
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Configuration) Guide

2.3.3 Connecting multiple LANs

JP1/AJS3 supports system configurations where JP1/AJS3 - Manager, JP1/AJS3 - Agent, or JP1/AJS3 - View is installed in a server (host) and multiple LANs are connected to this server (host).

To be able to use JP1/AJS3, you need to define one of the following in order to obtain IP addresses from the host names of the connection target hosts:

The following figure shows an example of a system configuration for communicating with a host connected to multiple LANs.

Figure 2‒17: Example of a system configuration for communicating with a host connected to multiple LANs


In this configuration, you need to specify settings so that when HostA attempts to acquire the IP address of HostB, it acquires the LANA_B IP address. Similarly, specify settings so that when HostC attempts to acquire the IP address of HostB, it acquires the LANB_B IP address.

Assuming that the above prerequisites are met, the following are tips for using JP1/AJS3 on a host connected to multiple LANs.

For details about JP1/Base multiple LAN connections, see the description about using JP1/Base in a dissociated network environment in the JP1/Base User's Guide.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Communication protocols for sending or receiving data

The table below shows the communication protocols that are available after JP1/AJS3 has been set up. The communication protocol varies according to whether multiple LAN connections provided by JP1/Base have been set in advance. For details about how to check the current settings, see the description of the JP1/Base communication protocols in the JP1/Base User's Guide.

The following table explains communication protocols available after JP1/AJS3 has been set up.

Table 2‒8: Communication protocols available after JP1/AJS3 has been set up

Communication protocol for physical hosts

Communication protocol for logical hosts





Multiple LAN connections have not been set#1

Immediately after installation

ANY binding

ANY binding



Immediately after cluster setup

IP binding

IP binding#2

IP binding

IP binding#2

Multiple LAN connections have been set#1

Immediately after installation

Same as JP1/Base

Same as JP1/Base#2



Immediately after cluster setup

Same as JP1/Base

Same as JP1/Base#2

Same as JP1/Base

Same as JP1/Base#2


--: Not applicable


Note that when an OS that allows the user to acquire multiple IP addresses from a single host name is used, the event/action control function and the job execution control function operate differently as follows.

When the communication protocol for multiple LAN connections has not been set for JP1/Base

Acquired IP addresses are used one after another until a connection is successfully established.

When the communication protocol for multiple LAN connections has been set for JP1/Base

Of the obtained IP addresses, a connection is attempted only to the IP address at the beginning in the jp1hosts file or jp1hosts2 file.


ANY binding is used for the JP1/AJS3 Queueless Agent, JP1/AJS3 Check Agent, JP1/AJS3 System Control Manager, and JP1/AJS3 System Control Agent services.

If IP binding is set for the transmission setting, data can be sent to only one LAN. In the configuration example shown in Figure 2-17, if the HostB transmission setting is IP binding, HostB can communicate with either LANA or LANB. For this reason, use ANY binding for the transmission setting of a host connected to multiple LANs, irrespective of whether cluster operation is used. When only physical hosts are used, you do not need to specify the setting because ANY binding is set immediately after installation. In a cluster system, you must set the communication protocol for multiple LAN connections of JP1/Base because IP binding is set immediately after cluster setup.

When ANY binding is set for the receive setting in a cluster system, data sent to a physical host might be received by a logical host, or data sent to a logical host might be received by a physical host. As a result, jobs cannot be executed correctly. To avoid this problem, IP binding must be set for the receive setting, irrespective of whether the host is connected to multiple LANs. The setting cannot be changed to ANY binding.

When IP binding is set for the receive setting, only data from a single host can be received. In the configuration example shown in Figure 2-17, if the HostB receive setting is IP binding, HostB can receive data from either HostA or HostC. When the communication protocol for multiple LAN connections of JP1/Base is specified, data from both LANA and LANB can be received as long as the receive setting is IP binding. Accordingly, if you want to set IP binding for the HostB receive setting, the communication protocol for multiple LAN connections of JP1/Base must be set on HostB.

The following table summarizes the above discussion.

Table 2‒9: Whether changes in the communication protocol for JP1/AJS3 are required

Connection to multiple LANs



Operation using physical hosts only

No problem occurs if the setting specified immediately after installation is used.

No problem occurs if the setting specified immediately after installation is used.

Cluster operation

No problem occurs if the setting specified immediately after cluster setup is used.

The communication protocol for multiple LAN connections of JP1/Base must be considered.

Even for the cases in the above table for which there is no problem, you can permanently assign the LAN to be used for JP1/AJS3 by setting the communication protocol for multiple LAN connections of JP1/Base as necessary.

When JP1/AJS3 - Manager, JP1/AJS3 - Agent, and JP1/AJS3 - View are used in an environment in which multiple LANs are connected, the necessary settings vary according to the host on the LAN where a product is used. For details about these settings, see D. Communication Settings in Multiple-LAN Environments.

(2) Methods for resolving host names

For a host connected to multiple LANs, multiple IP addresses must be obtained from a single host name. In the configuration example shown in Figure 2-17, the LANA_B and LANB_B IP addresses must be acquirable as the IP addresses of HostB. However, depending on the OS, it might not be possible to acquire multiple IP addresses from a single host name. In addition, if the hosts use the same hosts file or DNS, and HostC attempts to acquire the IP address of HostB, the LANA_B IP address might be acquired but the LANB_B IP address might not be.

Even in these cases, you can obtain multiple IP addresses from a single host name for JP1/AJS3 communications by defining the jp1hosts information or jp1hosts2 information provided by JP1/Base. As a result, when HostC obtains the IP address of HostB, HostC can also obtain the IP address of LANB_B.

For details about jp1hosts and jp1hosts2, see the JP1/Base User's Guide.