
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Work Tasks) Guide

2.3.2 JP1/AJS3 functions useful for work task automation

This section describes the JP1/AJS3 functionality that you can use to automate work tasks.

The following table lists tasks that you might want to perform with JP1/AJS3 and the functionality to use in each case.

Table 2‒19: JP1/AJS3 functions for realizing work task automation


Task you want to perform in JP1/AJS3

Relevant JP1/AJS3 function

Relevant section


Prepare processing that changes dynamically depending on the results of the preceding job.

Judgment job

2.4.3 Dynamically changing a process depending on the result of a preceding job (example of defining a jobnet that uses a judgment job)


Receive JP1 events from a host of your choice.

JP1 event reception monitoring job

2.4.4 Executing an event-driven process (example of defining a jobnet that uses an event job)


Detect when a file is created, deleted, or updated.

File monitoring job


Monitor specific data output to user log files or syslog.

Log file monitoring job, or a combination of the JP1/Base log file trap function and a JP1 event reception monitoring job


Monitor messages output to the Windows event log.

Monitoring Event Log job, or a combination of the JP1/Base event log trap function and a Receive JP1 Event job


Execute jobs with a regular time interval between them, or execute jobnets at a regular interval.

Interval Control job


Execute a jobnet at regular intervals.

Interval Control job with a start condition


Use the information of the preceding event job to execute subsequent processing (job or jobnet).

Inheriting of event job reception information


Execute processing (of a job or jobnet) by using a received file with an unspecified filename transferred into a specified folder.

  • Start condition

  • Monitoring Files job

  • Inheriting event job reception information


Send JP1 events to a host of your choice.

Send JP1 Event job

2.4.5 Sending a JP1 event at completion of the preceding job or when an event occurs (example of defining a jobnet that uses a Send JP1 event job)


Execute a recovery job or jobnet when an error occurs during job execution.

  • Recovery job

  • Recovery jobnet

2.4.6 Executing a specific process when a job ends abnormally (example of defining a jobnet that uses a recovery unit)


Control the execution order of different root jobnets.

Jobnet connector

2.4.7 Controlling the execution order of a root jobnet (example of defining a jobnet that uses a jobnet connector)


Control the execution order of units in different jobnets.

Wait condition

2.4.8 Controlling the order of unit execution in different jobnets (example of defining a jobnet that uses a wait condition)


Extract necessary information from the standard output file of a preceding job to execute subsequent processing (a job or jobnet).

Passing information setting job

2.4.9 Passing information that changes dynamically to a succeeding unit (example of defining a jobnet that uses a passing information setting job)


Automatically retry a job and continue the task if an executable file defined for the job ends abnormally.

Automatic retry on abnormal end

2.4.13 Automatic retry for abnormally ending jobs


Put subsequent executions of a jobnet on hold when the jobnet ends abnormally

Set a hold attribute for jobnets

  • Hold if prev. = 'abend'

  • Hold if prev. = 'warning' or 'abend'

12.3.8 Define Details - [Jobnet] dialog box (for a root jobnet) in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide


Change the definition of a jobnet during operation.

Jobnet release

7.3 Switching a jobnet definition while the jobnet is registered for execution in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Administration Guide


Group together several root jobnets with different schedules so that their tasks can be performed as a single jobnet.

Planning group

11.1 Using a planning group to change the plans for root jobnets in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview


Execute processing (job or jobnet) in response to mail sent from a particular person or mail with a particular subject line.

  • Linkage with a mail system

  • Receive Mail job

2. Linking Mail Systems in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide


Receive email notification when a job or jobnet has completed, or when there is an error in the system.

  • Linkage with a mail system

  • Send Mail job


Monitor the operating status of JP1/AJS3 and job execution statuses by using HP NNM.

  • Linkage with HP NNM

  • OpenView Status Report Job

A. Monitoring Jobnets Using HP NNM in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Linkage Guide


Automate a work task whose parameters change with each execution, without having to change the jobnet definition.

Macro variable and passing information

3.1.3 Applications that use macro variables in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview