
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview

11.2 Remote jobnet

A remote jobnet is a jobnet defined on the local manager host, but transferred to a different manager host for execution. The use of remote jobnets allows the workload of JP1/AJS3 - Manager, when executing jobnets or jobs defined under the remote jobnet, to be distributed over multiple hosts.

Remote jobnets are registered for immediate execution on the manager host at the transfer destination and all schedule information set for the lower units is ignored.

No changes or additions can be made to the remote jobnet definitions on the transfer destination host. Also, execution results will be deleted automatically if the remote jobnet exceeds the number of logs to keep setting on the transfer source host.

An example of defining a remote jobnet is as follows.

Figure 11‒22: Example of defining a remote jobnet


When the jobnet in this example is executed, the processes are performed in the following sequence:

  1. Standard job A is executed.

  2. When standard job A ends abnormally, remote jobnet A is transferred to the JP1/AJS3 - Manager service of JP1/AJS3 - Manager (2).

    The JP1/AJS3 - Manager service of the transfer destination registers remote jobnet A for immediate execution as the root jobnet.

  3. Standard jobs X, Y, and Z in the remote jobnet are executed sequentially.

  4. When standard job Z ends and remote jobnet A ends normally, standard job B is executed.

When setting up a jobnet without using a remote jobnet, create each job in the jobnet such that the job is executed on the execution destination agent. In this case, in the Define Details dialog box of the jobnet, add the host name of the execution destination agent to Target host. Jobs in the jobnet for which Target host is omitted will inherit that of the above jobnet.

If the existence of a file is determined in a judgment job, execute as a previous job on the agent a script or batch file with a return code from which the existence of the file can be determined, and use this for the return code of the judgment job.

The following provides notes you must keep in mind when using remote jobnets.

Notes on remote jobnets
  • Remote jobnets are immediately registered for execution at the transfer destination host, thereby invalidating all scheduling information set for the jobnets included in the remote jobnet.

  • In the transfer destination host of a remote jobnet, set the scheduler service for executing the remote jobnet. Although the remote jobnet service can be used with the default scheduler service, we recommend that you use a scheduler service for executing remote jobnets that is not one of the services used for regular tasks. For details about adding a scheduler service, see 6.1.1 Settings for starting multiple scheduler services in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide (Windows) or see 15.1.1 Settings for starting multiple scheduler services in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide (UNIX).

  • For the transfer destination host, specify the host name of the transfer source host and the JP1 user who registered the jobnet for execution in the user mapping definition. Similarly, for the transfer source host, specify the host name of the transfer destination host and the JP1 user who registered the jobnet for execution in the user mapping definition.

  • Remote jobnets are registered for immediate execution on the transfer destination host. If the registration process spans more than one day, the jobnet might be placed in the Skipped so not exe. status on the transfer destination host. If operation of the remote jobnet might take more than one day, specify twoday (two days) or unlimit (unlimited) in the EXECDEFER environment setting parameter for the scheduler service that executes the remote jobnet on the transfer destination host.

    For details on environment setting parameters, see 20.4 Setting up the scheduler service environment in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Configuration Guide.

  • When you execute a remote jobnet, a job group with a unique name is created on the transfer destination host, and a jobnet with the same name as the remote jobnet is created and executed under this job group. We recommend that you give a remote jobnet a name that is unique within the system, so that you can easily identify which jobnet on the transfer destination host corresponds to each remote jobnet on the transfer source host.

  • When you set the transfer source host as the transfer destination host of a remote jobnet, the transfer source host performs the processing that is usually performed by the transfer destination host, resulting in degraded performance compared to the execution of normal jobnets.

  • The jobnet definitions are transferred at execution of the remote jobnet, increasing the startup overhead. When the remote jobnet contains only a few jobs, the network actually has a greater load than when the executing host is set in the job definition.

  • Any error in a job in the remote jobnet is reported to the transfer source host only at completion of the whole remote jobnet. Also, the transfer source host cannot monitor the status of the individual jobs in the remote jobnet.

  • Because a remote jobnet is handled as a single job, any failed job in the jobnet will not resume from a point part way through the remote jobnet when re-executed.

  • The status of a remote jobnet is only managed from when the jobnet is started to when it is terminated. As a result, after the remote jobnet is terminated, any re-execution or status change of the units within the executed remote jobnet performed on the transfer destination host of the jobnet will not be applied on the transfer source host.

    Once normal termination of the remote jobnet takes place, due to operations such as re-execution, on the transfer destination host, to continue execution, re-execute the subsequent unit of the remote jobnet, on the transfer source host.

  • When a unit in the remote jobnet uses functionality that is not supported by JP1/AJS3 - Manager or JP1/AJS2 - Manager on the transfer destination host, the jobnet is placed in Ended abnormally status and the following message appears in the execution result details: KAVS0650-E Invalid specification in the Unit definition parameter file (file-name). (sentence: sentence-number). In this case, upgrade JP1/AJS2 - Manager on the remote host to a version that supports the unit's functionality, and then rerun the remote jobnet.

  • If you cancel registration of a jobnet created by a remote jobnet on a transfer destination host or if you cold-start the scheduler service that defines the jobnet, the association with the remote jobnet on the transfer source host will be lost. In such cases, manually delete the job groups created by the remote jobnet because they are not deleted automatically. Similarly, if you cold-start the scheduler service that defines the remote jobnet on the transfer source host, the jobnet registered for execution on the transfer destination host is not unregistered. Cancel the registration manually.

  • If registration of a remote jobnet is canceled on the transfer source host or if the number of logs to keep is exceeded while JP1/AJS3 - View is accessing a job group created by the remote jobnet, the job group that JP1/AJS3 - View is accessing is not deleted automatically. In such cases, delete the job group manually.

  • When a remote jobnet is executed or registration for execution of a remote jobnet is canceled, special processes are started on the host where the jobnet was defined and on the host to which the jobnet was transferred. You may want to execute multiple remote jobnets concurrently at the definition source host, cancel registration of remote jobnets that have many logs to keep, or execute multiple remote jobnets on the same transfer destination host. However, if you do this, a significant amount of system resources will be consumed and the load on the system will increase. Such effects may raise the possibility of performance degradation or process generation failure. To avoid such problems, we recommend that you do not execute more than one remote jobnet concurrently.

  • When a remote jobnet is executed or registration of its execution is canceled, the commands for operating the unit are internally executed on the host where the jobnet is defined and on the jobnet destination host. During cancellation of registration, the number of commands executed concurrently on the jobnet destination host is the same as the number of logs to keep. You need to take this into account when making estimates for JP1/AJS3.

  • When a remote jobnet is registered for execution or its registration for execution is canceled, special processes are started on the transfer source host and the transfer destination host. At some point, you might want to concurrently execute remote jobnets on the transfer source host, cancel registration of remote jobnets that have many logs to keep, or execute multiple remote jobnets on the same transfer destination host. Doing this, however, consumes a significant amount of resources and increases the system load, possibly resulting in degraded performance or the generation of failed processes. To avoid these problems, we recommend that you do not execute more than one remote jobnet concurrently.

  • When a remote jobnet is registered for execution or its registration for execution is canceled, commands for operating the unit are internally executed on the transfer source host and the transfer destination host. When registration is canceled, the number of commands executed concurrently on the transfer destination host is the same as the number of logs to keep. You need to take this into account when estimating sizes for JP1/AJS3.

  • The scheduler service to be used for executing remote jobnets is determined by the settings for the REMNETSERVICENAME environment setting parameter for JP1/AJS3 - Manager on the transfer destination host.