
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide

9.2.3 Setting up the remote site

This subsection describes how to set up the remote site.

For a non-cluster environment, perform the procedure only on the primary node.

Figure 9‒5: Remote site setup procedure


Organization of this subsection

(1) Remote site setup procedure

The following describes the procedure for setting up the remote site:

Cautionary notes:
  • The procedure described here applies regardless of whether you use the same name or different names for the main-site and remote-site logical hosts.

  • If you use the same name for the main-site and remote-site logical hosts, the value of logical-host-name-of-the-remote-site to be specified as a command argument in the procedure is the same as the main-site logical host name.

  1. Set up the JP1/Base physical hosts on the primary and secondary nodes.

    If JP1/Base has already been set up, you do not need to perform this step.

    The procedure for setting up JP1/Base is same as the procedure used for cluster system operation. For details, see 8. Setup for Operation in a Cluster System.

  2. Set up the JP1/Base logical host on the primary node.

    The procedure for setting up JP1/Base is same as the procedure used for cluster system operation. For details, see 8. Setup for Operation in a Cluster System.

    Note that, when you use the communication encryption function, you need to specify one of the following settings:

    • When different server certificates are used separately for the main and remote sites, allocate the main and remote site private key and server certificate to the remote site.

    • When the same server certificate is used for the main and remote sites, allocate the same private key and server certificate as those for the main site to the remote site.

  3. Set up the JP1/AJS3 physical hosts on the primary and secondary nodes.

    During setup, specify the same options specified for the main site.

    If JP1/AJS3 has already been set up, you do not need to perform this step.

    The procedure for setting up the JP1/AJS3 physical host is same as the procedure used for cluster system operation. For details, see 8. Setup for Operation in a Cluster System.

  4. On the primary node, save the JP1/Base common definition information, and then set up the common definition information on the secondary node.

    After completing the tasks required on the primary node, execute the jbsgetcnf command on the primary node to save the JP1/Base common definition information. Copy the backup file to the secondary node, specify the backup file as an argument of the jbssetcnf command, and then execute the command. The following are the commands to execute.

    On the primary node:

    jbsgetcnf -h logical-host-name-of-the-remote-site > backup-file-name

    On the secondary node:

    jbssetcnf backup-file-name

  5. Set up the JP1/Base logical host on the secondary node.

    The procedure for setting up JP1/Base is same as the procedure used for cluster system operation. For details, see 8. Setup for Operation in a Cluster System.

  6. On the primary node, install the embedded database of the JP1/AJS3 logical host.

    Execute the following command:

       -s directory-containing-the-embedded-database-installation-media
       -mh logical-host-name-of-the-remote-site
       -i embedded-database-installation-directory
       -id setup-identifier

    For the -i and -id options, specify the recorded values as described in the sections listed below.

    If you are assigning the remote-site logical host a name that is different from the main-site logical host:

    Step 2 in 9.2.1 Setting up the main site when using different names for the main-site and remote-site logical hosts

    If you are assigning the remote-site logical host the same name as the main-site logical host:

    Step 2 in 9.2.2 Setting up the main site when using the same name for the main-site and remote-site logical hosts

    For details about the ajsembdbinstl command, see ajsembdbinstl in 2. Commands Used during Setup in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.

  7. Import the setup information for disaster recovery operation to the primary node.

    Execute the command jajs_rpenvimport to import the settings for disaster recovery operation from the main site to the remote site.

    Before executing the command, make sure that the same disaster recovery operation setup information does not exist on any other host at the remote site. Also see the precautionary notes in jajs_rpenvimport in 2. Commands Used during Setup in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.

    The format of the command jajs_rpenvimport is as follows:

    jajs_rpenvimport -e executing-physical-host-at-the-remote-site
                     -h logical-host-name-of-the-remote-site
                     -d input-directory-name

    For the -d option, specify the same value as the output directory name that you specified as described in the sections listed below.

    When setting up a new remote site (if you are assigning the remote-site logical host a name that is different from the main-site logical host):

    Step 3 in 9.2.1 Setting up the main site when using different names for the main-site and remote-site logical hosts

    When setting up a new remote site (if you are assigning the remote-site logical host the same name as the main-site logical host):

    Step 6 in 9.2.2 Setting up the main site when using the same name for the main-site and remote-site logical hosts

    To reconfigure the main site:

    Perform step 1 in 11.2.2 Rebuilding the main site in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Administration Guide.

  8. Set up the JP1/AJS3 logical host for the remote site on the primary node.

    Execute the following command:

    jajs_setup_cluster -h logical-host-name-of-the-remote-site
                       -F scheduler-service-name
  9. If necessary, specify individual settings on the primary node.

    Some information is not set by importing the setup information for disaster recovery operation. If you need the information that is not imported, specify the individual settings as described in (3) Specifying specific settings on the remote site.

  10. Perform steps 6 to 9 on the secondary node.

(2) Importing and exporting the setup information for disaster recovery operation

When you perform one of the following operations, the JP1/AJS3 - Manager settings must be the same on both the main and the remote sites. To ensure that the settings are the same, export the setup information for disaster recovery operation on either site, and then import that information to the other site.

  1. Build a new main site environment, and apply it to the remote site.

  2. After the site stops, apply the remote site settings during rebuilding of the main site environment.

  3. During operation, change the settings or configuration of the main site, and apply the changes to the remote site.

The following table describes the information set by exporting and importing the setup information for disaster recovery operation.

Table 9‒1: Information set by exporting and importing the setup information for disaster recovery operation


Information to be set


All environment setting parameters for the following definition keys, including subkeys:

  • [logical-host-name\JP1AJS2]

  • [logical-host-name\JP1AJS2COMMON]#1

  • [logical-host-name\JP1AJSMANAGER]#2

  • [logical-host-name\JP1AOMMANAGER]

  • [logical-host-name\JP1AOMAGENT]

  • [logical-host-name\JP1NBQAGENT]

  • [logical-host-name\JP1NBQMANAGER]

  • [logical-host-name\JP1NBQCLIENT]

  • [logical-host-name\JP1NBQNOTIFY]

  • [logical-host-name\JP1QLAGENT]#1


Embedded database definition file


This definition key is used by optional functions and might not exist.


If this definition key does not exist, information will not be exported because the system assumes that no logical host has been created.

(3) Specifying specific settings on the remote site

You need to manually set information on the remote site that is not set by exporting and importing the setup information for disaster recovery operation.

The following table describes the information that is not set.

Table 9‒2: Information that is not set by exporting and importing the setup information for disaster recovery operation


Type of information

Information that is not set

Required settings


System settings

Port number

Set the port number in the services file.


Firewall settings

Set up a firewall for the port.


Name resolution settings

Specify jp1hosts or jp1hosts2 information, hosts file, and DNS settings.



Trace log file size

Set the sizes of the following trace log files:

  • JP1/AJS3 trace log file

  • Trace log file for the JP1/AJS3 Check Manager service or the JP1/AJS3 Check Agent service

  • Trace log file for the queueless job function


Environment setting parameters

Set the environment setting parameters for physical hosts.


Cancellation or resetting of service dependencies

Change the dependencies between the JP1/AJS3 service and JP1/Base Event service.



Adding or deleting a scheduler service

If a scheduler service was added or deleted, install or uninstall the corresponding embedded database.


Local date and time for the JP1/AJS3 scheduler service

Use the ajslocaldate command to change the local date and time for the JP1/AJS3 scheduler service.


Events and actions

Destination host for the JP1 event-sending job

Set up communication when the JP1 event-sending job is used to send JP1 events to another host.


Linkage with mail systems

Set up the mail system linkage function.


Definition pre-check

Definition pre-check function

Either set up or remove the setup of the definition pre-check function.


Queueless job

Queueless job function

Either set up or remove the setup of the queueless job function.


JP1/AJS3 - View

Function for disabling specific menus in JP1/AJS3 - View

Allocate the settings file on the manager host.


Prerequisite products, related products, and linkage products

Transfer destination host for the JP1 event service

Specify the settings when you use the JP1 event reception monitoring job to monitor JP1 events transferred from other hosts.


Linkage with HP NNM

Set up the HP NNM linkage function.

The following describes the specific information that you need to set.

(a) Port number

Set the port number used at the other site.

Change the port number set in the services file.

(b) Firewall settings

Specify the firewall settings for the port number that was specified at the other site.

For details, see 2.3.4 Communications in firewall environments in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Configuration) Guide.

(c) Name resolution settings

When the main site and the remote site use the same agent host, make sure to set the same jp1hosts or jp1hosts2 information, hosts file, and DNS settings for both sites.

If these sites use different agent hosts, set up the jp1hosts or jp1hosts2 information, hosts file, or DNS at the remote site so that agent host names used at the main site can be resolved at the remote site.

If agent host names used at the main site cannot be resolved at the remote site, the startup of disaster recovery after operation is switched to the remote site might take a long time, or a connection timeout might occur. To prevent such problems, you need to set up the jp1hosts or jp1hosts2 information, hosts file, or DNS at the remote site so that name resolution can be performed correctly.

For details about the jp1hosts or jp1hosts2 information, see the JP1/Base User's Guide.

(d) Trace file size

Set the sizes of the following trace log files to the settings used at the other site:

  • JP1/AJS3 trace log file

  • Trace log file for the JP1/AJS3 Check Manager service or JP1/AJS3 Check Agent service

  • Trace log file for the queueless job function

To change the size of the trace log file for JP1/AJS3, the JP1/AJS3 Check Manager service, or the JP1/AJS3 Check Agent service, use the ajstrsetsz or ajschktrsetsz command. For details about these commands, see 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.

To change the trace log file size for the queueless job function, use the ajsqltrsetsz and ajsqlexecsetsz commands. For details about these commands, see 4. Commands Used for Special Operation in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.

(e) Environment setting parameters

Set the environment setting parameters for physical hosts to the settings used at the other site. These environment setting parameters exist for definition keys that the physical host and logical host do not share (that is, a definition key beginning with [JP1_DEFAULT\...]). For details about how to set the environment setting parameters, see 4.2 Environment setting parameter settings.

Note that the environment setting parameters for logical hosts are imported when the setup information for disaster recovery operation is imported.

(f) Cancellation or resetting of service dependencies

If the JP1/Base event server name is not a default name such as an FQDN, you need to cancel the dependencies between the JP1/AJS3 service and JP1/Base Event service. For details about how to set service dependencies and the applicable cautionary notes, see 6.9.1 Canceling and re-setting service dependencies.

(g) Adding or deleting a scheduler service

If a scheduler service was added or deleted, install or uninstall the corresponding embedded database. To install an embedded database, execute the ajsembdbinstl command. To uninstall an embedded database, execute the ajsembdbuninstl command.

For details about these commands, see 2. Commands Used during Setup in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.

(h) Local date and time for the JP1/AJS3 scheduler service

Set the same local data and time for the JP1/AJS3 scheduler service that is set at the other site. If you use the ajslocaldate command to change the local date and time, you also need to execute the ajslocaldate command at the remote site before starting JP1/AJS3 at the remote site.

For details about the ajslocaldate command, see 7.6 Defining a local date and time for the scheduler service in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Administration Guide.

(i) Destination host for the JP1 event-sending job

When you use the JP1 event-sending job to send JP1 events to another host, specify the setting so that communication with the destination host is possible at both the main site and the remote site.

(j) Linkage with mail systems

Set up linkage with mail systems in accordance with the settings at the other site.

For details about linkage with mail systems, see 2. Linking Mail Systems in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide.

If you change the linkage of a mail system, you need to restart the JP1/AJS3 Mail service on the physical host.

(k) Definition pre-check function

Set up the definition pre-check function if it has been set up at the other site.

Use the ajschksetup command to set up the definition pre-check function. For details, see 6.5.1 Setting up the JP1/AJS3 definition pre-check function.

Note that if you change the definition pre-check function setting, you need to restart the following services on the physical host:

  • JP1/AJS3 Check Manager service

  • JP1/AJS3 Check Agent service

(l) Queueless job function

Set up the queueless job function if it has been set up at the other site. To set up the queueless job function at the remote site, execute the ajsqlsetup command with the -nc option specified.

For details about the ajsqlsetup command, see ajsqlsetup in 4. Commands Used for Special Operation in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.

Note that if you change the queueless job setting, you need to restart the queueless agent service on the physical host.

(m) Function for disabling specific menus in JP1/AJS3 - View

Enable the function for disabling specific menus in JP1/AJS3 - View if the function is enabled at the other site.

For details, see 11.3.9 Disabling menus in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide.

(n) Transfer destination hosts for the JP1 event service

When you use the JP1 event-reception monitoring job to monitor JP1 events transferred from hosts not at the main site, set up transfer to both the main site and the remote site on the transfer source.

(o) Linkage with HP NNM

Set up linkage with NNM at both the main site and the remote site. The same symbol cannot be used twice for monitoring, so create symbols for the main site and the remote site on NNM.

For details about linking JP1/AJS3 with HP NNM, see the following:

  • A. Monitoring Jobnets Using HP NNM in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide

  • B. Events Reported to HP NNM in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide

  • C. Commands Used When Linking with HP NNM in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide