
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Configuration) Guide

C.1 Functions for verifying the legitimacy of JP1/AJS3 operations

The following describes the functions you can use for verifying the legitimacy of JP1/AJS3 operations.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Outputting extended information to scheduler log files

In the environment settings, you can specify parameters for extended output to scheduler log files. You can then use the information to verify that JP1/AJS3 operations are legitimate.

The following table describes the additional information that you can output, and the required parameter setting for each extended function.

Table C‒1: Additional information output to the scheduler log and required parameter settings

Extended function

Parameter to set

Output connection start/end messages from JP1/AJS3 - Web Console and JP1/AJS3 - View.

Set all in the environment setting parameter MONLOG to output messages to a scheduler log file.

Set all in the environment setting parameter MONSYSLOG to output messages to syslog or Windows event log.

Output user authentication messages.

Set all in the environment setting parameter AUTHLOG to output messages to a scheduler log file#1.

Set all in the environment setting parameter AUTHSYSLOG to output messages to syslog or Windows event log.

Output the following additional information to the unit execution log and operation log:#2

  • Operation user type

    Mapped OS user type

  • Requester IP address#3

    IP address of the host that requested an operation

  • Requester ID information#3

    Information identifying the product or function that requested an operation

  • Command options

    Options specified when executing a command

  • Unit name

    Name of the target unit

Set yes in the environment setting parameter AJSLOGOUTPUTEXTEND.

Output the date in year/month/day format to a scheduler log (the default format is month/day).

Set yes in the environment setting parameter AJSLOGOUTPUTYEAR.

Output start/end messages about the scheduler log output process.

Set all in the environment setting parameter LOGDLOG to output messages to a scheduler log file.

Set all in the environment setting parameter LOGDSYSLOG to output messages to syslog or Windows event log.

Output the start/end messages about the scheduler log output processes for each host.

Set all in the environment setting parameter HLOGDLOG to output messages to a scheduler log file for each host.

Set all in the environment setting parameter HLOGDSYSLOG to output messages to syslog or Windows event log.

Output an execution log of commands executed while the scheduler service was stopped.

Set host in the environment setting parameter AJSLOGOUTPUTDEST.


Output to the scheduler log for each host.


When this function is enabled and a value other than none is set in the environment setting parameter REFLOG, a message about the reference operation that was executed when a unit ended abnormally is output.


The requesting host's IP address and ID information are not output to the log if the operation was performed from the local computer.

For details about performing these settings, see 4.2 Environment setting parameter settings in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide (for Windows systems) or 14.2 Environment setting parameter settings in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide (for UNIX systems).

For details about the environment setting parameters, see 20.4 Setting up the scheduler service environment in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.

For details about the contents of scheduler log files, see C.1 Log entries output by the scheduler services in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Troubleshooting.

(2) Outputting the last update time of unit definitions

You can output the last update time of unit definitions in either of two ways:

(3) Extracting log information for verifying JP1/AJS3 operations

Using the ajslogprint command, you can extract information needed for verifying JP1/AJS3 operations from the scheduler log and output the information to a file.

For the command syntax, see ajslogprint in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.

(4) Checking the job information about QUEUE jobs and submit jobs

You can use the jpqendjobshow command to output the job information about QUEUE jobs and submit jobs to the standard output.

For the command syntax, see jpqendjobshow in 4. Commands Used for Special Operation in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference