
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide

E.4 Displaying the contents of a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)

The following describes the command for displaying the content of the certificate signing request (CSR) provided by JP1/AJS3 - Web Console.

In Windows:
openssl.bat req -in CSR-file -text

The path of the openssl.bat is JP1/AJS3-Web-Console-installation-folder\uCPSB\httpsd\sbin\openssl.bat.

For details about execution permission required for the openssl.bat, see the official website of OpenSSL.

In Linux: req -in CSR-file -text

The path of the is /opt/jp1ajs3web/uCPSB/httpsd/sbin/

For details about execution permission required for the, see the official website of OpenSSL.

-in CSR-file

Specify the CSR file to be displayed.

Usage example 1

To display the content of a CSR (httpsd.csr) by using the certutil req command:

certutil req -in httpsd.csr -text
Usage example 2

To display the content of a CSR (httpsd.csr) by using the openssl.bat req command:

openssl.bat req -in httpsd.csr -text