
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide

12.2.8 Upgrade installation of embedded database

To perform an upgrade installation to upgrade from version 12-60 or earlier, use the following procedure:

  1. Upgrade installation of JP1/AJS3 - Manager

  2. Upgrade installation of embedded database

  3. Convert the scheduler services databases to the format compatible with version 13-00 or later

If there are multiple embedded databases, perform upgrade installation and database conversion for all of them. For details about database conversion, see 13.5.3 Settings required when JP1/AJS3 - Manager is upgraded to version 13-00 or later.

If you are upgrading from version 13-00 or later, after upgrading JP1/AJS3 - Manager, compare the version of the embedded database against the Release Notes. If the version differs from the version specified in the Release Notes, also perform an upgrade installation of the embedded database. If multiple embedded databases are used, upgrade every embedded database by performing an upgrade installation.

The following describes the procedure for the upgrade installation of the embedded database:

For details about the commands shown in the procedure described below, see the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Upgrade installation of an embedded database

The following describes the procedure for the upgrade installation of an embedded database:

  1. Stop all JP1/AJS3 services.

  2. Start the embedded database.

    Execute the ajsembdbstart command with the -id _JFn (n: 0 to 9 or A to Z) option specified.

  3. Check that the embedded database is operating.

    Execute the ajsembdbstatus command with the -s ust and -id _JFn options specified to check that the embedded database is operating (UNIT-STAT is ONLINE).

  4. Stop the embedded database normally.

    Execute the ajsembdbstop command with the -id _JFn option specified. Do not specify the -f option in the command.

  5. Check that the embedded database is stopped.

    Execute the ajsembdbstatus command with the -s ust and -id _JFn options specified to check that the embedded database is stopped (UNIT-STAT is STOP).

  6. Execute the ajsembdbinstl command to perform the upgrade installation of the embedded database.

  7. Check that the embedded database is stopped.

    Execute the ajsembdbstatus command with the -s ust and -id _JFn options specified to check that the embedded database is stopped (UNIT-STAT is STOP). If the embedded database is operating, execute the ajsembdbstop command to normally stop the embedded database.

  8. Start the services that were stopped in step 1.

    If you wish to perform an upgrade installation from version 12-60 or earlier, you must migrate the database before activating the service.

    For details on database migration, see 13.5.3 Settings required when JP1/AJS3 - Manager is upgraded to version 13-00 or later. After migration is finished, stop the embedded database by using the ajsembdbstop command and then activate the service.

(2) Upgrade installation of embedded databases in a cluster configuration

For the upgrade installation of embedded databases in a cluster configuration, follow the procedure below.