
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Configuration) Guide

4.5.1 Settings in the Preferences dialog box

This subsection describes the items you can set in the Preferences dialog box of JP1/AJS3 - View. Decide your preferences for the following items beforehand, so that JP1/AJS3 - View can be used in line with your system operation right from the start.

Table 4‒10: Items to set in the Preferences dialog box




Auto login

Start mode

View customize setting


Icon color

Show color image in status and result

Display status of a job group

Double-click on jobnet

Exclusive edit when Jobnet Editor starts

Monitoring mode when Jobnet Monitor starts

Editor / Monitor

Unit name new line

Display comments

Highlighted display

Double-click in unit


First execution time

Daily display time


Order display by:

Root jobnet with no schedule

Planning group


Change icon color

Priority of delay display color

Hold plan


Trace level

Max. log file size

Setting file

Organization of this subsection

(1) Login page

Decide the following:

Auto login

Decide whether to log in to JP1/AJS3 - Manager automatically when JP1/AJS3 - View starts. Set this option if you want to skip the login procedure in the Login screen. However, without the login procedure, anyone will be able to log in to JP1/AJS3 - Manager. If there are security issues, do not perform this setting. Note also that the values you specify on the Login page are saved to an insecure JP1/AJS3 local file. Use auto login only in an environment protected by the OS security feature.

Auto login is disabled when you log in to JP1/AJS3 - View from JP1/IM - View. Log in to JP1/AJS3 - View using the JP1 user name and password that you used for logging in to JP1/IM - View. This JP1 user name and password are set in the displayed Login screen.

Start mode

Decide what display format to use in JP1/AJS3 - View. The display format in the JP1/AJS3 - View window is referred to as the Start mode. You can select any of these three options:

  • Normal

    Displays only the target units and the available menu commands according to the purpose of the operation (definition, execution, or monitoring).

    This option is best for preventing mistakes, and when the JP1 users logging in to the system each perform different types of operations.

  • Monitoring

    Displays a window customized for monitoring units. You can specify target units and monitor those units only.

  • Compatible

    Enables the same operability as in JP1/AJS2 - View version 8 and earlier. The windows will be displayed in this mode if you have performed an upgrade installation to JP1/AJS3 - View version 9.

    This mode is suitable for users who are familiar with operations in JP1/AJS2 - View version 8 or earlier, where the menu commands are not explicitly grouped by purpose (definition, execution, or monitoring).

View customize setting

Consider whether the View customization settings file (jajsCustomizeView) is to be loaded when JP1/AJS3 - View starts. Information about the connection-destination manager host can be displayed in a window by loading the View customization settings file (jajsCustomizeView). The user can specify the information items to be displayed. If there are multiple manager hosts that the user can connect to from JP1/AJS3 - View, the information about the target manager host displayed in a window will help the user connect to the correct manager host.

The following figure shows an example of information about connection-destination manager hosts displayed in a window.

Figure 4‒3: Example of information about connection-destination manager hosts displayed in a window


(2) Main page

Decide the following:

Icon color

You can select whether the color of icons displayed in the Name column of the list area should be based on the unit status or the operation result.

Select Use status color to show the status of the active generation.

For example, with Use status color selected, the jobnet icon will appear gray for a jobnet that ends abnormally and does not have a subsequent execution schedule (not scheduled for execution state). With Use result color selected, the jobnet icon will be light red.

Show color image in status and result

You can display different colors in the Status and Result columns, based on the status indicated in the text display. This option is useful for visually checking statuses and execution results in the JP1/AJS3 - View window.

Display status of a job group

The status of a job group can be represented by the background color of the job group icon in the list area. The status color represents the status of the jobnets in the job group. The Status and Result columns show the status and execution results of the job group.

When a job group has multiple jobnets, any of which has ended abnormally, the job group is shown in the abnormal end color. When a jobnet in a nested job group ends abnormally, the abnormal end color is applied to the upper-level job groups, and to the top-level job group. Thus, this option is useful for visually checking the status of jobnets in a job group in the JP1/AJS3 - View window. You can keep track of the status of each job group without having to open them by double-clicking the job group icons. Do not use this option if you have a considerable number of units, as the display performance declines when a job group contains many jobnets and jobs.

For details about the rules governing whether the status of a lower-level jobnet affects the upper-level job groups, see 12.3.42 Preferences dialog box in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide.

Double-click on jobnet

You can select any of the following as the window to display when you double-click a jobnet in the list area:

  • Open jobnet monitor and show status

  • Open jobnet monitor and show result

  • Open jobnet editor

On a host where JP1/AJS3 - View is used as a terminal for defining jobnets and jobs in a work flow, we recommend setting the Jobnet Editor window (for defining jobnet definition information) as the window to be displayed when a jobnet is selected.

On a host where JP1/AJS3 - View is used as a terminal for monitoring work tasks, not for editing jobnet definitions, we recommend setting the Jobnet Monitor window (for viewing jobnet statuses and results) as the window to be displayed.

Exclusive edit when Jobnet Editor starts

To edit a jobnet in the Jobnet Editor window, the jobnet definition information needs to be locked so that it cannot be updated by anyone else. For JP1 users who will be editing jobnet definitions, we recommend setting this option to place a lock on the displayed information when the Jobnet Editor window opens.

Monitoring mode when Jobnet Monitor starts

You can select the type of information displayed when the user opens the Jobnet Monitor window from the JP1/AJS3 - View window. Select either of the following:

Monitor the previous status

The Jobnet Monitor window shows only the generation displayed in the JP1/AJS3 - View window's list area. If the status of the jobnet changes after the Jobnet Monitor window opens, the information shown in the Jobnet Monitor window remains unchanged.

Monitor the latest status and results

The Jobnet Monitor window shows the latest status or result, regardless of the information displayed in the JP1/AJS3 - View window. With this option, the status or result of the most recent generation can be displayed when multiple generations are produced for the jobnet being monitored.

(3) Editor / Monitor page

Decide how to display units in the map area in the Jobnet Editor window and Jobnet Monitor window.

Unit name new line

Unit names in the map area of the Jobnet Editor window and Jobnet Monitor window are wrapped after the 10th character. This can make it difficult to see the unit status and operation result in the Jobnet Monitor window. By setting a different position for wrapping unit names, you can make them easier to read. Decide the wrap position as required, bearing in mind the naming conventions for unit names.

Display comments

To display a comment under a unit name, specify the number of characters from the beginning of the comment. Comments are displayed in the specified number of characters.

If you do not want to display a comment, specify a control character at the beginning of the comment. Comments beginning with the control character do not appear in the map area.

Displaying rules such as the processing cycle of a job or jobnet as a comment makes units easier to manage. Also, entering Japanese processing names as multi-byte characters within the 80-byte limit is useful.

You can also check the contents of a comment without having to open the dialog box for defining a job or jobnet.

If you select No on this page, you can still display comments using the tool tips.

Highlighted display

When highlighting is specified in the Jobnet Editor window or Jobnet Monitor window, you can set the display colors for the base unit, preceding and subsequent units, and relationship lines.

Double-click in unit

You can select either of the following as the behavior when you double-click a unit in the list area of the Jobnet Editor window or Jobnet Monitor window:

  • Display the Define Details - [unit-conname] dialog box in the Jobnet Editor window, and the Monitor Details - [unit-conname] dialog box in the Jobnet Monitor window.

  • Display the double-clicked unit in selected status in the middle of the map area.

(4) Schedule page

Decide the following settings for calculating execution schedules and displaying the Daily Schedule window:

First execution time

The first execution time is used to calculate the scheduled end time when a jobnet or job is executed for the first time. The scheduled end time of subsequent runs is calculated from the average of the previous execution times of the jobnets or jobs.

By entering the expected execution time in advance, you can check the scheduling behavior and results of a test run, using an execution time that simulates actual operation. You can specify a first execution time of between 1 and 86400 (seconds). The default is 1200.

Daily display time

You can select whether to display schedules in the time area of the Daily Schedule window over a 24-hour period (today) or 48-hour period (today and tomorrow). When a schedule such as batch execution of mass data runs over a two-day period (across a date boundary), 48-hour display makes the execution schedule and results easier to see.


You can select whether to use the monthly execution simulation function. This function calculates the execution schedule of a jobnet registered for planned execution and displays the result in the Monthly Schedule window.

The next execution schedule of a jobnet registered for planned execution is normally calculated when the jobnet starts. When using the monthly execution simulation function, all the execution schedules are calculated when the jobnet is registered, based on the registration and execution information, and the definition information at that point in time. Set this option to check the start time and operation of an execution schedule in a manner that approximates actual operation.

Order display by:

Select the order in which unit names are listed in the tree area of the Daily Schedule window and Monthly Schedule window. Units can be listed by name or by execution time.

When listed by name, the units appear in ascending order. The sorting order depends on the character encoding specified for JP1/AJS3 - Manager. Select the Name option when unit names are assigned by work task, department, or process and you want to view execution schedules and results for a particular work task, department, or process.

When listed by execution time, the units appear in ascending order, starting from the oldest execution start time. Select the Execution time option when you want to view unit execution schedules in chronological order.

Root jobnet with no schedule (Daily (hierarchy) / Monthly)

Select whether to display planning groups, and root jobnets without any schedule information, in the tree area of the Daily Schedule (Hierarchy) window and Monthly Schedule window.

By selecting the Display option, you can view all the root jobnets in a job group, even if not registered for execution.

The Display option also shows all the jobnets in a planning group, including those without any schedule information (not yet scheduled). Select Display when you want to check what kind of jobnets a planning group contains.

Planning group

The schedule information of all units in a planning group can be merged when displayed in the schedule area of the Monthly Schedule window. Select the Display option when you want to view the jobnets in a planning group as if they were a single jobnet.

(5) General page

Decide how to color-code the status of units displayed in the windows. There is no need to do so when using the default colors. Consider color mapping only if you want to change the colors from the defaults, or if you want to create your own colors and use them to display statuses.

Change icon color

For details about how to create colors, see 11.3.3 Creating colors for execution status, execution results, and delays in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide.

Priority of delay display color

You can prioritize the color display when a unit terminates with two or more end statuses (end abnormally, end with warning, and/or end delay). Select one of the following options:

  • Abend > Warning > Delay

    The color priority is abnormal end, end with warning, and end delay, in that order.

  • Abend > Delay > Warning

    The color priority is abnormal end, end delay, and end with warning, in that order.

  • Delay > Abend > Warning

    The color priority is end delay, abnormal end, and end with warning, in that order.

For example, with Abend > Warning > Delay selected, a jobnet that ends abnormally and with a delay will appear light red, the color for abnormal end. But with Delay > Abend > Warning selected, the jobnet will be orange, the color for end with delay.

Select an option according to how highly you want to prioritize end delays in monitoring the system. Select Delay > Abend > Warning if you want to give highest priority to monitoring for end delays, which affect work task execution as a whole.

Hold plan

On the General page you can also specify whether to use the Hold plan color for the unit icon and in the Status and Result columns when a unit is in held status and its hold attribute has been set.

(6) Other page

Decide the settings for JP1/AJS3 - View log files, which contain a history of operations performed in JP1/AJS3 - View. Set the trace level and the maximum file size.

Trace level

Select the level of information to be output to a log file. You can select 1, 3, or 5. Setting a higher level means that more detailed information and more log entries will be output. Log files might need to be swapped in and out frequently, reducing processing speed on the JP1/AJS3 - View host. Select 3 or 1 if you do not want processing to slow down.

The default is 3.

Trace levels are as follows:

  • Trace level 1

    Outputs error information.

  • Trace level 3

    Outputs error information, and information identifying what operation the user was performing.

  • Trace level 5

    Outputs error information, information identifying what operation the user was performing, and information about the content of sent and received data.

Max. log file size

You can specify a maximum log file size, as a value from 1 to 512 (megabytes). When the log file reaches the specified size, a second log file is created automatically. The second log file will be the same maximum size. When the data in the second log file reaches the specified size, the first log file is overwritten.

For details about estimating the log file size, see 3.4.4 Estimating the size of log files for JP1/AJS3 - View.

Setting file

The View customization settings file (jajsCustomizeView) can be uploaded to the connection-destination manager host. If that file has already been uploaded to the connection-destination manager host, it can be downloaded. For details about the view customize setting file, see 11.3.19 Displaying the information about the connection-destination manager host in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Operator's Guide.