
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide

21.4.6 Details on the settings in the unencrypted-communication host settings file (nosslhost.conf)

This subsection describes details on the settings in the unencrypted-communication host settings file (nosslhost.conf).

Organization of this subsection

(1) File storage folder

The following shows the folder storing the nosslhost.conf file.

For JP1/AJS3 - View

JP1/AJS3 - View-installation-folder\conf\ssl

Note that the same folder stores also a model file (nosslhost.conf.model). If the nosslhost.conf file is not found in the file storage folder, copy the model file (nosslhost.conf.model), and rename the copy to nosslhost.conf.

For JP1/AJS3 - Web Console
In Windows, if the installation folder is the default installation folder or is in a folder protected by the system:


The default of %ALLUSERSPROFILE% is system-drive\ProgramData.

A folder protected by the system is the path to one of the following folders:

  • Folder in system-drive\Windows

  • Folder in system-drive\Program Files

  • Folder in system-drive\Program Files (x86)

In Windows, if the installation folder is other than the above:

JP1/AJS3 - Web-Console-installation-folder\conf

In a cluster environment of Windows:


In Linux:


In a cluster environment of Linux:


Note that the nosslhost.conf file is not allocated immediately after JP1/AJS3 - Web Console is installed. If the nosslhost.conf file is not found in the file storage folder, copy the model file (nosslhost.conf.model), and rename the copy to nosslhost.conf.

The following shows the folder storing the model file (nosslhost.conf.model).

In Windows:


In Linux:


(2) When the setting takes effect

The next time you log in from JP1/AJS3 - View or JP1/AJS3 - Web Console

(3) Format

The following shows the format of settings in the nosslhost.conf file:


(4) Setting items

The following describes the items to be set. Delimit each item by using a linefeed.


Specify the host name or IP address (not more than 255 characters) of the manager host that does not perform SSL communication (that is, the manager host sends out plain-text communication messages).

By default, an asterisk (*) is specified, which indicates that communication messages are not encrypted.

The asterisk must always be specified independently. For example, host* cannot be specified as a host name beginning with host.

When neither the host name nor the IP address is specified, communication messages are encrypted during communication with any manager host.

The host name is not case sensitive.

(5) Examples

The following shows examples of setting the nosslhost.conf file:

When communication between manager hosts hostA and hostB are not to be encrypted:
To encrypt communications with all manager hosts:

(6) Notes