
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview

11.5 Queueless jobs

Jobs can be sent directly to an agent for execution, without passing through a queue. A job that is executed without using a queue is known as a queueless job. The number of queueless jobs being executed concurrently is controlled on the agent (queueless agent) side. This facilitates resource control at the agent host, but control cannot be implemented on the manager side. Control on the manager side is limited to adjusting throughput by jobnet sequence control and rescheduling.

Only PC jobs, and Unix jobs, and action jobs that are defined in a jobnet can be executed as queueless jobs. No other types of jobs can be executed as queueless jobs. This includes jobs that involve linkage with JP1/OJE.

To define a PC job, Unix job, or action job as a queueless job, when defining the job details select the JP1/AJS3 Queueless Agent service (Queueless Agent) as the execution service.

Queueless jobs do not use execution agents. To define a queueless job, specify the execution host in Exec-agent in the detailed definition of a job. If the host name specified in Exec-agent is set in an execution agent profile, the function for execution agent restriction can also be used for queueless jobs. For details about execution agent restriction, see 2.5.1(6) Execution agent restriction in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Configuration) Guide.

Before you can use queueless jobs, you must first set up the execution environment for queueless jobs on both the manager and agent. For the required setup, see 20.10 Setting up the queueless job execution environment in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.

Note that we recommend that you execute PC jobs or Unix jobs via queues rather than as queueless jobs.

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