
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Work Tasks) Guide

2.2.6 Considerations regarding the use of macro variables

You can use macro variables to automate tasks because succeeding units can use the values of parameters each time jobs are executed.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Definition items for which macro variables can be specified

To pass information using macro variables, specify macro variables in the Define Details dialog box or Detailed Definition dialog box of succeeding units.

The following table describes the definition items for which macro variables can be specified.

Table 2‒16: Definition items for which macro variables can be specified

Unit type

Definition item



Unix job


Command statement

Script file name


Environment variables

Environment file#

Working path#

Standard input#

Standard output#

Standard error#

File name for End judgment (when Normal if specified file exists or Normal if file was updated is selected in the Rule box)#

User name#

File to transfer#

Destination file#

PC job


File name


Environment variables

Environment file#

Working path#

Standard input#

Standard output#

Standard error#

File name for End judgment (when Normal if specified file exists or Normal if file was updated is selected in the Rule box)#

User name#

File to transfer#

Destination file#


Host name#

Queue name#

Job name#

File name


File to transfer#

Destination file#

Judgment job


Flexible job


Relay agent

File name


Environment variables

File name for End judgment (when Normal if specified file exists or Normal if file was updated is selected in the Rule box)

HTTP connection job


Conn. configuration file name

Trans. info. file name

Trans. info. file name (URL parameter)

Trans. info. file name (Message body)

Status file name

Received header file name

Received body file name

Standard output

Standard error

File name for End judgment (when Normal if specified file exists or Normal if file was updated is selected in the Rule box)

User name

Receive JP1 Event job


Host name#

Receive JP1 Event job - extended attributes

Arbitrary extended attribute#

Monitoring Files job


Monitoring file#

Receive Mail job


Monitoring Log Files job


File to be monitored#

Monitoring Event Log job


Interval Control job


Send JP1 Event job


Event destination host


Extended attribute

Send Mail job




Message text

Message text - file name

Profile name

Send Mail job - attached files

Attached file

Attached file - list file name

Send MQ Message job - detailed definition

Message data file

Send MSMQ Message job

Path name

Queue label

Message label

Send MSMQ Message job - message text

Message body file

OpenView Status Report job


Additional information

Local Power Control job


Remote Power Control job


Remote host

Custom Unix job


Command statement

Script file name


Environment variables

Environment file#

Working path#

Standard input#

Standard output#

Standard error#

File name for End judgment (when Normal if specified file exists or Normal if file was updated is selected in the Rule box)#

User name#

File to transfer#

Destination file#

Custom PC job


File name


Environment variables

Environment file#

Working path#

Standard input#

Standard output#

Standard error#

File name for End judgment (when Normal if specified file exists or Normal if file was updated is selected in the Rule box)#

User name#

File to transfer#

Destination file#

Standard custom job


Standard output#

Standard error#

File name for End judgment (when Normal if specified file exists or Normal if file was updated is selected in the Rule box)#

User name#


You can specify macro variables when the version of JP1/AJS3 - View and JP1/AJS3 - Manager is 09-50 or later.

(2) Checking macro variables

The names of the macro variables used in a job can be checked, and the result of inheriting information via macro variables can be checked after the job has been executed.

(a) Listing the macro variables being used

You can list the macro variable names used in subordinate units in the Variables Used dialog box of JP1/AJS3 - View or by executing the ajsprint command with the -v option specified. For details, see 12.3.25 Variables Used dialog box in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide, and see ajsprint in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.

The following figure shows an example of listing macro variables by using the ajsprint command.

Figure 2‒61: Example of listing macro variables used in subordinate units


(b) Viewing the result of inheriting information via macro variables

In the Inherit Result dialog box of JP1/AJS3 - View, you can view the macro variable names and passing information specified when a job is registered for execution. You can also view the names of the macro variables that the job inherits during execution and the result of inheriting those values. For details, see 12.7.10 Inherit Result dialog box in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide.

You can also use the ajsshow command to view the same information by specifying the %MV two-byte format indicator for the -i option. If there are two or more items to be displayed as the result, the items are separated with commas (,). If there are two or more generations to be displayed, the generations are output on separate lines.

The following shows an example of executing the ajsshow command.

ajsshow -F AJSROOT2 -g 2 -i "%MV" /net
ajsshow -F AJSROOT2 -i "%MV" /net2
"AJS2ENV:/jp1_data2/Job Report","AJS2COM:c:\temp\test2.exe"

For details about the ajsshow command, see the ajsshow in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.

Note that whether the results of passing (inheritance) can be displayed differs according to the unit type and the unit status. The following table lists unit types, unit statuses, and whether the results of passing can be displayed.

Table 2‒17: Whether the results of passing can be displayed

Unit type

Unit status

Whether the results of passing can be displayed

Root jobnet

Not registered


Other statuses


Nested jobnet



Job#2, #3

Not registered


Not sched. to exe.


Waiting for prev. to end


Being held


Now queuing


Waiting to execute


Now running


Ended normally


Normal end + False


Ended with warning


Ended abnormally


Failed to start


Unknown end status




Not executed




Interrupted monitoring





Yes: The results can be displayed.

No: The results cannot be displayed.

-- : Not applicable


Remote jobnets are excluded.


The following jobs are excluded:

- The jobs subordinate to remote jobnets

- The jobs deleted during suspension

- The jobs added during suspension (other than those added after suspension is canceled)


If the job status is changed, whether results can be displayed depends on the new status.

When a job that uses a macro variable is re-executed, the information passed via the macro variable during the previous execution is passed again. Therefore, by checking the result of the previous passing operation before re-executing the job, you will know the information that will be passed.

Supplementary notes

The results of passing differ from the previous execution in the following cases:

  • When the preceding job from which information is passed is being-re-executed:

    The information passed from the preceding job is not displayed.

  • When the preceding job from which information is passed was re-executed and the re-execution has finished:

    The passing information after the preceding job is re-executed is displayed.

  • When the preceding job from which information is passed was deleted during suspension:

    The information passed from the preceding job is not displayed.

  • When two or more passing information setting jobs that specify the same macro variable name are defined in a jobnet

    The passing information set by the last executed passing information setting job is displayed, regardless of the relation lines.

  • When re-execution of a passing information setting job terminates after the regular expression specified in the job has been changed

    The passing information extracted based on the new regular expression when the passing information setting job is re-executed is displayed.

  • When a passing information setting job is re-executed after the preceding job has been sent to a standard output file different from the one used during the previous execution

    The passing information extracted from the new standard output file when the passing information setting job is re-executed is displayed.

(3) Determining the JP1/AJS3 behavior if the passing of information via a macro variable fails

If the passing of information via a macro variable fails during execution of a job, JP1/AJS3 either changes the job status to Failed to start or continues jobnet execution by using the macro variable name as a string value.

You can use the MACROCHANGEFAIL environment setting parameter to determine the JP1/AJS3 behavior when the passing of information via a macro variable has failed.

For details about how to set the MACROCHANGEFAIL environment setting parameter, see 6.2.10 Setting the action to be taken if the value of a macro variable cannot be passed in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide (Windows) or 15.2.10 Setting the action to be taken if the value of a macro variable cannot be passed in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide (UNIX).

(4) Using macro variables

The table below describes how to use macro variables. For details, see the subsections listed in the Reference column.

Table 2‒18: Using macro variables





Passing the event information received by an event job to a succeeding unit


Outputting information that changes according to the circumstances of job execution to the standard output file and passing the information to a succeeding unit

2.4.9 Passing information that changes dynamically to a succeeding unit (example of defining a jobnet that uses a passing information setting job)


Passing to lower-level units the values specified for a jobnet when it was registered for execution

4.1.2 Specifying macro variables during registration for execution in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview

(5) Cautionary notes