
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview

9.2.4 Authentication and operation mechanisms of the Web GUI

Before you can use the Web GUI to perform operations, you must log in to JP1/AJS3 - Manager from the Web GUI as a JP1 user. Use the user authentication function of JP1/Base (authentication server) to log in.

When you enter your authentication information (JP1 user name and password) in the Web GUI, the information is forwarded via the Web Console server to the authentication server, where you are authenticated as a JP1 user. The authentication server to be used is set on the manager host to which the Web GUI connects.

Figure 9‒14: Authentication mechanism of the Web GUI


After successful authentication, the logged-in JP1 user will be able to monitor the status of JP1/AJS3, monitor units, and execute units according to the user's operation privileges. When you perform an operation on JP1/AJS3 from the Web GUI, a request corresponding to the operation is sent to the Web Console server. The Web Console server connects to JP1/AJS3 - Manager and requests for JP1/AJS3 - Manager to execute the operation. When JP1/AJS3 - Manager finishes processing, the execution result is sent to the Web GUI through the Web Console server.

The following figure shows operating JP1/AJS3 from the Web GUI.

Figure 9‒15: Operating JP1/AJS3 from the Web GUI


When an operation is performed on an execution agent by using the Web GUI, a command used to operate execution agents is executed in JP1/AJS3 - Manager. For details about these commands, see 1.5.5 Commands used to operate execution agents in the manual JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Command Reference.

For details about the JP1 permission level that is required to perform operations on units, see 6.4.1(2)(a) Access permissions when defining and executing jobnets in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Work Tasks) Guide. For details about the JP1 permission level that is required to perform operations on execution agents, see 6.4.1(2)(c) Access permissions for working with agent management information in the JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 System Design (Work Tasks) Guide.