition and placed in the Now running status enters the Interrupted monitoring status. When the event job is started by disaster recovery start so that suppression of job execution is canceled, its status changes from Interrupted monitoring to Now running.

A nested jobnet or job that is defined in the jobnet and placed in the Wait for prev. to end or Not sched. to exe. status enters the Not executed + Ended status. When the jobnet or job is started by disaster recovery start, its status changes from Not executed + Ended to Wait for prev. to end or Not sched. to exe.


Judgement jobs and OR jobs are units that are not placed in the Waiting to execute, Now queuing, or Now running status.


An execution generation for which no start conditions are met and that is placed in the Wait for start cond. status is deleted when monitoring stops.


A monitoring generation controls the monitoring of event occurrence. Therefore, nested jobnets and jobs that are defined in the monitoring generation of a jobnet are not run. For details, see 3.4.2 Monitoring generation and execution generation in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview.

■ Statuses of jobnets and jobs when the start mode is not specified

If you do not specify the start mode for the JP1/AJS3 service on the manager host, the JP1/AJS3 service will be started in the service start mode specified during setup. If a service mode is not specified during setup, operation is the same as when a warm start is specified.

■ Statuses of jobnets and jobs when an event reset occurs

For details about the statuses of jobnets and jobs when an event reset occurs, see jpomanevreset in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.

(b) Statuses when a JP1/AJS3 service on the agent host is restarted

The status of the jobs on the agent host when the JP1/AJS3 service on the agent host is restarted differs depending on the start mode and job type.

Note that if a start mode is not specified for the JP1/AJS3 service on the agent host, operation is the same as when a warm start is specified.

The following table describes how the job status differs according to the start mode for each job type.

Table 6‒6: JP1/AJS3 start modes and the statuses of jobs on the agent host

Start mode

PC job, Unix job, HTTP connection job, flexible job, and QUEUE job

Event job

Event job specified in the start conditions

Warm start

When the status of a job cannot be reported to the manager host, the status of the job on the manager host changes to Killed. However, if you use the -rs option in the jpqjobsub command to specify the job recovery status, the specified job status is set.

The job finishes monitoring (the status of the job on the manager host changes to Ended abnormally).

However, if either of the following conditions exists, the status appropriate for the condition is set:

Of the event information detected by the agent host before JP1/AJS3 stopped, the event information that could not be reported to the manager host is reported to the manager host after the agent host is started (the status of the job on the manager host remains Now monitoring, and the job is executed when the agent host is restarted).

Hot start

Cold start

The job is executed when the agent host is restarted.

Of the event information detected by the agent host before JP1/AJS3 stopped, the event information that could not be reported to the manager host is discarded (the status of the job on the manager host remains Now monitoring).

(4) Job statuses on the manager host when an agent host is restarted

When you restart a JP1/AJS3 service on the agent host in a manager and agent system configuration, the statuses of jobs on the manager host differ in the following cases:

Table 6-7 describes the statuses of jobs on the manager host when a stopped agent host is restarted. Table 6-8 describes the statuses of jobs on the manager host when an agent host that stopped due to a system failure is restarted.

Table 6‒7: Statuses of jobs on the manager host when a stopped agent host is restarted

Unit type

Status before the agent host stops

Status after the agent host stops


Wait for prev. to end

Wait for prev. to end

Being held

Being held

Now queuing

Now queuing#2

Now running


Other status

No change

Queueless job

Wait for prev. to end

Not executed + Ended#4

Being held

Being held#4

Waiting to execute

Unknown end status#4

Now running

Unknown end status#4

Other status

No change

Event job

In a jobnet

Wait for prev. to end

Wait for prev. to end

Being held

Being held

Now queuing

Now queuing

Now running

Ended abnormally#5

Other status

No change

In start conditions

Wait for prev. to end

Wait for prev. to end

Now queuing

Now queuing

Now running

Now running

Other status

No change


A job as used here is a standard job, HTTP connection job, action job, or custom job.


If the agent host accepts a job execution request during shutdown processing, an attempt to start the job process might fail, in which case the job status changes to Failed to start. If the agent host stops before it sends a response to the job execution request from the manager host, the job execution request results in a timeout error. When the manager host then polls to check the status, the job status changes to Killed.


For details about operation when a job is killed, see 4.5.10 Killing a job or jobnet in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview.


After the agent host has started, some time might be required for the status to change.


If either of the following conditions exists, the status appropriate for the condition is set.

Table 6‒8: Statuses of jobs on the manager host when an agent host that stopped due to a system failure is restarted

Unit type

Status before the agent host stops

Status after the agent host stops


Wait for prev. to end

Wait for prev. to end

Being held

Being held

Now queuing

Now queuing

Now running


Other status

No change

Queueless job

Wait for prev. to end

Not executed + Ended#2

Being held

Being held#2

Waiting to execute

Unknown end status#2

Now running

Unknown end status#2

Other status

No change

Event job

In a jobnet

Wait for prev. to end

Wait for prev. to end

Being held

Being held

Now queuing

Now queuing

Now running

Now running

Other status

No change

In start conditions

Wait for prev. to end

Wait for prev. to end

Now queuing

Now queuing

Now running

Now running

Other status

No change


A job as used here is a standard job, HTTP connection job, action job, or custom job.


It may take some time before the status is changed after the agent host has started.