
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Configuration) Guide

2.10 Considerations for executing a job by broadcast execution

If you want a job to be executed by multiple execution agents at the same time, use a function called broadcast execution. This section describes the system configuration and system components required to execute a flexible job by broadcast execution. For details about the system components, such as relay and destination agents, and other considerations required to execute flexible jobs, see 2.9 Executing jobs in a cloud environment.

The broadcast execution function sends a job defined on the manager host to a broadcast agent. The broadcast agent manages destination agents, and distributes a job to all of the destination agents. A maximum of 100 destination agents can be managed.

The following figure shows an example in which a broadcast agent distributes a job to multiple destination agents.

Figure 2‒65: Example in which a broadcast agent distributes a job to multiple destination agents


The broadcast agent manages the destination agents in the following way:

  1. During setup of the destination agents, the user specifies the broadcast agent that will manage the destination agents.

  2. The destination agents periodically send a heartbeat to the broadcast agent to notify the broadcast agent that they are alive (running).

  3. Upon receiving a heartbeat, the broadcast agent responds to the destination agents.

  4. The broadcast agent manages the destination agents.

The following figure shows an example in which a broadcast agent manages destination agents.

Figure 2‒66: Example in which a broadcast agent manages destination agents


The following figure shows an example of a system configuration that uses a broadcast agent.

Figure 2‒67: Example of a system configuration that uses a broadcast agent


Note that the broadcast agent must be a host that meets the following conditions:

Supplementary notes

(1) About components

A manager host, a relay agent, a broadcast agent, and a destination agent are required for broadcast execution.

Each of these components are explained below.

Manager host
  • Destination for placement

    The manager host can be placed in an on-premise environment and a non-auto-scaling environment of the cloud.

  • Cluster configuration

    The manager host supports cluster configuration.

Relay agent
  • Destination for placement

    The relay agent can be placed in an on-premise environment and a non-auto-scaling environment of the cloud.

  • Cluster configuration

    The relay agent supports cluster configuration.

If the manager host is running on Windows or Linux, you can run the ajsatsetup -m command on the manager host to use the manager host as a relay agent.

In situations shown below, a relay agent is required for a host that is neither a manager host nor a destination agent host.

  • If the manager host is running on an OS that is neither Windows nor Linux:

    The OS of the manager host or agent host that a flexible job can specify as an execution host is only Windows or Linux.

    Therefore, if the manager host is running on an OS that is neither Windows nor Linux, a relay agent is necessary.

  • If the manager host and the destination agent cannot communicate directly with each other:

    As shown in Figure 2-67, a relay agent must be placed between the manager host and the destination agent to mediate communication.

Broadcast agent
  • Destination for placement

    The broadcast agent can be placed in an on-premise environment and a non-auto-scaling environment of the cloud.

  • Cluster configuration

    The broadcast agent does not support cluster configuration.

Destination agent
  • Destination for placement

    Place the destination agent in an auto-scaling environment under the load balancer.

    Note that the broadcast agent and the destination agent do not communicate with each other via a load balancer. These agents communicate directly with each other by using TCP/IP communication and UDP communication. If TCP/IP communication and UDP communication are enabled, the destination agent can be placed under any type of a load balancer.

  • Cluster configuration

    The destination agent does not support cluster configuration.

(2) About the communication environment
(3) Other information
  • Flexible jobs that are set to be executed by broadcast execution can be used with version 11-10 or later of JP1/AJS3 - Manager, JP1/AJS3 - Agent, and JP1/AJS3 - View.

  • For notes on using broadcast execution for flexible jobs, see 7.8 Notes on using flexible jobs in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Work Tasks) Guide.