
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide

6.7.1 Additional settings to be specified for using the Web GUI (Management Portal)

If you use the Web GUI (Management Portal), specify the settings described in the following sections to obtain the JP1/AJS3 status information:

The Web GUI (Management Portal) can be used even if the preceding three additional settings are not specified. However, if these additional settings are not specified, some of the JP1/AJS3 operating information will not be displayed with the Web GUI (Management Portal). The following table lists the items that will not be displayed.

Table 6‒77: Items of JP1/AJS3 operating information requiring additional settings for display with the Web GUI (Management Portal)


Relevant screen

Operating information item

Required setting


Scheduler Service Details screen

Number of jobs that are in queue or running

  • Settings related to the output of performance reports

  • Settings for detecting factors that might stop job execution


Number of execution generations


Number of unreported information items


Target Host screen

Execution agent status

Settings for reducing a delay in job distribution