
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Configuration) Guide

7.1.9 Setting the retention period for job information

When 0 is set as the number of days to retain job information, job information is deleted 10 minutes after a job ends. If the job execution command is used to execute jobs, or if the job execution result is not checked at termination even for jobs executed from a jobnet, setting the retention period to 0 days ensures that job information about completed jobs is always deleted, which helps to keep the amount of stored information from increasing too much. Thus, at the base time for deleting job information, large numbers of jobs do not have to be deleted all at once. The 0 setting is also effective in environments where it is difficult to estimate a good base time for deleting job information, such as in a system that executes jobs round the clock or in an irregular pattern. For jobs executed from a jobnet, however, the status reporting process checks the job status at termination. If status reporting fails due to a communication error, the status reporting process monitors the status of the job at 5-minute polling intervals. Any job information deleted during this interval cannot be referenced, and the job is assumed to have ended abnormally.

You can handle such errors by setting the option below to change the length of time that job information is kept after a job ends. This setting is valid only when the retention period for job information is set to 0 days.

The following describes the procedure for setting how long to keep job information after a job ends when the retention period for job information is set to 0 days.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Setting procedure

  1. Stop JP1/AJS3.

    In Windows:

    From Administration Tools in the Windows Control Panel, choose Services and stop the following service:

    - JP1/AJS3 service

    In UNIX:

    Execute the following commands to stop the JP1/AJS3 processes and to check that all processes have stopped:

    # /etc/opt/jp1ajs2/jajs_stop#1

    # /opt/jp1ajs2/bin/jajs_spmd_status


    First check whether the JP1/AJS3 processes are set to stop automatically.

  2. Execute the following command to set the environment setting parameter described in (2) below.

    jajs_config -k definition-key-name "environment setting parameter-name"=definition-contents
  3. Restart JP1/AJS3.

    The setting takes effect.

(2) Environment setting parameter

Table 7‒6: Environment setting parameter for setting the retention period for job information

Definition key

Environment setting parameter

Definition contents



Retention period for job information


In the portion {JP1_DEFAULT|logical-host-name}, specify JP1_DEFAULT for the physical host, or logical-host-name for a logical host.

For details about what is defined in this environment setting parameter, see 20.5.2(8) PreserveMinute in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.