
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide

E.2 Converting the private key format (when using an ECDSA certificate)

The following describes the command that you use to convert the private key format when using an ECDSA certificate.

In Windows:
openssl.bat pkcs8 -topk8 -in conversion-source-private-key-file -out conversion-destination-private-key-file -nocrypt

The path of the openssl.bat is JP1/AJS3-Web-Console-installation-folder\uCPSB\httpsd\sbin\openssl.bat.

For details about execution permission required for the openssl.bat, see the official website of OpenSSL.

In Linux: pkcs8 -topk8 -in conversion-source-private-key-file -out conversion-destination-private-key-file -nocrypt

The path of the is opt/jp1ajs3web/uCPSB/httpsd/sbin/

For details about execution permission required for the, see the official website of OpenSSL.

-in conversion-source-private-key-file

Specify the name of the private key file to be converted.

-out conversion-destination-private-key-file

Specify the name that will be assigned to the converted private key file.


Specify this if you do not want to encrypt the converted private key.

Usage example

In the following example, the command converts the httpsdkey.pem private key in PKCS#1 format to the httpsdkey2.pem private key in PKCS#8 format.

openssl.bat pkcs8 -topk8 -in httpsdkey.pem -out httpsdkey2.pem -nocrypt