
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Work Tasks) Guide

7.9 Notes on using HTTP connection jobs

This section provides notes on using HTTP connection jobs for each agent host OS.

Read this section in conjunction with 2.6.2 Troubleshooting problems related to standard jobs, HTTP connection jobs, action jobs, and custom jobs in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Troubleshooting, which provides information about what might cause an HTTP connection job to fail to start or end abnormally, and cautionary notes about using HTTP connection jobs.

Notes applicable if the OS of the agent host is Windows:
  • Avoiding a system resource shortage

    If you execute more than a specific number of jobs concurrently, you might encounter a shortage of a system resource (desktop heap) and an error might occur depending on the system environment. In this case, consider taking the following action:

    - Change the JP1/AJS3 service account to a user account. By setting the JP1/AJS3 service account to a user account that differs from the accounts of other services and the user account of the logon user, you can use the system without sharing the desktop heap.

    - You can decrease consumption of the desktop heap by setting the account of the OS user frequently used for HTTP connection job execution to the same account as the JP1/AJS3 service account.

  • Preventing HTTP connection jobs from entering Failed-to-start status

    If the user who starts the JP1/AJS3 service does not have appropriate permissions, the status of HTTP connection jobs might change to Failed to start status. Make sure that the user who starts the JP1/AJS3 service is granted the following permissions:

    - For the standard output file for the HTTP connection job: Read and write permissions

    - For the standard error output file for the HTTP connection job: Read and write permissions

  • Use file names of 254 bytes or less in HTTP connection jobs

    A job might enter Failed to start or Ended abnormally status if any of the following file names specified in the job is 255 bytes or longer:

    - The standard output file for the job

    - The standard error output file for the job

    - The end judgment file for the job

    Make sure that the above file names have no more than 254 characters.

Notes applying if the OS of the agent host is Linux:
  • Preventing HTTP connection jobs from entering Failed-to-start status

    Check whether the user who starts the JP1/AJS3 service and the OS user who executes HTTP connection jobs have read and right permissions on the following files and directories. If those users do not have those permissions, the status of HTTP connection jobs might change to Failed to start. To prevent this, make sure that the user who starts the JP1/AJS3 service has read and write permissions on the following files and directories:

    - Standard output file for the HTTP connection job

    - Standard error output file for the HTTP connection job

    - Home directory of the OS user who executed the job

    - Log files used for job execution control#


For details about the log files used in job execution control, see 1.2.5 List of log files and directories in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Troubleshooting.

  • Resource limits when HTTP connection jobs are executed

    In JP1/AJS3 for UNIX, the resource limits in effect at JP1/AJS3 startup apply when a job is executed. To apply resource limits, set them for the root user who starts JP1/AJS3. However, if you specify a limit in the HTTP connection job to be executed, the value specified in the job takes effect. For details, see 20.5 Setting up the job execution environment in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.

    The following is an example of changing file size limits:

  1. In the login profile for the root user (usually [/.profile] ($HOME/.profile)), include the setting below:

    For fsize, specify the required file size. If you do not want to impose a limit, specify unlimited.

    ulimit -f fsize

  2. Log in as the root user.

  3. From the root account, start the JP1/AJS3 service.

    The fsize value takes effect.

Cautionary note

The resource limits you define in the resource settings file for the OS (/etc/security/limits.conf) apply only to processes started by users using the login command over a telnet connection or similar. Because HTTP connection jobs started by JP1/AJS3 take the form of processes started by a service, the settings in the file do not apply.

  • Precautions applying when the JP1/AJS3 service starts automatically

    In a system where the JP1/AJS3 service starts automatically, the login profile of the root user is not loaded. For this reason, even if you change the resource limits in the login profile of the root user, different limits might apply when you log in manually and start the JP1/AJS3 service. In this case, set resource limits in the environment setting parameters of the job execution environment. For details about these parameters, see 20.5 Setting up the job execution environment in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.

    You can also write resource limits into the automatic start script (/etc/opt/jp1ajs2/jajs_start) of JP1/AJS3. If you do so, test your settings thoroughly before using the system.

    Note that HTTP connection jobs might be executed under a group ID that differs from the group ID set for the root user at login. For details, see 5.4.12 Group ID for job execution (UNIX only) in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview.

  • Registering or changing an OS user

    While an HTTP connection job is running, do not use the passwd command with administrator privileges to register or update the OS user associated with the job. Register or update the OS user information before you run the job.