
JP1 Version 13 JP1/Automatic Job Management System 3 Overview

9.2.2 Job Portal screens

This subsection describes the screens provided by the job portal.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Dashboard screen

After registering root jobnets as monitoring targets, you can monitor the execution status and progress of each root jobnet that is registered and of all units (specifically, registered root jobnets and the jobnets and jobs under the root jobnets). The Dashboard screen displays as many Monitoring-target display areas as the number of specified monitoring targets. Jobnets selected from different job groups can also be registered as a single monitoring target.

In addition to the execution status of a root jobnet, the number of units in the root jobnet is displayed for each execution status. Progress is displayed as a percentage of terminated units.

You can also display (in chart form) the execution status and schedule of a registered root jobnet on a specific monitor day.

The Dashboard screen allows you to specify a certain day (for example, the current day or a previous day). This is useful when you want to perform monitoring on a per-day basis.

Figure 9‒3: Dashboard screen


The Status of Root Jobnet area on the Dashboard screen displays the number of units by status for a specified root jobnet or all units. The following table describes classification of unit statuses.

Table 9‒3: Classification of unit statuses


Classified status



Ended abnormally

  • Ended abnormally

  • Invalid exe. seq.

  • Interrupted

  • Killed

  • Failed to start

  • Unknown end status

  • Skipped so not exe.#

  • Monitor terminated


Ended with warning

Ended with warning


Ended normally

  • Ended normally

  • Normal end + False

  • Unmonitored + Ended

  • Interrupted monitoring

  • Monitor-end normal


Now running

  • Now running

  • Running + Warning

  • Running + Abend

  • Now monitoring


Being held

Being held


Wait for start time

  • Wait for start time

  • Wait for prev. to end

  • Waiting to execute

  • Now queuing

  • Wait for start cond.


Units in the following statuses are not monitored:

  • Not registered

  • Not sched. to exe.

  • Bypassed

  • Shutdown

  • Not executed + Ended


A unit enters Not sched. to exe. status if the execution schedule of its nested jobnets differs from that of its higher-level jobnet or if the unit is prohibited from being executed (and has thereby no execution schedule). A unit in Not sched. to exe. status transitions to Skipped so not exe. status if its root jobnet is skipped without execution. In this case, the unit is not monitored although it is in Skipped so not exe. status.

(2) List screen

The List screen displays the job groups and jobnets defined in JP1/AJS3 in a tree or list. You can register root jobnets for execution on the List screen, and then monitor the registered root jobnets on the Dashboard screen.

Figure 9‒4: List screen


(3) Execution agent screen

You can perform operations on execution agents and execution agent groups on the connection-destination JP1/AJS3 - Manager.

Figure 9‒5: Execution agent screen


(4) Monthly Schedule screen

The Monthly Schedule screen allows you to view monthly execution schedules of jobnets and jobs. On this screen, you can also add and change execution schedules.

Figure 9‒6: Monthly Schedule screen


(5) Monitor dialog box

The Monitor dialog box allows you to monitor and check the execution status and results of the jobs or nested jobnets defined for a jobnet in the form of a job flow. Using the dialog box, you can also interrupt job or jobnet execution, rerun a job or jobnet, and change hold attributes.

Figure 9‒7: Monitor dialog box
