
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Configuration) Guide

3.2.1 Estimating the data flow on the network

We will explain how to estimate the following data volumes:

Organization of this subsection

(1) Estimating the data volume between JP1/AJS3 - Manager and JP1/AJS3 - Agent

You need to estimate the data involved in job executions and the transferring of execution results.

The following table shows an estimate for the volume of data between JP1/AJS3 - Manager and JP1/AJS3 - Agent.

Estimate the same data volume when using queueless jobs too.

Table 3‒5: Estimate of data volume between JP1/AJS3 - Manager and JP1/AJS3 - Agent

Type of information

Estimated volume of transferred data per job (units: bytes)

Job execution request transfers

When a job is executed from a jobnet:


+ contents-defined-in-the-definition-information-for-a-Unix job,-PC-job,-flexible-job,-and-HTTP-connection-job#1

+ (8 x number-of-specified-environment-variables)

+ unit-full-name-length x 2

+ agent-host-name-size x 2

+ manager-host-name-size x 3

+ transfer-file-size#2

When a job is executed by using the jpqjobsub command:


+ total-size-of-the-options-in-the-jpqjobsub-command-and-the-values-specified-for-the-options

+ (8 x number-of-specified-environment-variables)

+ agent-host-name-size x 2

+ manager-host-name-size x 3

+ transfer-file-size#2

Job result transfers


+ manager-host-name-size

+ agent-host-name-size

+ result-file-size (standard output, standard error output)#3

Event job execution request transfers

Minimum: 256

Maximum: 25,600

Event job result transfers

Minimum: 512

Maximum: 7,168


For details on what is defined in each piece of job definition information, see the following manuals:

  • ajsprint in 3. Commands Used for Normal Operations in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference

  • 5.2.6 UNIX/PC job definition in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference

  • 5.2.26 Flexible job definition in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference

  • 5.2.27 HTTP Connection job definition in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference

To pass the information sent from an event job to the target job, add the size of the macro variables in the above estimate. For details about the size of the information to be passed to each type of event job, see B. Information Passed by Event Jobs in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Work Tasks) Guide.


The formula for estimating the size of the transfer file is as follows:


[Figure] (file-name-length + file-size + (12 x number-of-lines-in-file) + 100)


The formula for estimating the size of the result file is as follows:


[Figure] (result-file-size + (12 x number-of-lines-in-file) + 116)

In cases where the system monitors an agent host where a problem not in the above table occurred, or where jobs registered for execution are monitored by polling, data is exchanged between JP1/AJS3 - Manager and JP1/AJS3 - Agent. The volume of data per polling in such cases is shown below. Note that polling cannot monitor queueless jobs.

Table 3‒6: Estimated data volume between JP1/AJS3 - Manager and JP1/AJS3 - Agent when monitoring by polling

Type of data

Estimated volume of transferred data per polling (units: bytes)

Agent host status confirmation request transfers during trouble


Status confirmation request transfers for jobs being executed

350 + size-of-agent-host-name

(2) Estimating the data volume between JP1/AJS3 - View and JP1/AJS3 - Manager

You need to estimate the volume of data relating to such items as the definition of jobnets. Since the data size for communications for operation and so on is relatively small, we will not estimate it here.

The estimated volume of data between JP1/AJS3 - View and JP1/AJS3 - Manager is shown in the table below.

Table 3‒7: Estimated volume of data between JP1/AJS3 - View and JP1/AJS3 - Manager

Window displayed

Estimated volume of transferred data (units: bytes)

JP1/AJS3 - View (Main window)

number-of-units x 500

JP1/AJS3 - View (Summary Monitor window)

total-number-of-schedules#1 x 400

Jobnet Editor

number-of-units x 250 + number-of-relation-lines x 50

Jobnet Monitor

number-of-units x 300 + number-of-relation-lines x 50

Daily Schedule or Monthly Schedule

total-number-of-schedules#1, #2 x 150


number-of-search-results x 450


This is the number of execution schedules and execution results for all of the units under the root jobnet.

If a job group is specified for operation, this number is the number of execution schedules and execution results for all of the units under the root jobnet directly under the job group.


This item also includes the number of schedules for unregistered units when the Monthly Schedule window displays execution schedules for unregistered units.

The following are some example estimates of data volumes:

JP1/AJS3 - View acquires information from JP1/AJS3 - Manager automatically at regular intervals. The defaults are 30 seconds for the Jobnet Monitor window, and 300 seconds for other windows. Settings can be made from 30 seconds upward. When you have to estimate the volume of data flowing in the network, make the calculation based on the update interval of JP1/AJS3 - View and the data size required for each window.

(3) Estimating the data volume between Web Console server and JP1/AJS3 - Manager

You need to estimate the data volume related to such items as acquiring jobnet statuses. Since the data size for communications for operation and so on is relatively small, we will not estimate it here.

The estimated volume of data between Web Console server and JP1/AJS3 - Manager is shown in the table below.

Table 3‒8: Estimated volume of data between Web Console server and JP1/AJS3 - Manager

Type of data

Estimated volume of transferred data (units: bytes)

Information required to display the Dashboard screen

sum-of-the-volume-of-data-used-by-each-monitored-unit#1 + 10,900

Information required to display the List screen

number-of-units x 370 + 2,100

Information required to display the Monthly Schedule screen

18,300 + number-of-units x (total-number-of-schedules#2 + number-of-schedules-for-a-single-day#3) x 440

Information required to display the Monitor dialog box#4

number-of-units x 820 + number-of-relation-lines x 50 + 22,430

Information acquired by a unit summary acquisition API function

number-of-units x 4,400 + 3,025

Information required to display the Execution Agent Management screen

number-of-execution-agents x 800 + 5,300

Information required to display the Execution Agent Group Management screen

number-of-execution-agent-groups x (500 + (number-of-associated-execution-agents x 300)) + 5,300

Information required to display the Summary screen

number-of-execution-hosts x 380 + 8,970

Information required to display the Target host screen

number-of-execution-hosts x ((number-of-associated-execution-agents x 350) + 460) + 850


The following formula is used to estimate the volume of data used for each monitored target.

number-of-units x the-number-of-generations-on-the-monitoring-target-date x 1,600 + 2,740


This number indicates the total number of execution schedules and execution results for the month displayed in the Schedule area. This number also includes the number of schedules for unregistered units.


This number indicates the total number of execution schedules and execution results for a single day displayed in the List area. This number also includes the number of schedules for unregistered units.


The estimated volume of data transmitted for the Monitor screen is the same as that transmitted for the Monitor dialog box.

The following shows an example estimate when 20 units match the condition of the unit summary acquisition API function:

20 x 4,400 + 3,025 = 91,025 (unit: bytes)

(4) Estimating the data volume between Web GUI and Web Console server

You need to estimate the data volume related to such items as acquiring jobnet statuses. Since the data size for communications for operation and so on is relatively small, we will not estimate it here.

The estimated volume of data between Web GUI server and Web Console server is shown in the table below.

Table 3‒9: Estimated volume of data between Web GUI and Web Console server

Window displayed

Estimated volume of transferred data (units: bytes)

Dashboard screen

sum-of-the-volume-of-data-used-by-each-monitored-unit#1 + 20,200

List screen

number-of-units x 4,700 + 3,700

Monthly Schedule screen

4,000 + (number-of-units x number-of-days-for-which-schedules-exist#2 x 1,400) + (number-of-schedules-for-a-single-day#3 x 1,200)

Monitor dialog box#4

number-of-units x 4,100 + number-of-relation-lines x 70 + 13,200

Apply Operating Permission Settings dialog box#5

file-size-of-the-Operating-Permission-Configuration-File-specified-in-the-Apply-Operating-Permission-Settings -dialog-box x 1.5 + 1,700

Message dialog (Confirmation of the acquisition of the Operating Permission Configuration File)#6

file-size-of-the-Operating-Permission-Configuration-File-applied-to-the-host-to-which-a-connection-is-to-be-established + 1,100

Information required to display the Execution Agent Management screen

number-of-execution-agents x 800 + 1,200

Information required to display the Execution Agent Group Management screen

number-of-execution-agent-groups x (500 + (number-of-associated-execution-agents x 300)) + 1,000

Information required to display the Summary screen

number-of-execution-hosts x 340 + 10,480

Information required to display the Target host screen

number-of-execution-hosts x ((number-of-associated-execution-agents x 270) + 330) + 1,520


The following formula is used to estimate the volume of data used for each monitored target.

number-of-units x the-number-of-generations-on-the-monitoring-target-date x 3,900 + 1,590


This number indicates the number of days for which execution schedules and execution results, which are displayed in the Schedule area, exist. This number also includes the number of schedules for unregistered units.


This number indicates the total number of execution schedules and execution results for a single day for the unit displayed in the List area. This number also includes the number of schedules for unregistered units.


The estimated volume of data transmitted for the Monitor screen is the same as that transmitted for the Monitor dialog box.


Data to be used if the operation restriction function is enabled.

This dialog box is for specifying the Operating Permission Configuration File to be applied. This dialog box is displayed when Management - Operating Permission Settings - Apply is selected in the menu. The maximum size of the Operating Permission Configuration File is 3 megabytes.


Data to be used if the operation restriction function is enabled. This dialog box is for confirming whether to acquire the Operating Permission Configuration File. This dialog box is displayed when Management - Operating Permission Settings - Acquire is selected in the menu. The maximum size of the Operating Permission Configuration File is 3 megabytes.

The following are some example estimates of data volumes:

Note that if automatic update is set to ON in the Web GUI, the Web Console server communicates with the Web Console server and with JP1/AJS3 - Manager at regular intervals.

(5) Estimating the data volume between a user application and the Web Console server

You need to estimate the data volume related to such items as acquiring jobnet statuses. Since the data size for communications for operation and so on is relatively small, we will not estimate it here.

The following table shows the estimated volume of data transferred between a user application and the Web Console server.

Table 3‒10: Estimated volume of data transferred between a user application and the Web Console server

Type of data

Estimated volume of transferred data (units: bytes)

Unit summary acquisition API function

number-of-units x 7,040 + 2,600

The following shows an example of estimating the transfer data volume when 20 units match the condition of the unit summary acquisition API function:

20 x 7,040 + 2,600 = 143,400 (units: bytes)