
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide

17.2.2 Procedure for setting up a cluster system environment (in UNIX version of JP1/AJS3 - Manager)

To set up a cluster system environment in JP1/AJS3 - Manager, define the items described in 17.2.1 Environment setup items for a cluster system on both the primary and secondary nodes.

The following figure provides an overview of setting up the environment.

Figure 17‒4: Overview of setting up the environment (JP1/AJS3 - Manager)


Organization of this subsection

(1) Tasks required on the primary node

To set up a cluster system environment for JP1/AJS3 - Manager on the primary node:

  1. Perform the JP1/Base tasks required on the primary node.

    For details about the JP1/Base tasks, see the JP1/Base User's Guide.

    When you use jp1hosts2 information, use the physical merge mechanism to apply the jp1hosts2 information set in the physical host to the logical host. For details about the physical merge mechanism, see the JP1/Base User's Guide.

    Note that, depending on the network configuration or operating environment, you might need to set the jp1hosts or jp1hosts2 information. Specify the necessary settings by referring to the notes on cluster system operation and the procedure for setting the jp1hosts or jp1hosts2 information in the JP1/Base User's Guide.

  2. Set up JP1/AJS3 - Manager on the physical host.

    Set up JP1/AJS3 - Manager on the physical host. When you use JP1/AJS3 - Web Console on the same host where JP1/AJS3 - Manager is installed, set up also JP1/AJS3 - Web Console.

    For details, see 13. Setup.

  3. Execute the jajs_setup_cluster command to set up the logical host, and create the shared files and directory on the shared disk.

    Stop the JP1/AJS3 services on all logical hosts and physical hosts. Enable communication by using the IP address of the logical host that is being set up, and then execute the jajs_setup_cluster command.

    The following shows the format of the jajs_setup_cluster command you execute:

    [-h logical-host-name]
    -F scheduler-service-name
    -d shared-directory-name
    [-n scheduler-service-ID]
    [-m {cold|warm|hot}]
    {-P port-number-for-the-embedded-database
    -I embedded-database-setup-ID
    [-M {s|m|l}]

    For details about the jajs_setup_cluster command, see jajs_setup_cluster in 2. Commands Used during Setup in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.

    • For the -h option, specify the logical host name set in JP1/Base.

    • The -F option is required.

    • The -d option must be specified during setup of the primary node environment. For this option, specify a directory on the shared disk in which the shared directory and files will be created. As the shared directory, specified-directory-name/jp1ajs2/ is created, and the definition files on the local disk (files in /etc/opt/jp1ajs2/conf/) are copied to the directory that is created. Before you execute the command, make sure that the shared disk is mounted. If the -d option is omitted, the secondary node environment is set up.

    • If the -n option is omitted, the smallest available ID is assumed.

    • For the -m option, specify the scheduler service start mode. The specification of this option takes effect only during setup of the primary node environment. If this option is omitted, the value for the scheduler service specified in the DEFAULTSERVICENAME environment setting parameter is inherited.

    • Specify the -P and -I options only if you set up the embedded database when you set up the logical host.

      For the -P option, specify the port number for the embedded database used by the logical host.

      For the -I option, specify the setup ID of the embedded database used by the logical host.

      When the -P and -I options have been specified, the embedded database is set up with the following settings:

      - System logging: Not performed

      - System file duplication: Not performed

      - Unload log file: Not used

      - Data area directory: shared-directory/jp1ajs2/embdb/value-specified-for-the-I-option/dbarea

      - Work area directory: /opt/jp1ajs2/embdb/value-specified-for-the-I-option/dbarea

      - Embedded database practical directory: /opt/jp1ajs2/embdb/value-specified-for-the-I-option

      - Database area auto-increment: Enabled

      - System log auto-increment: Enabled

      For the other items, the default values are set.

    • For the -M option, specify the database model. If this option is omitted, s (small scale) is assumed.

      You can use this option only when the JP1/AJS3 version is 10-00 or later.

    • Specify the -B option if the backup enhancement function is to be enabled. For details about the backup enhancement function, see 5.2.5 Backing up and recovering an embedded database by using the backup enhancement function in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Configuration) Guide.

    • Specify the -S option only if advanced setup is to be performed for the embedded database.

      If the -S option is specified, setup of the embedded database is skipped during setup of the logical host. Accordingly, the embedded database must be set up separately.

  4. Execute the following command to create the environment for executing jobs:

    jpqimport -dt isam -ci execution-environment-configuration-definition-file-for-queue-and-submit-jobs [-mh logical-host-name]

    For details about the jpqimport command, see jpqimport in 4. Commands Used for Special Operation in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.

  5. Perform advanced setup for the embedded database.

    If you specified the -S option in step 3, perform advanced setup for the embedded database.

    For details about advanced setup for the embedded database, see 23.5 Advanced setup for the embedded database (in a cluster configuration).

  6. To use queueless jobs, perform the necessary setup, as described below.

    Execute the following command:

    ajsqlsetup -h logical-host-name -F scheduler-service-name

    For details about the ajsqlsetup command, see ajsqlsetup in 4. Commands Used for Special Operation in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.

    Cautionary note:

    Executing the ajsqlsetup command causes the files needed for queueless job execution to be created on the shared disk. Because the files are then checked, make sure that the shared disk is mounted before you attempt to execute this command.

  7. Setting the restrictions for connection sources.

    If the setting for whether the connection source restriction function is enabled or the IP addresses permitted to connect are different from those on the physical host, set restrictions for connection sources on the logical host.

    Even if there is no problem if the connection source restriction setting is the same on the physical and logical hosts, the IP address of the logical host is required in the connection permission configuration files of the physical host and the logical host on which the connection source restriction function is enabled. The reason for adding the specifications is that the IP address for the logical host is newly assigned as the IP address of the local host.

    For details about how to set the connection source restriction function, see 21.2 Restricting connections to JP1/AJS3.

  8. Change the value of the environment setting parameter EventServerName on the logical host.

    If a physical host name is specified in FQDN format for the environment setting parameter EventServerName on the physical host, change the value of the logical host's parameter EventServerName to a logical host name in FQDN format.

    For details about the environment setting parameter EventServerName, see 15.3.16 Setting the event server name in the system using DNS.

This completes the tasks required on the primary node.

Cautionary notes:
  • Setup must be performed on each logical host.

  • When the logical host for the primary node is set up by using the jajs_setup_cluster command, the environment of the scheduler service specified in the DEFAULTSERVICENAME environment setting parameter is copied to create the logical host environment.

  • If the setting for adding scheduler services is required on a logical host, see 17.2.10(1) Adding scheduler services on a logical host.

  • When the jajs_setup_cluster command is executed to set up a logical host on the primary node, a logical host settings file is created in the conf directory within the shared directory. If you want to change the logical host settings, edit the logical host settings file.

(2) Tasks required on the secondary node

To set up a cluster system environment for JP1/AJS3 - Manager on the secondary node:

  1. Set up JP1/Base and JP1/AJS3 - Manager on the physical host.

    Set up JP1/Base and JP1/AJS3 - Manager on the physical host. When you use JP1/AJS3 - Web Console on the same host where JP1/AJS3 - Manager is installed, set up also JP1/AJS3 - Web Console.

    For details, see 13. Setup.

  2. After completing the JP1/Base, JP1/AJS3, and JP1/IM tasks on the primary node, save the common definition information to the primary node and then set up the common definition information on the secondary node.

    After completing these tasks on the primary node, execute the jbsgetcnf command on the primary node to save the common definition information. Copy the backup file to the secondary node, specify the backup file as an argument of the jbssetcnf command, and then execute the command. The commands to be executed are as follows:

    On the primary node:

    jbsgetcnf -h logical-host-name > backup-file-name

    On the secondary node:

    jbssetcnf backup-file-name

  3. Perform the JP1/Base tasks required on the secondary node.

    For details about the JP1/Base tasks, see the JP1/Base User's Guide.

    When you use jp1hosts2 information, use the physical merge mechanism to apply the jp1hosts2 information set in the physical host to the logical host. For details about the physical merge mechanism, see the JP1/Base User's Guide. Also, in the physical host on the secondary node, set the jp1hosts2 information that has the same content as the jp1hosts2 information in the physical host on the primary node.

  4. Execute the jajs_setup_cluster command to set up the logical host.

    The following shows the format of the jajs_setup_cluster command you execute:

    [-h logical-host-name]
    -F scheduler-service-name
    [-S|-C embedded-database-settings-file-name]
    • For the -h option, specify the logical host name set in JP1/Base.

    • For the -F option, always specify the scheduler service name that was specified on the primary node.

    • Specify the -S option only if advanced setup is performed for the embedded database.

      If the -S option is specified, setup of the embedded database is skipped during setup of the logical host. Accordingly, the embedded database must be set up separately.

    • Specify the -C option if you performed advanced setup during creation of an embedded database on the primary node or if you executed the jajs_setup_cluster command with the -M option specified on the primary node. Before you execute the command with this option specified, you need to copy the embedded database settings file to the secondary node from the primary node.

      Also, for an advanced setup of the embedded database on the executing host, before executing the jajs_setup_cluster command, on the standby host, create the following directories specified when the ajsembdbinstl and ajsembdbbuild commands are executed.

      - Unload log file creation directory

      - Embedded database work area directory

      - Embedded database installation directory

      Note that the unload log file creation directory must also be created on the standby host if you specify a directory on the local disk when setting up the executing host.

      When this option is specified, the embedded database on the logical host is set up with the same settings as for the primary node.

      The following indicates the output destination of the embedded database settings file.


      You cannot specify this option for an embedded database created in JP1/AJS3 whose version is 09-50 or earlier.

  5. Perform advanced setup for the embedded database.

    If you specified the -S option in step 3, perform advanced setup for the embedded database.

    For details about advanced setup for the embedded database, see 23.5 Advanced setup for the embedded database (in a cluster configuration).

  6. To use queueless jobs, perform the necessary setup, as described below.

    Execute the following command:

    ajsqlsetup -h logical-host-name -F scheduler-service-name -nc

    For details about the ajsqlsetup command, see ajsqlsetup in 4. Commands Used for Special Operation in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.

This completes the tasks required on the secondary node.

Cautionary notes: