
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide

3.6.3 Settings required when JP1/AJS3 - Manager is upgraded to version 13-00 or later

If you upgrade JP1/AJS3 - Manager from version 12-60 or earlier, you must also convert the databases for scheduler services into the format compatible with version 13-00 or later. The scheduler services cannot start before conversion is complete.

Note that if you use embedded databases with the upgraded version of JP1/AJS3 - Manager, you must perform upgrade installation of the embedded databases before converting the database format.

The following table describes the tasks you perform when converting the databases for scheduler services.

Table 3‒18: Tasks required for converting the databases for scheduler services


Work contents



Preparation tasks for using embedded databases:

  • Checking the embedded database versions and maintaining the embedded database areas

  • Securing the space for the table area

  • Securing the space for the index area



Conversion tasks required on the physical host



Conversion tasks required in a cluster environment:

  • Tasks required on the primary node

  • Tasks required on the secondary node


Organization of this subsection

(1) Preparation tasks for using embedded databases

This section describes the preparation tasks required if you use embedded databases for scheduler services.

(a) Checking the embedded database versions and maintaining the embedded database areas

  1. Stop the JP1/AJS3 services.

    Stop all JP1/AJS3 services on the physical host and all logical hosts. If JP1/AJS3 is operating in a cluster environment, temporarily remove JP1/AJS3 from that environment.

  2. Starts the embedded database.

    Use the following command to start the embedded databases that are set up on the physical host and all logical hosts:

    ajsembdbstart -id embedded-database-setup-ID
  3. Maintain the embedded database areas.

    Use the following command to maintain the embedded database areas on the physical host and all logical hosts:

    ajsembdbreclaim -m manager [-mh logical-host-name]

(b) Securing the space for the table area

Perform the following procedure for all embedded databases that are set up on the physical host and all logical hosts. In a cluster environment, make sure that the shared disk is mounted to the active server before performing the procedure.

  1. Check the status of the database area for the embedded database.

    Use the following command to check the status of the database area for the embedded database:

    ajsembdbstatus -db -id embedded-database-setup-ID
  2. Check the number of unused segments in the table area.

    Record the value of Unused Segment under RD Area Name : AJS2DATA in the execution results of the command in step 1.

    Hereinafter, this value is referred to as (A).

    For example, if the command returns the following results, (A) is 210:

    RD Area Name   : AJS2DATA
      Server        : ajs2
      Total Segment :        300   Segment Size :         10 Pages
      Unused Segment:        210   Page Size    :      30720 Bytes
  3. Check the number of used segments in the table in the release definition.

    Check the value of the Sum column on the Segment line for the table with a name of xxxxRELS# indicated at Table Name in the execution results of the command in step 1.

    If multiple scheduler services are set up for one embedded database, there are multiple xxxxRELS# tables. In such a case, record the total value for those tables and the maximum value.


    For the xxxx portion, a string such as AJS1 is output.

    Hereinafter, the total value is referred to as (B) and the maximum value is referred to as (C).

    If there is only one scheduler service, (B) and (C) are the same.

    For example, if the command returns the following results, (B) is 9 (8 + 1) and (C) is 8:

    Table Name : AJS1RELS
     Auth Id    : root
     Status     :
     Reference Pending Status :  
     Check     Pending Status :  
     Segment Reuse :         18 segments
      <Base row segment>
      Search Mode : INS
      Reuse Search Failure :          0/         0
              Used(Full)       Used(      Full)        Sum
      Segment 100%( 88%)          8(         7)          8
      Page    100%( 99%)         80(        79)         80
      Collect On Segment :          0
    Table Name : AJS2RELS
     Auth Id    : root
     Status     :
     Reference Pending Status :  
     Check     Pending Status :  
     Segment Reuse :         18 segments
      <Base row segment>
      Search Mode : INS
      Reuse Search Failure :          0/         0
              Used(Full)       Used(      Full)        Sum
      Segment 100%(  0%)          1(         0)          1
      Page     10%(  0%)          1(         0)         10
      Collect On Segment :          0
  4. Check whether there is sufficient free space for conversion.

    If the following condition is met, there is sufficient free space for conversion. In such a case, you do not need to perform the subsequent steps.

    (A) >= (B) + (((C) + 1) x 2)

    Hereinafter, the value resulting from (B) + (((C) + 1) x 2) is referred to as (D).

    If the auto-increment function for the embedded database is enabled, the database format can be converted when the following condition is met even if available free space is insufficient. In this case, you do not need to perform the subsequent steps. You can check whether the auto-increment function is enabled by executing the ajsembdbstatus command with the -c option specified.

    (size-of-ajssys041-file-in-embedded-database-data-area-directory) + (((D) - (A)) x 0.3 MB) <= 64 GB

    Note that the disk where the embedded-database data area directory is located must have at least ((D) - (A)) x 0.3 (MB) of free space.

  5. Expand the embedded-database database area.

    Use the ajsembdbaddarea command to expand the AJS2DATA table area. When executing the command, specify a value equal to or larger than the value resulting from ((D) - (A)) x 0.3 (MB) for embedded-database-file-system-area-size.

    ajsembdbaddarea -r table
     -s embedded-database-file-system-area-size 
     -d name-of-directory-where-database-area-to-be-expanded-stored 
     -id embedded-database-setup-ID

(c) Securing the space for the index area

Perform the following procedure for all embedded databases that are set up on the physical host and all logical hosts. In a cluster environment, make sure that the shared disk is mounted to the active server before performing the procedure.

  1. Check the number of unused segments in the index areas.

    Record the value of Unused Segment under RD Area Name : AJS2INDX in the execution results of the command in step 1 in (b) Securing the space for the table area.

    Hereinafter, this value is referred to as (A).

    For example, if the command returns the following results, (A) is 781:

    RD Area Name   : AJS2INDX
      Server        : ajs2
      Total Segment :        880   Segment Size :         10 Pages
      Unused Segment:        781   Page Size    :       4096 Bytes
  2. Check the number of used segments in the index in the release definition.

    Check the value of the Sum column on the Segment line for each index of the index set (xxxxRELSINDEX1 to xxxxRELSINDEX3)# in the execution results of the command in step 1 in (b) Securing the space for the table area. The name of each index is indicated at Index Name. Then, record the total of those values.

    If multiple scheduler services are set up for one embedded database, there are multiple instances of the index set (xxxxRELSINDEX1 to xxxxRELSINDEX3) for which you need to record the values. In such a case, check the values for each index set and record the total value and the maximum value.


    For the xxxx portion, a string such as AJS1 is output.

    Hereinafter, the total value is referred to as (B) and the maximum value is referred to as (C).

    If there is only one scheduler service, (B) and (C) are the same.

    For example, if the command returns the following results, (B) is 13 ((5 + 3 + 2) + (1 + 1 + 1)) and (C) is 10 (5 + 3 + 2):

    Index Name : AJS1RELSINDEX1
     Auth Id    : root
     Status     : 
              Used(Full)       Used(      Full)        Sum
      Segment 100%(  0%)          5(         0)          5
      Page     82%(  0%)         41(         0)         50
      Collect On Segment :          0
     Index Name : AJS1RELSINDEX2
     Auth Id    : root
     Status     : 
              Used(Full)       Used(      Full)        Sum
      Segment 100%(  0%)          3(         0)          3
      Page     67%(  0%)         20(         0)         30
      Collect On Segment :          0
     Index Name : AJS1RELSINDEX3
     Auth Id    : root
     Status     : 
              Used(Full)       Used(      Full)        Sum
      Segment 100%(  0%)          2(         0)          2
      Page     80%(  0%)         16(         0)         20
    Collect On Segment :          0
    Index Name : AJS2RELSINDEX1
     Auth Id    : root
     Status     : 
              Used(Full)       Used(      Full)        Sum
      Segment 100%(  0%)          1(         0)          1
      Page     10%(  0%)          1(         0)         10
      Collect On Segment :          0
     Index Name : AJS2RELSINDEX2
     Auth Id    : root
     Status     : 
              Used(Full)       Used(      Full)        Sum
      Segment 100%(  0%)          1(         0)          1
      Page     10%(  0%)          1(         0)         10
      Collect On Segment :          0
     Index Name : AJS2RELSINDEX3
     Auth Id    : root
     Status     : 
              Used(Full)       Used(      Full)        Sum
      Segment 100%(  0%)          1(         0)          1
      Page     10%(  0%)          1(         0)         10
      Collect On Segment :          0
  3. Check whether there is sufficient free space for conversion.

    If the following condition is met, there is sufficient free space for conversion. In such a case, you do not need to perform the subsequent steps.

    (A) >= (B) + (((C) + 1) x 2)

    Hereinafter, the value resulting from (B) + (((C) + 1) x 2) is referred to as (D).

    If the auto-increment function for the embedded database is enabled, the database format can be converted when the following condition is met even if available free space is insufficient. In this case, you do not need to perform the subsequent steps.

    (size-of-ajssys042-file-in-embedded-database-data-area-directory) + (((D) - (A)) x 0.04 MB) <= 64 GB

    Note that the disk where the embedded-database data area directory is located must have at least ((D) - (A)) x 0.04 (MB) of free space.

  4. Expand the embedded-database database area.

    Use the ajsembdbaddarea command to expand the AJS2INDX table area. When executing the command, specify a value equal to or larger than the value resulting from ((D) - (A)) x 0.04 (MB) for embedded-database-file-system-area-size.

    ajsembdbaddarea -r index
     -s embedded-database-file-system-area-size
     -d name-of-directory-where-database-area-to-be-expanded-stored
     -id embedded-database-setup-ID

(2) Conversion tasks required on the physical host

The following shows the conversion procedure to be performed on the physical host:

  1. Confirm that the JP1/AJS3 service is not running on the physical host.

    Confirm that the JP1/AJS3 service is not running by executing the following command:


    If the service is running, stop it by executing the following command:

  2. Start the databases.

    For an embedded database:

    Use the following command to start all embedded databases that are set up:

    ajsembdbstart -id embedded-database-setup-ID

    You can skip this operation if you already performed it in (1) Preparation tasks for using embedded databases.

    For an external database:

    Confirm that the connected databases are operating.

  3. Convert the databases for scheduler services.

    Use the following command to convert the databases for scheduler services:

    jajs_cnvdb -c V13

    If the KAVS8470-I message is output, the command execution was successful.

    If the KAVS8471-E message is output, the command execution was not successful. In this case, take the action described in (4)(h) Action to be taken if the jajs_cnvdb command fails.

  4. If you are using embedded databases, perform maintenance of the database area.

    If you are using embedded databases, execute the following command to perform maintenance of the database area:

    ajsembdbreclaim -m manager

(3) Conversion tasks required in a cluster environment

The section describes the conversion procedure to be performed in a cluster environment.

(a) Tasks required on the primary node

Note that all tasks described here must be performed while the shared disk is mounted.

  1. Temporarily remove JP1/AJS3 from the cluster environment.

    You can skip this operation if you already performed it in (1) Preparation tasks for using embedded databases.

  2. Stop the JP1/AJS3 services on logical hosts.

    You can skip this operation if you already performed it in (1) Preparation tasks for using embedded databases.

  3. Start the databases.

    Use the following command to start all embedded databases that are set up on the target logical host:

    ajsembdbstart -id embedded-database-setup-ID

    You can skip this operation if you already performed it in (1) Preparation tasks for using embedded databases.

  4. Convert the databases for scheduler services.

    Use the following command to convert the databases for scheduler services:

    jajs_cnvdb -h logical-host-name -c V13

    If the KAVS8470-I message is output, the command execution was successful.

    If the KAVS8471-E message is output, the command execution was not successful. In this case, take the action described in (4)(h) Action to be taken if the jajs_cnvdb command fails.

  5. Perform maintenance of the database area.

    Perform maintenance of the database area by executing the following command:

    ajsembdbreclaim -m manager -mh logical-host-name
  6. Add JP1/AJS3 back to the cluster environment.

(b) Tasks required on the secondary node

  1. Convert the databases for scheduler services.

    Convert the databases for scheduler services by executing the jajs_cnvdb command with the -s option specified:

    jajs_cnvdb -h logical-host-name -c V13 -s

(4) Command for converting the databases for scheduler services (jajs_cnvdb)

(a) Format

   [-h logical-host-name]
   {-c V13|-v}

(b) Description

The jajs_cnvdb command converts scheduler databases from the format compatible with version 12-60 or earlier into the format compatible with version 13-00 or later. The command also converts the data stored in the databases.

(c) Execution privileges

Administrators privilege

(d) Arguments

-h logical-host-name

Use this option to perform database conversion on only a specified logical host.

If you specify this option without an argument, the command assumes that the logical host name specified for the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable is specified. If the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable is not specified, the command assumes that the physical host name (JP1_DEFAULT) is specified.

If you omit this option when JP1_DEFAULT is specified for the JP1_HOSTNAME environment variable, the command will fail with the KAVS0187-E message.

If the specified host does not exist, the command will fail with the KAVS0291-E message.


Use this option to convert all scheduler services on the physical host and all logical hosts.

The -all option is assumed even if it is not explicitly specified.

-c V13

Converts the scheduler databases into the format compatible with version 13-00 or later.


Displays whether of the current scheduler databases have already been converted.

If both the -c V13 and -v options are omitted, the command assumes that the -v option is specified.

If you execute the command with this option in an environment where no scheduler services exist, the command will fail with the KAVS1516-E message.


Always specify this option if you execute the command on the standby server in a cluster environment.

(e) Example

To convert the databases for all scheduler services on the physical host, execute the following command:

jajs_cnvdb -c V13

(f) Output example

The following shows an output example when the -v option is specified.

(1)                            (2)
AJSROOT1                      V13
AJSROOT2                      -
AJSROOT3                      V13

Explanation of output items

(1) scheduler service name

The length of each scheduler service name output field is fixed to 30 bytes.

For example, for a scheduler service that has an 8-byte name (such as AJSROOT1), the name will be output with 22 halfwidth trailing spaces.

(2) Database format

The database for the scheduler service is set up in the format compatible with version 13.


The database for the scheduler service is set up in the format compatible with version 12-60 or earlier.

(g) Notes

  • If you upgrade the version from 12-60 or earlier, convert the databases for all scheduler services by executing the command with the -c V13 option specified.

  • In a cluster environment, execute the command on both the active and standby servers.

  • On the active server in a cluster environment, you must execute this while no services are running. Therefore, you cannot convert databases while jobs are operating.

  • Execute this command only when you have upgraded the version from 12-60 or earlier.

  • Execute this command when all JP1/AJS3 services are stopped.

  • When you perform conversion, all embedded databases set up on the target hosts must be active. If you happened to execute this command while the embedded databases were inactive, activate them and then re-execute the command.

  • You cannot concurrently execute multiple instances of this command.

(h) Action to be taken if the jajs_cnvdb command fails

Remove the cause of the error indicated in the error message, and then re-execute the jajs_cnvdb command.

You can check whether conversion has finished by executing the jajs_cnvdb command with the -v option specified.

The following shows command execution examples.

For a physical host:
jajs_cnvdb -v
For a logical host:
jajs_cnvdb -h logical-host-name -v

If the string V13 is output after a scheduler service name, conversion is complete.

If a hyphen (-) is output after a scheduler service name, conversion is not complete.

Output example

(i) Return values


Normal end

Values other than 0

Abnormal end

(5) Notes on version upgrade to JP1/AJS3 - Manager 13-00 or later

Database backups taken with JP1/AJS3 - Manager version 12-60 or earlier cannot be used after JP1/AJS3 - Manager is upgraded to version 13-00 or later. Convert the databases into the format compatible with version 13-00 or later, and then re-create backups.