
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Work Tasks) Guide

7.11 Startup performance of scheduler services

A scheduler service manages the number of logs to keep and changes the status according to the status before it stops and the start mode. As a result, the startup performance of scheduler services is mainly influenced by the root jobnets registered for execution, the number of units under jobnets, the number of generations, and the statuses of units when a scheduler service stops. To verify the startup performance of a scheduler service, register a root jobnet for execution according to your operation and wait for the number of generations to reach the number of logs to keep. Then, restart a scheduler service at a peak time when many jobs and jobnets are being executed, and check the time it takes to start the scheduler service.

To confirm that the startup of the scheduler service begins and ends normally, check the scheduler service messages KNAD3705-I and KNAD3602-I, which are output to the integrated trace log.

Note that, if the number of generations has increased since the verification time (for example, because more generations are retained in a jobnet with start conditions), the time required for starting the scheduler service is longer than the verification result.

If the CONDGENWARNINT and MULTIMONWARNNUM environment setting parameters are set, the KAVS1157-W and KAVS1156-W messages are output to inform you that the number of generations in a jobnet with start conditions is increasing. If you want to check the number of generations without having messages output, execute the ajsshow command as follows:

ajsshow -F scheduler-service-name -g a -i "%JJ %## %CC" -ERT /

In addition, you can improve the startup processing of scheduler services by enabling the FLSTARTPERFIMP environment setting parameter. Consider setting this environment setting parameter in addition to using messages and the ajsshow command for confirmation. For details about the environment setting parameters, see 20.4.2 Details of the environment setting parameters for scheduler services in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide. For details about the ajsshow command, see ajsshow in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.

Supplementary note

The processing that is performed varies depending on the start mode. With hot start, generation management processing and status change processing are performed. With warm start, schedule recalculation processing is also performed. Furthermore, with disaster recovery start, in addition to all of the previously mentioned processing, startup finishes only after all status change processing has finished. For this reason, check the amount of time required for startup for the start mode that you use.